Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2159: When the first bird

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Chapter 2159 is the first bird

Mu Qianxi smiled at Shuilong: "Of course it is very good."

"Water Dragon thank you for your compliment." The water dragon respectfully said.

After the auction ended, the storm did not pass.

There are a lot of people who are jealous and want to move. They don’t try the depth of ghost doctors. They will never give up.

However, here is the site of the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce, they dare not act rashly.

After all, even if it is reddening again, and then looking for ghost doctors to settle accounts, they are not daring to offend the Chamber of Commerce, which is awkward.

The management of the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce said: "Ghost doctors, there are important things to do when you are less headed. Can you wait a moment, less will be personally escorted back to the ghost medical building."

Mu Qian said: "No, I don't need him to send it today."

Even if Wan Hao is sent, the hands-on person is not expected to miss this opportunity.

After all, Wan Hao is just a small head of the Chamber of Commerce, not the boss!

Since he has something, he solves it himself.

"This... Ghost doctor is too dangerous."

Mu Qian’s mouth sneered a sneer and walked over and said: “Do you think that my ghost doctor will be afraid of those snake and rat generations?”

This face, which looks extremely young, has made the management of the morning chambers of all major people feel strong pressure.

"Tell me! The nearest to you, the Chamber of Commerce, the enemy of the Chamber of Commerce, and the opening of the restaurant? This ghost doctor is going to care for the car!"

"Ah!" The management was stunned. He didn't understand why the ghost doctor suddenly turned around and asked such a question.

He replied: "It is the opposite of the Huanghao Restaurant, opened by the Emperor. The backstage is hard enough, and the Ming Dynasty secretly suppresses our Chamber of Commerce. But where is their home, we are less opponents."

"Water dragon, let's go! Go to the opposite side to use the meal!" Mu Qianyi waved.

"Yes, master!"

Mu Qianxi walked fast, and he did not have time to react.

Ghost doctors went out like this, so let him arrange the guards!

If you know less about the fact that he is doing this, it is estimated that he will not be able to spare him.

There were countless pairs of eyes staring at the morning auction, and when the goblin teenager came out calmly, they couldn't help but hold their breath.

Such a big man, the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce will definitely send people to protect.

However, they found that there was no guard around, only the blue robe man followed.

This person, most people have seen, is the auctioneer today, estimated to be the most trusted person of ghost doctors.

There are only two people!

The courage of the ghost doctor is too big. Today his medicinal herbs attract people to snap, and his own value is more valuable than this remedy.

He did not fear the danger to come out, is there a conspiracy? Or is this ghost doctor confident in his strength?

They chose to hide in the dark, dare not have any action, and wait and see.

As a result, the ghost doctor did not go directly to the ghost medical building, but went to the Huanghao restaurant.

The people hidden in Huanghao Restaurant were shocked. Did they be discovered?

When I got to the door, the treasurer came to meet.

He smiled and said: "In the adults, please, is it to eat?"

Water Dragon replies: "Yes!"

This cabinet is also a clever person. Although he is not qualified to participate in the auction, he is far away from this young boy and enters the morning auction in the eyes of the public.

This is the big man of this auction, the ghost doctor.

I have prepared the best private room for him, waiting for it, and the task of ordering food is now a water dragon.

Although the water dragon did not wake up for a long time, he already knew the taste of Mu Qianxi.

He ordered the most suitable dishes for Mu Qianxi, not too many and many, just right.

They waited for a meal in the private room, and some of the snakes and rats outside were indeed a slap in the face.

Did they hide perfectly, and the ghost doctors did not find their existence, so they had the mood to eat.

If they are ghost doctors, find a safe place to hide and disappear directly, so that they can't find it.

Then, serve, the elegant dining of the ghost doctor.

When do you start?

Many people have been stunned, and after several intense discussions and struggles, there is still no one to act.

"Homeowner, you must try the ghost doctor to see how much he can bear? Or the Chamber of Commerce will deliberately help him to install mystery."

"Yes! We must debunk the true face of that ghost doctor!"


Not far from a place, these people are talking with the enemy.

And these people are the people of the North Yun family, the largest family of refining drugs in the north.

When they opened the Ghost Medical Building, they slammed the failure and the loss was very bad, but they did not know how to retreat.

The subsequent martyrdom did not have much effect on the ghost medical building, but this time they saw the power of some of the medicines of the ghost doctor.

They are very clear that if the Ghost Medical Building is allowed to grow and develop, the entire East Emperor Dynasty will not have a foothold for their Beiyun family.

The owner of Beiyun is the most unsettled, and they have recently had friction with the ghost medical building, so they finally couldn't stand it and rushed out to be the first bird.

"Go!" North Yunjia main road.

When the owner of the North Cloud was violently killed, Mu Qiang had just finished using the meal.

Looking at someone who didn't rush over, she browed and said, "Do you have anything?"

"I am the owner of the Beiyun family. I have already heard of the name of the ghost doctor. I didn't see the ghost doctor at the auction. Now I am going to find the ghost doctor!" Beiyun's owner smirked.

"See also seen, you can go!" Mu Qianyi waved his hand, like a rush to catch a fly.

There was a sigh of anger on the face of the owner of Beiyun. He said: "The world has said that you are a ghost doctor. You are so unfathomable. The owner is very curious, so I want to try the strength of the ghost doctor, please also Ghost doctors enlighten me."

Mu Qian’s mouth evoked a mocking smile. “I said Beiyun’s owner, your face is really big! You said let me enlighten me, will this ghost doctor give you face? What are you?”

"Ghost doctor, you are too arrogant." North Yunjia master furious, he preemptively started.

At this time, the blue figure flashed, and they were directly blasted out of this room.

The water dragon slowly walked out, and made a barrier in the room where Mu Qiang was located, lest these snake and rat generations go in and disturb his master to drink tea.

"It’s just an ant, I want to play against my master!" The water dragon is like a god, despising them and making them feel like the underground is so low.

This feeling makes these arrogant people angry.

"A slave who followed the ghost doctor, even dared to be so arrogant, looking for death!"

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