Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2160: Pay the price

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Chapter 2160 pays the price

"Boom!" The people of the North Yunjia started, and they all took out the time to watch the house.

Elementalist's display of their powerful spiritual skills, fire system elements, water system elements, and so on...

This man hides the ranks and they can't see through.

But with so many people, can they still make a slave?

The people of the Beiyun family did not know that when he said the two words, the ghosts of the ghost doctors who sat in the private room fell into the blade.

I really don't know how to live!

One of the strongest spiritual masters of the North Yunjia is a guest, who is invited by the guest, a low-level spiritual master of the water element.

In order to fight against the ghost doctors, they have come up with the strongest fighting power of the Beiyun family.

However, playing the water element in front of the water dragon is definitely his tragedy.

The water dragon runs with the water element, and in a moment he wraps the whole water element and the whole person.

He said with amazement: "You... you are also a water element!"

"No... No, I have never seen such a strong, so pure water element, you..."

This is not the most horrifying thing for him. The most horrifying thing is that when he broke free, he once again operated the spiritual power, he found out...

He discovered that his water elemental power was gone, he changed from an elemental spirit to an ordinary spiritual master, and there was no water in his body.

His face was horrified. "You...you...what did you use for me?"

Mu Qianxi is also somewhat surprised. He did not think that the water dragon could deprive the water element of the water element.

But it is also normal, the water dragon is the master of the water. To do this, it is estimated that it can be done with your fingers.

He was terrified to the extreme, the ordinary sorcerer allowed his combat power to weaken a level, and the water elements of the previous hardships were all white, and he simply wanted to vomit blood.

"Damn! Let me recover!"

He rushed to the water dragon desperately, and there were also water elements in the ranks of some people. They did not dare to move forward, for fear of being as miserable as the end of this spiritually respected adult.

There are countless eyes staring at the battle here, and they are all very surprised.

"What did the blue robe man do? It can deprive people of the spiritual power!"

"He didn't do anything? He didn't have strong power fluctuations on his body. Did he do it?"

"This must be a secret method! The secret of the water element can only be cultivated, but we have never heard of it!"

"I don't know if it is permanent or temporary. If it is permanent, it is really terrible."

The North Yunjia master was angry. "What are you afraid of? Give it to me! This special ability, I don't believe that he used it once, and can continue to use it."

They are the people of the Beiyun family. Even if they are afraid, they have to listen to the orders of the North Cloud family. Therefore, these water elements are holy.

As a result, they were deprived of the spiritual power of water without exception, and their faces became gray!

They should not believe the ghosts of the North Cloud patriarch, this man used this mysterious power to use special arbitrariness.

Look at this, don't say that they are a few people, even hundreds of water elements must be recognized.

The water dragon alone picked them up cleanly. At this time, countless medicine needles flew over. They had been injured by the water dragon, and there was no strength to dodge.

"Puff puff!"

When the needles pierced their skin, they screamed badly and were poisonous!

The body didn't have any discomfort, but soon they knew what was wrong?

"Oh ah..."

They couldn’t speak, and they stared at the fairy-tale boy, "ah...ah..."

They were poisoned.

Mu Qianqi slowly came out and said coldly: "If you just said something, I really don't like listening. This is good, you will not say anything that you can't listen to."

Water dragons can be demeaning!

"Oh ah..." Antidote, antidote! They want to yell, but they can't say it.

Although they did not speak, Mu Qianzhen still guessed what they wanted to say.

Mu Qiandao said: "Are you Beiyunjia is not the first big refining family in the north of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty? Just a little poisonous, aren't you going to refine your own antidote?"

"Moreover, if you are incompetent, isn't there another old homeowner who has passed the North Palace's remedies? He must be able to refine it."

The fact is so, but this poisonous evil door is very, the North Yun family owner can not touch a doorway.

Can not beat, but also poisoned, under the North Yun family is a little scared.

He waved and asked them to go back and wait until the study came out to dissolve the drug.


They turned and left, and Mu Qian looked at their backs: "The owner of Beiyun, I will inform you of one thing. Today, what you have done at Beiyunjia is to pay the price. My ghost doctor can't accommodate you. Home, so you'd better prepare for the response so that you don't get rid of it too quickly, and there is no challenge."

The head of Beiyun’s family was white. Before the ghost medical building did not have any action, they could not bear the North Yunjia.

If the Ghost Medical Building takes the initiative to attack, when will the Beiyun family survive?

Beiyun’s main fist is clenched, **** kid, don’t be too proud, but more than one of them wants to do it to him, and walk!

A servant of the Ghost Doctor is so powerful that the strength of the team is not as good as that of the North Yun family.

The North Cloud family is over, they don’t want to play with them without interest.

The North Yunjia fiasco, but did not let some people give up trying to detect ghost doctors.

A broken voice came, and countless tiny poisonous needles came toward Mu Qian.

These poisonous needles are black in color and are obviously poisonous.

The water shield blocked the poisonous needles, and the poison on the poison needles all disappeared, and they were washed and cleaned.


The water dragon's hand waved, and some of the poison needles fell into the hands of Mu Qian.

The poison was washed away, and some of the poison needles fell on Mu Qian’s hands, just like ordinary needles.

So the ghost doctors took the road and let the poison needle re-apply a layer of poison. Afterwards, she said to the water dragon: "Water dragon, pull out those who dare to attack me."

"Yes! Master."

The blue figure disappeared in place, and the group of people at the black medical door felt bad and ran!

A horrible force shrouded the entire space, and a burst of explosions came out.

Some people in the black medical door are in the box next door to this restaurant. The explosion, the entire restaurant collapsed.

"Hey!" The few people were thrown into the face of Mu Qianxi like a rag.

"Ghost doctor, ghost doctor, don't mess, we are black people." They panic.

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