Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2161: President of the emperor

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Chapter 2161, President of the Royal Chamber of Commerce

"The people at the black medical door are too small to see me as a ghost doctor! The black medical door owner is almost the same, and some of your little chop is not enough for me to deliver food!"

When Mu Qian’s hand moved, the poisonous needles pierced their necks.

"This poison needle is returned to you."


Toxicity is very fast, and some of these people are red-hot.

They hated each other and then they were beaten up and beaten like a demon.

But everyone knows that this is not a devil, but a poison, the poison of the ghost doctor is also very terrible!

In a short time, the poisonous needle of the black medical door was attacked.

Then a new kind of poison was released. This kind of poison is even worse for the strong black medicine door. It is really powerful.


Compared with the black doctor, the people of the Beiyun family seem to be much more relaxed, that is, they can't talk.

When they were secretly stunned and did not dare to start to admire Mu Qian, another person in the private room: "Adult, we... do we do it?"

When they had not had time to start, suddenly the horrible soul spread out.

Those who are hidden in the dark are just like a behemoth.

Their bodies tremble, this soul, so powerful soul.

Is it the soul of a ghost doctor? This breath is so horrible?

Their backs were infiltrated by cold sweat. They never knew that there are still people in this world who can be so powerful that they are powerful doctors!

The water dragon stood on the side of Mu Qian’s body: “The snake and rat generations hiding in the dark, or you will fight with me in the light, or you will immediately go far away. My master does not like being stared at. And."

The soul of Mu Qiang's soul is crushed, and the spiritual power of the water dragon is crushed, which makes many people's faces become extremely pale. They feel very difficult every time they take a step.

If the two of them want to start, they are expected to flash away in an instant.

Such people, where do they dare to provoke?

run! Leave here at the fastest speed, the farther away the two dangerous people are.

Sure enough, there are countless figures around the panic away from this Huanghao restaurant, and then rushed to Yuehaicheng.

When they think of staying with such a terrible character, they are extremely upset.


Some of the people at the Black Medical Gate are still beating, and people have already come out, and some people are seriously injured.

At this time, a young man appeared here.

He waved his hand and made people stunned the black people.

To his hand: "Take these guests back to the black doctor door."


Mu Qianxi swept through this Jinpao youth, he did not look like a 30-year-old.

However, if the person is a high person, the skin can not represent the age of a person. This appearance may mean that the age is over 100 years old.

The young gentle smile: "I am Mulan Luo, the president of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce. Let the ghost doctors be disturbed by others in my Huanghao restaurant. It is our restaurant that is not thoughtful."

"Since it is not good for your Huanghao restaurant, then the ghost doctor's meal, you are exempted, and the loss here is that some people take the initiative to provoke, you should also go to the black medical door and Beiyun home compensation ,right?"

Compared to the low-key appearance of Mulan Luo, Wan Hao appeared very high-profile, wearing gorgeous and dazzling, but also with a group of people.

Mulan Luodao: "What do you mean by Wan Hao?"

This Huanghao restaurant was badly damaged, plus each of them was extremely luxurious, and the compensation was a lot more.

Mu Qian’s mouth was slightly pumped. He was so rushed in time to make her exempt and free of compensation.

Mulan Luo looks like a good temper, not only free of orders, does not have to pay compensation, even gave her a purple gold card.

In the future, you can dine in any restaurant of the Emperor's Chamber of Commerce in the East Emperor Dynasty, all free of charge.

This is really very generous, and Wan Hao is absolutely reluctant to let her drink white and white at the restaurant of the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce, and Ms. Qian is in her heart.

"Thank you for your kindness, I will accept it."

Mulan Luodao: "Ghost doctor, I have some things, I want to discuss with the ghost doctors, but the Huanghao restaurant has become like this, we have to change a place to discuss."

Change a place, man! It is natural to discuss the big things to go to the Golden Cave.

As a competitor, Wan Hao knows very well the behavior of this individual.

He said: "That's good! That side is the restaurant of our morning chamber of commerce, I will lead the ghost doctor."

At this time, I don’t forget to pull the business for myself, and I will gently smoke my mouth.

Mulan Luo's face sank, this Wan Hao is definitely to spoil the situation, for fear that the ghost doctor promised to cooperate with him.

However, Mu Qianhui replied: "Okay!"

"Since it is the meaning of a ghost doctor, then we have passed." Mulanlo's gentle and elegant road.

The ghost doctor also used the meal, but Wan Hao ordered a lot.

Mulan Luo knows his character, this meal is naturally not a slap in the face, and eventually has to pay.

This little money is nothing to him, but it has been pitted again and again by the kid, saying that he doesn't care, it is a lie.

Mulan Luodao: "I have important things to talk about with ghost doctors. If you don't have a family, you can't move."

"You definitely don't talk about things that don't matter. I eat at the side. You talk slowly. I didn't have time to eat after picking up the ghost doctor today."

This is awkward, too shameless, and his face flashed with anger.

This is Wandi’s site. Mulanlu has no way to rush. He said: “Ghost doctor, I also participated in your exclusive auction today. Ghost doctors’ medicines and medicines are indeed extraordinary. I want to see the emperor’s business. I want to buy a batch of medicinal herbs and medicines from the Ghost Medical Building."

"Go directly to the Ghost Medical Building to buy it. My ghost medical building is not big, but the medicinal herbs inside are enough for your Royal Chamber of Commerce."

His meaning is not simply a trading relationship. He wanted to invite ghost doctors to join the Emperor Chamber of Commerce to serve the royal family of the Eastern Empire.

But looking at the tricks of his ghost doctors before, he did not dare to be so direct, only to say this wronged, did not expect him to understand his meaning.

Mu Qiandao said: "Do you want to have a discount? Do you want to buy more discounts? Naturally, there are discounts. Everything is done according to the regulations. But I have not intervened in the management affairs. You can contact me at the Ghost Medical Building. Governing things."

Mulan Luo, who is in the mall, is encountering hardships. The meaning of ghost doctors is obvious. He is only responsible for refining medicines. Nothing else is left, I don’t know, you are looking for the wrong person.

The pair of pale green scorpions of the boy looks very clear, and the whole person looks super nice.

He seems to be harmless, innocent and ignorant, and seems to really not understand the windings that are good at it.

"The son?" Since the kid didn't understand, he turned his eyes to the water dragon.

As a result, the water dragon replied: "I am listening to the master's instructions."

Mulan Luo felt that his chest was stuffy, and the first time he talked about business, he was so wrong.

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