Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2181: Can't use shadow

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He knows that the relationship between Yan and Feng Yunxiu is not normal, but Feng Yunxiu is the shadow of Mu Linyi, who can do anything for Mu Lin.

I may be ruthless to Feng Yun’s hands, but Feng Yunxiu may not be able to show his mercy!

In the next door than the test site, Mu Lin's mouth twitched slightly, and the bottom flashed a cold light.

She went to Feng Yunxiu and Feng Yunxiu to the pair of blinds.

Mu Lin swears: Yun Xiu, can you let me down again!

The light of Feng Yunxiu was dark, then turned to look at Mu Qianxi.

Even if Ms. Qian is extremely unwilling to face Feng Yunxiu's opponent, she is extremely calm.

"Let me see all the strengths of the guardian of the family, Mu Lin's guardian!" she began.

"Two of the strongest three people are on, and Muz seems to be very confident."

"I see that Muxi is too happy to be too early! Didn't you find out that the family was not in the previous test, and there was no use of the family's school."

"The shadow of the family, it is a very terrible opponent, he did not use it at all, it can be seen that the young master of the family has always retained strength."

Obviously, for this match, obviously they are more optimistic about Feng Yunxiu.

Someone said: "I hope this time, we have the opportunity to see the shadow of the family."

A hurricane, a myriad of curves hit Mu Qian.

He is very clear, the power of this woman in front of her.

"The wind is the shield!"

The wind and zero lupins burst out with the same violent wind elemental power, blocking the attack of Feng Yunxiu.

The two men run the wind elemental power, and there are countless rounds between the electric and light stone fires.

At this time, countless rockets attacked the chest of Mu Qian, and the horrible elements of fire broke out.

Zhuque fist clenched, **** Feng Yunxiu, so many times he was merciful to him, his shot was a deadly attack.

It seems that he is ironic and wants to be a running dog of Mu Lin, will not change his determination because of anything, really want to kill this guy.

"Wind, cold moon!"

In the face of a strong fire element attack, Mu Qianyi still calmly and copingly responded.

"Hey!" In another test, Mu Linyi solved the opponent as quickly as possible.

Next, she paid attention to the battle between Mu Qian and Feng Yunxiu.

She is still satisfied with the performance of Feng Yunxiu today.

Feng Yunxiu is faster, and people can't see it quickly. Countless winds are in danger of tearing everything apart.

"The wind is falling!"

"Wind, broken star!"

The attack of the wind element made people feel scared.

Many of the strong players present have to admire the two young geniuses who have great control over the elements of the wind. They are afraid that not many people can match the talents of the wind element cultivation.

Feng Yunxiu is not just a seal of elemental spirits, but the overbearing fire elemental spirit also erupted at the same time to attack Mu Qian.

Everyone admired the power of the two-line elemental spirit. If it was not for the family to be destroyed, Feng Yunxiu became the next owner of the family, and it is estimated that the family could be brought to a new height.

The two confronted each other and the war was terrifying.

As time went by, they found that this was no longer an ordinary test, but more like a battle of life and death.

The two of them can't show a little flaw, and once they get caught up in the flaws, they will pay a heavy price.

Mu Qian's wrist moved, the whole wind and zero plume were separated, and the speed of the fan blade was fast, and the lightning rushed to Feng Yunxiu.

This time, Mu Qiang’s attack was very fast, and Feng Yunxiu rushed out of the fire.

A fireball wrapped him up so that the dangerous fan leaf couldn't get closer to him.

The purple figure swayed directly to Feng Yunxiu, and did not care about the flame.

"Wind, broken star!"

The power of the broken star river slammed into the big fireball at a close distance. The fire element was blasted away, and Feng Yunxiu retreated a dozen steps.

Everyone was also a little shocked, and the attack of Mu Qian’s resolute and fierce attack actually took the upper hand.

The long sword of Feng Yunxiu burst into a powerful power and swept toward Mu Qian.

"Booming!" Between the two, they did not know how many rounds, the whole test field is full of chill.

In this battle, the two men fought for a long time.

Already there is a general competition to complete the competition, and Mu Qianxi and Feng Yunxiu are still playing the same, which makes Mu Linyi very unhappy.

Too slow, Yun Xiu actually let that one of the admirers linger for so long than the test bench.

Obviously there are ways to solve the problem with the faster speed.

Yun Xiu's strength and talent are very strong. Without revealing her three elements, she is very clear that it is difficult to defeat Yun Xiu, and she must do her best.

The slender arm moved, and the unwelcome one hit the past.

"Sirlo India!"

The overbearing one fell, and the defense of the wind and fire elements of Feng Yunxiu was blasted.

The face of the seal element changed slightly, followed by the continuous eruption of the wind element.

"Wind, broken star!"

"Wind, silence!"



The black figure was blasted out, and the hand holding the sword had blood falling from the sleeves.

The crowd was shocked: "Feng Yunxiu was injured."

"Mu Yu actually injured Feng Yunxiu!"

"This is not right! At this time of the seal of the Lord, why not apply the seal of the family, seal the shadow of the family!"

"Is it true that the family leader has not learned to seal the family?"

"This is impossible! If the family does not learn, I am afraid that there is no such qualification, and it will become the shadow of His Royal Highness."

Mu Lin’s face was condensed with a layer of frost. Yun Xiu was a genius who had a hard time in the family. His shadow was very powerful, but he still didn’t need it at this time.

What does he want to do?

Is he going to be merciful to that one? I dare not listen to her orders!

Feng Yunxiu has been injured, and Mu Qianzhen still attacked him unceremoniously.

A strong element of the wind and the spirit of the attack, so that Feng Yun repair is difficult to parry.

"Puff puff!"

There are more and more blood marks on Feng Yunxiu's body. The excitement is: "It's good to beat, and guys like him should be ruthless!"

"Hey!" The blood spilled from the corner of Feng Yunxiu's mouth.

He is very clear that the result of using shadow is still the same, he can't win.

In the face of her, his shadow is out of control, it is impossible to attack her, he does not want His Royal High to find this.

As a shadow of His Highness, it should have been absolutely loyal, and no secret should be hidden from His Royal Highness, but another voice told him, no!

Mu Lin is not looking down, her eyes are cold. Feng Yunxiu was her person, and she was injured by a wild donkey. This is just hitting her face.

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