Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2182: He can't lose

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Mu Lin 琅 directly said: "Yun Xiu, use the shadow, don't let her die too easy, first scrapped her and said. Hear no."

Someone is uploading a tone in this game, which is not in accordance with the rules.

However, the elders who monitored the entire test site were the emperors of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty. They found that it was Mu Lin’s voice, naturally it was an eye and closed one eye.

Originally, I felt that the strength of this kid was good. Even a wild girl couldn’t cope with it. He also asked His Royal Highness to worry about him. It was a waste!

Feng Yunxiu took some long-handed swords and once again confronted Mu Qianxi.

Feng Yunxiu did not give up in the expectation of Mu Qianxi. If he gave up after receiving these injuries, it would not be Yun Xiu.

And Mu Lin is still watching, as long as he still has a breath, he is not expected to give up defeating her.

Feng Yunxiu once again started to work, and after dozens of rounds, he still did not use the shadow.

Mu Lin’s face is even more ugly. He still disobeys the order. How is it possible?

"Yun Xiu, if you lose today, you are not qualified to be my shadow, never want to see me again, you can do it yourself!" Mu Lin sullen.

Feng Yunxiu’s pair of amber scorpions sinks, he can’t lose! Never lose!

That is his most important person, he can't stand the result of never seeing her.

Next, Feng Yunxiu’s attack was a bit crazy, killing the enemy eight hundred and losing a thousand.

Many people have seen this scene also stunned. "The Lord is too crazy, he is not going to die?"

"Don't you have any scorpions in the home?" The shadows can't be used."


Even Mu Linyi has such doubts, he can not use the shadow.

She cursed: Damn, it is a problem at this time.

Feng Yunxiu's attacks are becoming more and more fierce, and the horrible wind and the fire elemental spirit must drown Mu Qianxi.

This lethality is extremely striking. If it wasn’t for Mu Qian’s own physical strength, he was seriously injured.

Mu Qiang’s gloomy sighs to Mully, who watched this contest. The previous soul power fluctuations she noticed, what did Mu Lin say to Yun Xiu?

Let him die even if he is dead.

Today's cloud repair is very strong, but it is squeezing his potential in endless, and now it is almost the end of the road.

The other trials are all over, but the enthusiasm of the players is still not reduced.

Mu Yi and Feng Yun repair a battle, the absolute most exciting test, very thrilling.

Sure enough, the consumption of Feng Yun repair can not support it.

Mu Qianyi opened the wind Ling Yu fan, cold channel: "Wind, star broken!"

The horrible wind element attacked, and the wind and the waves swept away. The people couldn’t help but squeeze a cold sweat for Feng Yun. This should not stop!

"Boom!" A loud bang came out, and the whole test bench was shaking violently.

Some people are not really looking at it, are they still alive, are they still alive?

Mu Hao, won?

At this time, Feng Yun repaired his knee on the ground and supported the sword to support himself not to fall. His eyes were very firm and he could not lose.

He turned to look at Mu Lin, he could not lose, and there was deep mourning in the blind.

The sky suddenly darkened and thundered in a flash.

Everyone was astonished: "This... the Lord is to break through and break through the Spirit!"

"God! Is it so fast to seal the Lord?"


Feng Shao is not old enough, even smaller than his sister.

Not long ago, His Royal Highness broke through the Spirit of the Holy Spirit, and the Lord of the Seals had to break through this time. The talent of this young master is probably higher than that of His Royal Highness.

Mu Lin stood up, her face changed, looking at Feng Yunxiu, this...this is impossible...

Even Yan’s smile is fun, it’s really fun!

Mu Lin broke through the spirit of the Holy Spirit, can not wait to hold this time the dynasty of the East Dynasty dynasty, in order to tell him how genius!

Nowadays, a more talented person, who is younger than her age, wants to break through the spiritual sanctuary in front of so many people. Her first genius position does not need to be swayed, and it is estimated that she will be shaken.

Even if Feng Yunxiu is her person, it is estimated that Mu Lin’s mood will be wonderful now!

Mu Lin’s eyes are murderous, not only for Mu Qian, but also for Yun Yunxiu.

She whispered: "What is going on in the end? How can Feng Yunxiu break through? Have you guaranteed me with it? He will be stuck in the peak of the 9th level of Lingzong. If you are lucky, you can break through. How is it now? What happened?" There was a voice in the darkness. "No way, the kid is too deep on you. You threaten him like that. He doesn't want to lose too much, so he breaks. He has to say that he The talent is really terrible, even if you have sent him to the place where the spirit of the Quartet is not enough.

And also catch up with His Royal Highness so quickly! ”

"If this is not the case, it is estimated that today's Feng Yunxiu has long since passed down your Highness."

Mu Lin’s fist is screaming. “No, you must stop Feng Yunxiu, you can’t let him break through, absolutely not.”

However, under the public, she could not send people to stop.

"You don't have to worry about your highness. Now that the kid is hurt, can you still break through the safety problem! Also, can you be a fool when you are a fool? Let Feng Yunxiu become a spiritual sage, she will not win!"

The words of this person calmed Mu Lin.

Her mouth sneered a sneer, and it was also said that Feng Yunxiu could not break through.

At this time, other people also sighed: "Hey! So younger than to break through the Spirit, the talent of the seal is amazing! Unfortunately, it is not the time to break through!"

"Yes! Break through the test, his opponent is stupid will let him break!"

"If this time is unsuccessful, I want to have such an opportunity in the future. I don't know how long I have to wait."

At this time, Feng Yunxiu did not have their fears. He hit all the energy and thought about the thunder.

As for Mu Yu...

Even if it is an opponent, at this time, my heart is involuntarily trusting her!


Thunder and lightning are about to hit, this time is the best mobile phone meeting of Mu Qian.

However, Mu Qianxi was far away from Feng Yunxiu. She said: "You are a respectable opponent! I am looking forward to seeing you after you advance to Lingsheng! I hope you don't want it. The promotion failed, let me down!"

After that, she closed her eyes and healed her strength.

In fact, she has some concerns in her heart. The seriously injured Yun Xiu is not in a good state of thunder, but now the East Emperor dynasty looks so many eyes, Mu Lin also looks at her, she is not suitable for help, Yun Xiu will not let !

Everyone looked at Mu Qianxi with a stunned look. "I didn't expect that although Mu Yi was a woman, there was such a gentleman's style, and there was no danger of choosing a monk."

"Mu Wei is the genius I admire at the bottom of my heart!" "This kind of character, you don't have to spend a lot of time, you will become a peerless master."

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