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She... She actually missed such a good opportunity to find death?

Mu Lin’s anger is unstoppable, and she can’t wait to rush directly to take Mu Qian’s life away.

Now, I can only hope that Fengyun has failed to pass the thunderbolt!


The silver thunder light wrapped up Feng Yunxiu, and the power of Ray was very brutal. Everyone worried about this family.

Once he can't get through, he will probably be seriously injured.

Mu Qiang closed his eyes. When the lightning dropped, the eyelashes moved slightly, but the face did not show other expressions.

When that thunderbolt stopped, Feng Yunxiu was still there, and did not fall down. However, this thunder penalty did not end so fast!


Again and again, drop the thunder!

"Three! It's already three."

The more the number of thunders experienced in the promotion of the Spiritual Sanctuary, the higher the talent that represents this person.

One representative is normal, and the three have already represented him with a good talent.

Moreover, it has not ended after three passes.

There is still a strong thunder in the sky, and it will soon drop the fourth.

Feng Yunxiu still supports it now, showing that he has extraordinary willpower.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

And he continued to drop three times in a row. Feng Yunxiu had already been jealous at this time, and he insisted on his teeth.

Can't fall down anyway, can't fail!

The only thing he can use now is the medicinal herbs and medicines piled up in the space, all of which are used, hoping to keep him through this disaster.

"Boom!" It was another loud noise.

"The seventh is!" Mu Lin smashed these four words out of her teeth.

Not many people know about her promotion to Lingsheng, so the world does not know that the thunder that she passed to the spiritual sanctuary is seven, not the top nine.

Nowadays, Feng Yunxiu has also weathered seven thunders, and his talent is so terrible.


The seventh thunderbolt, let Feng Yun repair fall.

At this time, he was extremely embarrassed, and the breath was so weak that everyone thought he was so degraded.

At this time, the breath of the Spiritual Holy Spirit broke out from the test bench, and Feng Yunxiu stood up.

Although the body is still scarred, but after breaking through the Spirit, his spiritual power is extremely abundant.

The two elements of the wind and fire are screaming, and Feng Yun repairs the whole person like a lightning and rushes to Mu Qian.

At this time, it is obvious to everyone that the gap between the peak of Lingzong and the spiritual sanctuary is only a step away, but the power is far apart.


This time, Mu Qianxi can't avoid it, and Feng Yunxiu's explosive power is amazing.

"Do you want to lose?"

"It's a pity that she can easily win."

"Who can make her swear, deserve it."

The front caught an attack from a spiritual sacred, and Mu Qian was not hit hard, but it seemed a little embarrassing.

"The strength of the spirit of the Holy Spirit, really a lot!" Mu Qiang's face showed a smile, then she also waved the wind and zero fan counterattack.

Others were shocked, "She has successfully defended it!"

"A good metamorphosis defense ability, the spirit of the attack can be left."

"Wind, broken star!"

"The pole of fire, the cloud is gone!"

"Booming!" There was a horrible noise on the test floor, and everyone looked at the two figures with a stunned look.

Feng Yunshuo, who became the first-order spiritual sage, stormed. As for Mu Xi, she did not seem to need to use extra strength to defend, but directly attacked with her physical low-grade attack, and then went back in desperate counterattack.

This is a crazy play, and the genius present is also estimated that only Mu Yan dare to do this, because there is no strong physical strength, using such a strategy to estimate that serious injuries have been abolished.


Strong collision, incomparable thrills, the result of this battle, who wins and who loses, no one can predict.

Mulin’s nephew was screaming dangerously, staring at Mu Qianxi. “The strength of this one is getting stronger again. How long has it been?”

"His Highness, this one is very difficult to deal with! You are best to do a good job, you must not underestimate her, or you will encounter her words in the tenth game, it is likely to have big trouble." A hoarse voice came from the darkness.

"I understand that I will never let anyone be stronger than me! This princess has been working hard for so many years, and will never let a wild girl break my good deeds." Mu Lin squinted.


The will of the two men broke out to the extreme. This is a hard battle. At the end of the battle, it is the endurance and stamina of the fight.

Endurance is not lacking, but the endurance comes to the back, what is needed is to restore the spiritual supplement.

Unfortunately, when Feng Yunxiu spent the thunderstorm, he consumed the medicinal herbs, so that he has no way at all.

Mu Lin also found this, not good...

Feng Yunxiu is the shadow of Mu Linyi, who is in the nearest position from Mu Linyi. Many geniuses of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty are very envious of him, but they may not think that Feng Yunxiu’s cultivation resources are not comparable. Linda's other guards.

This time, Mu Lin did not let people prepare too many remedies for Feng Yunxiu.

Even if Feng Yunxiu is a spiritual sanctuary, it is very difficult to defeat Mu Yi.

"Yun Xiu, if you want to lose, don't lose the fastest! Give me the energy of her as much as possible, and the remedy!" Mu Lin ordered.

Feng Yunxiu continued to fight again, and the consumption of spiritual power could not be defeated again, but because of the order of Mu Linyi, I shot again!


Feng Yunxiu, who lacked spiritual strength, was defeated by Mu Qian, and his body shape was awkward.

"Feng Yun Xiu Ling is exhausted and has to lose!"

"This game has been playing for so long, and I didn't expect to win in the end. It would be Mu Yan!"


When everyone has already set a conclusion for the results of this test, they did not expect that even so, Feng Yunxiu still did not give up.

After the spiritual power is exhausted, you can also fight!

Even if he is already scarred, the wounds on his body will split and bleed, but he will rush to Murqin.

Without spiritual power, even if it is a good trick, the skill is good, and you can't beat a person who uses spiritual combat.

After all, Mu Chengzhen is a spiritual sect, but it is not a spiritual person who first cultivated spiritual power.

When Feng Yunxiu approached, Mu Yan also collected his own spiritual power.

"Mu Yu Ling Li has not been exhausted, and she does not even use spiritual power. Is this going to be a fair fight with Feng Yunxiu?"

"She is still so confident, isn't she afraid of accidentally overturning the ship in the gutter?"


Mu Qianqi cold channel: "Since you are still not willing to admit defeat, then I will accompany the end! Feng Yunxiu!" "Hey!" Mu Qiang's arm force, and swept toward the clouds.

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