Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2204: Have an affair

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Mu Lin’s heart is so angry! Let Mu Qianyi think that they can fight.

But let Mu Qianyu be disappointed, they did not fight.

After all, the most important task for them now is to get her first!

The East Emperor Dynasty and the Beigong Dynasty had too many people, and most of the ghost medical buildings were wounded and seriously injured.

Although they are worried about the Millennium, they can only choose to follow the plan that Muqian first arranged.

They quickly retreated under the cover of the shackles, and soon there were only two people around the entire Ghost House.

Others are embarrassed. "Some people in the Ghost Medical Building are betraying the ghost medical building and escaping?"

"After all, the ghost medical building is on the opposite side of the East Dynasty and the North Palace, and smart people don't want to be in such a dangerous situation!"

"It seems that the splendid ghost medical building will end here today."

The people of the East Emperor and the North Palace also thought that some of them were deserters. Since they were deserters, and many of them were masters of good refining drugs, they did not want to waste their hands and killed those people.

The two couldn't get the water dragons, they were ready to use the wheel to fight the power of the water dragon, and some people went to attack the little ink.

On the side of Mu Qianxi, there is no order from Prince Beigong and Princess Lin, they dare not intervene.

And they also believe that the genius of the two five-star forces standing on the tip of the pyramid, there is absolutely a way to clean up Muhammad. Mu Lin smirked with a smile: "Mu Wei, the ghost doctors all abandoned you. It seems that you are not important in the mind of that ghost doctor. No one has taken care of your life. I advise you. Still give up struggling! I think you can rely on such a force, you can fight with my East King Dynasty

? ”

Mu Qian said: "Mu Lin, you said so much nonsense? If there is no North Palace, who is still dead?"

The purple body shadow is airborne for countless residual images. Today's situation is a Jedi dilemma, but she and the water dragon should be able to escape.

"Yanlong bless the water element spiritual power!"

"Okay, master!"

The North Palace has always kept a hand, and Mu Qian is just avoiding his attack and never actively attacking the North Palace.

She is wrapped in Mu Lin, after all, the persimmon has to pick a soft pinch, compared to the North Palace, Mu Lin is definitely a soft persimmon.

The fan blades of the wind and zero lupins are open, and the elements of the wind rush out and rush toward Mu Lin.

"Wind, broken star!"

Before the attack of the North Palace, Mu Qianyi shot again, and the horrible flame swept away toward Mu Lin.


Mulin 琅 resisted the attack of this flame, although it did not hinder, but the clothes were burnt and some were broken.

She was awkward, and this time she ate a big loss with a passive attack.

Her look changed a lot and once again rushed to Mu Qian.


They have been fighting this for a long time, Mu Qian’s body is not hurt, and Mu Lin is also incomparably wolf, and Mu Qianyi has greeted her on her face.

Compared to the two women's wolverines, the North Palace must be somewhat different. He seems to have suffered nothing.

Is it because the North Palace is too strong? Mu Lin felt that this was not right.

It seems that Mu Yan is trying to avoid hurting the North Palace. Do they have problems with both of them?

After one or two temptations, Mu Lin found that it was true.

The two of them are absolutely private, and the North Palace is not simple in the East Dynasty.

Mu Lin is thinking about this matter. At this time, she is distracted. It is completely for the opportunity of Mu Qian.

Although the North Palace was aware of the actions of Mu Qian, but did not intend to help Mu Lin.

Mu Qianzhen spurred the two elements of the wind and fire, and instantly attacked Mu Lin.


This force directly flew out Mu Lin.

"Hey!" Mu Lin smashed from the air and smashed a huge stone directly.

"Ah!" A scream came out, she vomited blood.

"His Royal Highness!"

"His Royal Highness!"

The faces of the East Emperor’s dynasty changed greatly, and the action was clear and foolproof, but they also injured His Royal Highness.

If they blame it, they can't blame.

At this time, the figure of the water dragon flashed out and fell to the side of Mu Qian.

"Master!" he shouted in a low voice.

"Hey!" On the other side, Xiao Momo also solved the two weeds.

Mu Qianxi waved: "Small ink, we withdraw!"

"Okay, master!"

Mu Qianxi, they rushed out of the encirclement at the fastest speed and rushed out of Nanwangcheng.


"Absolutely not let them run!"


The healing holy medicine is still used, and Mulin has been relieved.

She shouted: "Go to chase, hurry up! Must not let her run away!"

"His Royal Highness, you need to recover from the wound, let us solve this matter!"

"No! I have to personally see her miserable end to be willing!" Mu Lin gnawed her teeth.

Although she is now suffering all over her body, she insists on biting her teeth.

He stared angrily at the North Palace. If the North Palace wants to save her, there is an opportunity, but this guy does not.

He felt that this guy was deliberately acting with Mu Yu, deliberately covering Mu Yi to escape, and they had an unclear relationship.

Mu Lin was supported by people and stood up. She said to her: "Hey, I will send people to look at the Prince of the North Palace! This action will not require the Prince of the North Palace to join, and send people to return to the East Palace to rest."

Things have not yet been clarified, the North Palace must not leave the East Emperor Dynasty, but can not let him come to trouble, in the way.

"But...that is the Prince of the North Palace!" The king was a little embarrassed.

"Here is the Eastern Emperor Dynasty, it is not that his Prince of the North Palace has the final say, but I have the final say." Mu Lin sighed.

Prince Beigong said helplessly: "It is my mistake to let Princess Lin's injury hurt. I am sorry! You are not happy, I will go back."

The performance of the Prince of the North Palace is very cooperative. The king of the king arranged the humanity: "Come on! Send the Prince of the North Palace back to the East Palace!"


Pursuing the admiration is the main force, and the strength of the **** of the Prince of the North Palace to the East Palace is not so good.

Mulin is somewhat dissatisfied, but this is no way.

They can't give up the opportunity to capture the admiration in order to control the North Palace.

Nowadays, Mu Xi is isolated and helpless. No one can help her. There is only one strong guard, and there is a first-order beast-level contract beast. It is really good to deal with.


When Mu Lin tried to catch up with them, the North Palace said: "We also leave the South King City!"

Some of the people of the Eastern Emperor’s dynasty found that the Prince of the North Palace was not going to the East King’s Palace. They said: “The Prince of the North Palace, the Highness of the Lord, has ordered, and you are invited to return to the East Palace. We have some important things to do. ask you."

"Mu Lin is only the princess of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty, but I am the crown prince of the Northern Palace dynasty. Why did she order this palace to listen?" The North Palace is absolutely cold.

"The Prince of the North Palace, you are..."

"Stunned people!" North Palace absolutely ordered his men.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!"

These guards are not worth mentioning, and they are directly stunned. "Catch up with Mu Xi, this time must bring him back to the North Palace dynasty!" North Palace is determined to win.

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