Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2205: Qingying wakes up

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When chasing the city, the North Palace Dynasty appeared again a group of masters.

The appearance of the Prince of the North Palace, the East Emperor naturally wants to keep one hand. They can't tell the Prince of the North Palace all the strength of all the people involved in this operation.

Now that they are separated, they use the power of this part.

Their current combat power can definitely solve the problem.

Among the mountains one hundred miles away from the South King City, Mu Qianxi was surrounded by Mu Lin.

Mu Lin was taken out by the help of people, and coldly said: "Mu Wei, the entire East Emperor mainland belongs to the Eastern Emperor Dynasty, no matter where you flee, it is useless?"

"Oh! I know!" Mu Qianyi faintly replied.

"Don't you take you to the North Palace to take you to the North Palace? So you are always sympathetic to him, and he is fascinated by him..."

Ms. Qian’s mouth screamed and said: "Mu Lin, your eyes are too bad! Even if you are with the North Palace, I will not!"

She didn't want to hurt the North Palace, it was because it was a white body.

For the North Palace, she hated the bones and wanted to tear him away.

I didn’t think that this Mu Lin’s noise didn’t look like this!

A hoarse voice came from behind Mu Lin. "His Royal Highness, don't waste time with this little girl, kill it directly!"

"Hands!" Mu Lin swears.

She can't wait to let Mu Yu become a prisoner.

This old man is a powerful guy, and he is even better than the king. He took the lead and rushed to the front of the king.

The water dragon runs the water element and swept it out to stop this guy. The old man once again shot!

"Boom!" A loud noise, the two men collided together.

Centered on them, a huge hole was blown out in this holy forest.

See how amazing the power is!

The power of terror is skyrocketing, and the spirit beasts and even the beasts of this mountain range are scared to transfer to other mountains.

The North Palace was also chased at this time, feeling that the power fluctuated, saying: "On the other side, let's go!"

"His Royal Highness, watching the movements of the place, the East Emperor Dynasty also sent more than one peak of spirit. If Mu Yu was caught by them, we are not good at robbing people from the East Dynasty." Guard road. The North Palace replied: "You have such concerns, you can see that it is too small to see you. If you are so good to deal with Muxi, I will not marry her body again and again. The secret of her body. There are a lot of people who want to really win her. It’s not that simple.

Part of the power is the best time for us to get started. ”

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!"

In the big battle before the Ghost Medical Building, he did not do his best, and he wanted to deliberately let Mu Hao run, so that he could have the opportunity to act alone and seize the opportunity.

Of course, it is not easy to act alone, so he is going to be the one who is going to catch the oriole.

The North Palace is definitely a master planner. This time, the Millennium is absolutely impossible to run.


Two people are entangled in the water dragon, and Mu Qian and Xiao Mo Mo are so many people who have no chance to escape.

Although the water dragon helped the two to remove the obstacles when dealing with the two people, it was not enough!

Mu Linyi feels that she has won the prize, and she can’t escape!

The 保护 that protects the Millennium is also destroyed. Crystal Ying said: "Hey, let me leave you!"

Crystal Ying can transfer them to any place.

Although some of the unhappy water dragons can't solve these troubles, they need to use a lot of space to send them away, but this is the best way to protect the owner.

Water Dragon Road: "Master, let Crystal Ying do it!"

Before the crystal Ying hands, suddenly a burst of light blue light broke out from the body of Mu Qianxi, and some trees destroyed by powerful forces broke out in a life.

A blue figure appeared in front of Mu Qianxi, such as the waterfall's ink flying, the perfect facial features, the whole person's serenity is like an ink painting.

"Thousands, Qingying wakes up!"

"I will protect you!"

Qingying turned back, and the pair of calm scorpions swayed a little and looked at Mu Qianxi.

Sleeping again, Qingying, who woke up again, looked at her eyes, as if she had not seen her for tens of thousands of years.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "When you wake up, it will be a little long for me to worry about it. But now I have some troubles. How is your strength now? We can kill it or follow the original plan! ”

Mu Qiang felt the change of Qingying's body, and the strength of Qingying, who woke up again, became abnormal.

Qingying’s ruthless road: “Kill!”

Water Dragon Road: "Since you are the master of the guardian, the safety of the master is temporarily given to you, I will solve the two guys!"

"Booming!" In a flash, the water dragon battled with some of them again.

The enemy is also approaching Mu Qian, and the blue shadow is in front of Mu Qianxi, with no expression on his face, but both eyes are looking at the people who are close to a thousand.

"Hey!" He started, and some of them were directly blasted out.

The surrounding trees suddenly moved, and the people who shot the blue shadows were entangled.


"Damn! What happened to these rattans?"


When they were trapped, they found that the surrounding plants became very different.

In the past, even if they were caught by dangerous piranhas, they could break free from their strength.

But this is just some ordinary trees, suddenly mutated, this hard degree is comparable to the Wannian Xuanxing chain, very tricky.

Qingying stood firm in front of Mu Qianxi, guarding the people behind him, and smoothly removing all obstacles around him.

Regardless of this, is some people spiritual or spiritual?

There is no spiritual fluctuation in this individual, but the strength and weirdness are incredible.

Mu Qian’s mouth twitched slightly, and Qingying really became a lot stronger.

Mu Lin’s face changed a lot, staring at the blue shadow.

This man looks like a picturesque, beautiful and thrilling man like a piece of wood.

There was not much expression on his face, but his hand was very fierce.

"You...who are you?"

This person who appears out of thin air is too perverted, and their people cannot get close to Muhammad.

Now I can only hope that the king and the old man can defeat this blue man.

Yu Wang also felt that this situation was not right. The other party only came up with a helper, but the situation changed dramatically.

Yan Wangdao: "Xu Lao, you retreat! Let me come!"

At this time, what must I sacrifice? His Majesty has entrusted him with a heavy responsibility. Even if he sacrifices himself, he will never be disappointed with his Majesty. He must complete this task with great beauty!

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