Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2242: Blue shadow farewell

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On the mountain, the smell of barbecue is overflowing, and Ms. Qian looks at the busy figure: "Nine nights and nine nights, open the meal!"

Nine nights came back and said: "Good!"

He walked to the front of Mu Qianxi, and Mu Qianquan mobilized the water element: "You wash your hands first!"

Sitting at her side for nine nights, he directly plunged him into his arms and asked in a low voice: "Is still angry?"

"What do you mean by anger is that you are not fighting with the infernal unicorns or the inhuman behavior of last night?" Mu Qianqi raised his eyebrows.


"Hey! You know now that you have two big disasters." Mu Qiang’s face was angry.

“It’s irritating, it’s a big appetite!”

The appetite of the nine-night monarch is not to go to the meat, but to marry the millennium.

His attitude of admitting the wrong is to intend to use the meat to sin and use the beauty to resolve the anger of the millennium.


Mu Qianxi wants to retreat him, the meat is to be baked, and he still takes advantage of her here.

Really want to paste!

Just when the meat was to be baked, I raised my hand nine nights, and some of the barbecue was suspended in the air, and then I was so close to accepting his closeness.

When the kiss’s face is full of redness and no strength, he said: “I just don’t want to see you seriously hurt me, even if today’s birthday is not awkward, I will be inferior to the infernal unicorn at that time and will return to prison. The culture is cultivated."

"I don't know you yet. If this is the case, you will probably stay in prison for a longer time and hurt more."

"Yes! I know my best." Nine nights are confessed.

This matter has passed, and the next time she must watch for nine nights, not let him alone to deal with the infernal unicorn.

"As for last night!" He posted it for nine nights.

"I have already passed the third birthday, I have not let you marry me, let me become my woman completely, so I lost some of it." This low-pitched voice has a slight grievance. color.

"I really can't stand it. It's also a purple trick to teach you! It's a nine-night monarch who sold in front of me!" Mu Qian's mouth was slightly pumped.

"It’s not a shame to sell in front of your most beloved woman. I’m telling the truth!”

Obviously, the nine nights have really waited for a long time, and Mu Qianyi feels that once the curse is lifted, she can really want to go into the tiger's mouth.

However, this fierce beast is the best fit for his heart, and she is loved by her on the tip of her heart.

Even if she knows that the road ahead is dangerous, it is absolutely impossible to repent.

"I'm hungry!"

"Hungry, want to squat!" Nine nights to untie their robes.

"I don't like to eat raw, and I don't like to eat human flesh." Mu Qiang gnawed his teeth.

"That I will feed you!"

The barbecue was obviously done, but it didn't have time to eat it, but it was entangled by the guy nine nights.

After he calmed down, he gave the barbecue to Mu Qianji nine nights and sent it to the mouth of Mu Qianyi.

“The grilled meat is as delicious as the oyster!” The corner of the nine-night mouth twitched slightly.

"I want to block your mouth!" Mu Qianzhen.

"Renal disposal!"

After the two had enough to eat and drink, Mu Qian took the nine nights: "Let me take medicine with me!"

The setting sun is on them, and they are about to finish the last elixir.

Years are quiet, just because you work with you!

Bai Daren found that they were drunk on the Lord. Not only did they get drunk, but they also seemed to be dreaming. He said: "This has passed for many years. Every day on this day, most of the time is a nightmare. It is so comfortable for the first time. Mu girl is really big."

The sky gradually darkened and went down in the morning of Mu Qian and nine nights.

After returning, Mu Qianxi learned from the white population that he was drunk and had already slept.

His body is normal and there is no difference, and he has a sweet dream.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "That's good!"

"Suzaku Qinglong are they still there? Today has not completely passed, I will ask them to have a nightingale."

A big white man, "Mu girl is also today's birthday?"

“Who else is today’s birthday?” Mu Qianyi said.

"There is a person, but the girl does not know, and some of the sons are drunk and rested today. The wine prepared by the girl is too strong today." Bai Daren replied.

Drunk too!

Nine nights hugged Mu Qianxuan: "Only today, this gentleman is accompanying you."

Everyone else is getting out!

This young man is really getting more and more sticky. Even the nine-night monarch who has always been bloodthirsty and killed is totally different from the one he loves.

"Good! I am only with you today."

This night, some people are in the dream of drunkenness, and some people are in the most intoxicating beauty town.

When Mu Qianyi woke up, she felt that she had given her a good morning kiss for nine nights. He asked: "Is it still very tired?"

The fingertips were lightly pressed on Mu Qian’s body, and the sound of a thousand lazy voices became soft. "What do you say?"

This sound seems to be hooked, and the nine-night heart of the hook trembles slightly.

His ice-blue scorpion sank slightly, and Mu Qian said: "Do not press, do not think about other things in your mind, do you not bully people like you?"

Suppressed the restlessness in my heart, the nine-night low road: "Well! I dare not bully again, but I don't have the idea of ​​bullying back?"

"You... you are farther away from me, I have no idea!"

Nine nights with her third birthday, calm and comfortable, but with the heart of the people can not calm down.

The next day, Mu Qianyi was still unwilling to get up, but saw a familiar figure in front of the door waiting for her outside.

That is the blue shadow!

Mu Qiang opened the door and went out. He saw Mu Qianyu coming out. Qingying looked at Mu Qianxi and shouted: "Thousands!"

"Blue Shadow! Are you waiting for me?"

Qingying’s stiff look at Mu Qianxi, but wants to speak but suppresses that he does not want to say.

"What's wrong?" Mu Qianxi worried.

Always go to this day, Qingying fist clenched, "Thousands, Qingying is coming to say goodbye to you?"

"Farewell! You just woke up from a deep sleep, where are you going?" Mu Qian asked.

"Go where I should go, I will meet with thousands, sure! Thousands, you can rest assured!"

Mu Qianxi asked: "Do you want to go? No one is forcing you."

Qingying’s look at Mu Qianxi, his stiff face naturally made Mu Qianxi not see any emotions.

Then look at the phoenix nine nights, he can capture the restless and dangerous power of his body, and the pair of scorpions calmed more and more.

Qingying looked up and said to Mu Qianxi: "Well! I am willing, so don't worry about me." He is willing to fulfill the wish of thousands. He does not want to hurt thousands, wants her to be happy forever. .

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