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"Goodbye, thousand!" Qingying did not dare to look at the eyes of Qian Qian. After saying this, he quickly left the place.

Thousands of things he wants, he will let her get, no matter what it is? What is the price to pay?

Mu Qianxi looked at the shadow of Qingying's back brows, and nine nights said: "If you don't feel relieved, then give it to me."

"Purple quiet to chase me, what are the special circumstances, report as soon as possible!"

"Ah! Why are all the hard work of these exhausted people all done by me, I will do it!" The complaints of Ziyou came and they quickly caught up.

This one is also a great friend.

I didn't take the initiative to leave the master's precedent. It's too strange. It's time to take a look!

Although the purple quiet looks very unreliable, but the work is quite reliable.

Mu Qianxi breathed a sigh of relief, but Qingying’s sudden departure made her still worried.

After Qingying left, a figure flew in like a lightning bolt, staring at the face of Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi looked at the humanity: "It’s too ugly for Qinglong to get a night, like a ghost, do you want me to give you a shot!"

Mu Qianxi took out a pharmacy needle and played it in his hand.

Qinglong Road: "Why do you look like Mu Lin?"

"I don't know about this. I used to be like Zhang Chang! If you want to know the exact answer, go to Mu Lin and ask."

"Who is your parents?" He stared at the face of Mu Qian.

"I don't want to tell you this secret! Qinglong."

"Do you dare to lift your easiness and stand in front of your righteous father?"

Mu Qian appeared in the side of Qinglong, and he slammed into his neck.

"I see Qinglong, you still haven't hangover, give you a good shot!"

"You..." Qinglong went straight to sleep, and Mu Qian said: "I don't have anything to dare? If your father asked me to go to see the old man, I would not be able to accommodate it immediately."

"Come on! Take your family, the Dragon King."

Not long after, there were really a few people who came to fight the Qinglong.

It’s not just that Qinglong doubts her identity. Even Xuanwu Suzaku is the same. Of course, they are not as direct as Qinglong.

What is the situation between the old and the young?

If you directly say that he is Mu Qian, is the daughter of Fengyun Prince, do they believe?

Anyway, I have got the news of the old man from their righteous father. When they see the old man, they will know.

"Oh, actually..." Suzaku, they are also tangled.

Mu Qiang helpless, pulling the nine nights: "Nine nights, let's go out and go shopping!"

"Don't be so anxious! When I find a way to stabilize your righteous father's condition, let him believe that I will take me to see the prince, and everything will be plain."

Xuanwudao: "But Mu Xi, my righteous father, he..."

In some cases, they can't arbitrarily say it, even if they guessed a bit, they couldn't break through that layer of thin paper.

"I know it's very difficult, but I will cheer anyway." Mu Qiang said firmly.

"Hey, let's go!" For these two or three people who are entangled in jealousy, they are annoyed at nine nights, and they can't solve them directly.

Nine nights feel that as long as he is around, it is better not to let her release with these people.

Zhuque Xuanwu, they want to catch up, but they received news of their righteous father, this day passed, and the righteous father has some tasks to hand over to them.

They looked at the righteous father and said nothing, and finally did not say that yesterday was Mu's birthday, and the father of the heart remembered that the birthday of that person was one day.

They have not been completely determined. They dare not rashly say it. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. They don’t want the weak body of the righteous father to suffer such a feeling of loss.

Nine nights, I hugged Mu Qianxi and left in an instant, where did I catch up with their speed?

Xuanwudao: "Mu Wei should not leave the city, find it!"

“How do I feel more and more impossible?”

Re-emphasizing mourning, "No! In fact, if we guessed it, I am quite afraid, Muyu will be..."

Bai Zedao: "Look for someone first!"

Mu Qianxi wandered around the city in the night with nine nights, and everyone watched the two men holding hands and walking down the street.

The man is slender and strong, even with a mask, he still can't hide his charm.

The women are very beautiful, the temperament is noble, and the two walk together, it is not a normal match!

Miss Wang Da, because she didn’t get the medicine, she was very bad. She went shopping here and saw the two familiar figures.

"A few of you come over, do you see the two people who were the two people that met that night?"

The temperament of the two was too special. She only looked at it from that night. She still remembered clearly.


Ok, Miss Wang Da ran away in anger, "You two stood for me!"

"It’s so shameful that a man and a woman are so close together under the crowd."

The folk style of Xuantian is not so conservative. It is not uncommon to take a small hand. Isn’t the Ming City different, and actually jumped out and blamed.

Mu Qiang brows slightly, turned his head and looked at the arrogant girl.

There was a cold light in the nine-night scorpion, and I didn’t know what to do.

The surrounding air was cold for a moment, and the guards around Miss Wang were scared to sweat on their foreheads. They felt that this man was dangerous.

However, Miss Wang Da seems to have no such suspicion of danger. She has never been able to manage so much.

This Ming City is the biggest because she is the daughter of the city owner.

She sneered: "Strong strength is great! Strong strength can bully me like this woman? Yesterday evening, you blocked Lingyun Mountain! Let this lady can't get to Lingyun Mountain, if it wasn't something yesterday, I will definitely look for it. Go back to the game, don't be too proud."

"But now I have encountered you, lest I go out of the city! You blocked the Lingyun Mountain yesterday and you must have gotten the baby medicine. Give it to me!" She was arrogant.

Mu Qian’s face was cold. When she went up the mountain yesterday, she felt the smell of some people.

However, these people are not very strong, they are not in the eyes, directly ignore it.

Now it seems that some people are estimated to be the local snakes of the Ming City, and they recognize them to find fault.

Mu Qianhui replied: "I got a lot of elixir in Lingyun Mountain. Is that mountain your home? You can manage it?" If the elixir she got out showed it to her, it would be scared to her. At that time, some birthday gifts are not what Lingyun Mountain can have.

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