Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2244: Elder maintenance

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"Sure enough! Sure enough!" As soon as I heard a lot, Miss Wang’s eyes would be red.

"I don't care, if you didn't block Lingyun Mountain, even if this lady can't get all the elixir, most of it will be mine." Miss Wang Da is arrogant.

"This lady, I advise you not to be too unreasonable, leave immediately, I am too lazy to care!" Mu Qian's voice became cold.

"Miss, don't forget it!" someone whispered in front of her.

The temperament of these two people is extraordinary. It is not ordinary people who can block the mountain with such force. They still do not offend.

"What are you afraid of? How did I send you such a group of waste to protect me? Some people yesterday did not follow them. They are two people now, there is nothing to be afraid of?" Miss Wang Da said.

"Mingcheng is not big, but it does not make you such an ignorant person. If you want to start, you will not be able to regret it." For those who are so entangled, Mu Qian also loses patience.

"Hands!" Miss Wang Da ordered the men under him.

Her men's strength is the highest, but there are peaks and spirits, so that many people in Mingcheng envy the young lady, she does not believe to deal with them.

"Hey!" When they waved their swords, Mu Qian moved.

"The wind is smashing!"

"Wind, silence!"

Mu Qianxi directly operated the wind elemental power, and some of her guards flew out with the sword they took out.

The speed is too slow, the strength is too weak, and it is vulnerable!


The face of Miss Wang Da is going to be green, she said: "Waste! A group of waste lost Miss's face."

Soon, she felt a cold murder locked on him, so the horrible feeling made her always weakened and directly fainted.

Mu Qianxi also stunned. "I can still rob us on this point? Look for death!"

"Let's go!" Mu Qianxi left for nine nights.

For her, this is just a bunch of clowns, she is not in the eye.

When Miss Wang woke up, she returned home. When she didn't see her father, she cried with her uncle.

"Uncle, I am losing face in front of so many people today, I don't want to live! It is Mingcheng, but I can't bully me in Mingcheng! You must give me revenge."

"Reassured! You are my niece, I will not give you revenge for revenge?" Wang Ershu said.

Wang Ershu ordered: "I will immediately send someone to check where the two people are?"

"Two lords, that place is the site of the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce. Our city owners and the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce will make good exchanges, so it is not good to rush into it!"

"There is nothing wrong with it. My eldest brother's palm is being bullied. Even if the two people are the guests of President Kim, I have to discuss it. They can't be so crazy even if they have money."

Wang Erye took the people of the city's main house and Miss Wang Da, who wanted to take revenge, and violently killed the inn where Mu Qianxi was. "We are the people of the city government, we want to find someone, let us in."

They arrived in the No. 2 yard, and Miss Wang pointed to Mu Qiandao: "They are two of them, they are."

Wang Ershu said: "Then take them to the city government first."

Mu Qian said: "You dare to come, it seems that you are not afraid! But today it was scared to faint."

I remembered that I was scared by the people on the street today. I was seen by so many people. Miss Wang was very angry.

Blame them!

"You shut me up! I was sick and I fainted."

"Two, bullied the jewels of our city's government, and asked you to go with me to the city's main government, waiting for my big brother to come back and give us a saying."

"Just by some of you?" The horrible cold broke out, and they couldn't help but tremble their legs.

"You...you..." Wang Ershu’s horror looked at the man in front of him like a Shura, and it was too strong!

He seems to have absolutely strong strength to crush him!

The fear in my heart made him want to run out of his legs, but thought of the purpose of today, and insist on it anyway, maybe this man is a curse!

"Wang Er's lord is so interested, so many people come to my inn to scare my guests, really do not put my gold in the eyes!" A low voice came.

Wang Erye saw that President Jin came. I don't know if he came. He also pushed a sick man in a wheelchair.

To know that the president of the gold is wealthy, there is actually a person who can let him personally serve, and Wang Ershu is also very surprised.

Wang Ershu said: "The children at home are being bullied. I am an elder to protect my short-term. Everyone is an elder. Jin also knows! I just want to ask the two young people to go to the city government to adjust and explain. What happened before."

President Jin looked at the person who was looking for death and was ready to ask how to solve the problem on the Lord?

At this time, his family spoke up.

The pair of gentle scorpions flashed a glimmer of cold. "You are bullying Shantou. There are so many people in the family who don't have the support of the elders to disturb the hoe. But unfortunately, although my body is not good, but the ability to support the **** is still there. ""

Coldly swept them over and said: "Discard people and throw them out!"

He looked at the phoenix nine nights: "I am here to be an elder to handle it, no need for your uncle."

"Hey!" Several white figures rushed out of the darkness.

The strength of these people is not comparable to that of Wang Erye.

"I... I am the younger brother of the city owner, President Jin, you...you really let these people do this to me." Wang Ershu was terrified.

"Two uncles!" Miss Wang Da was pale.

They did not expect that a person who looked very vulnerable would make such a cruel order.

I was maintained, and the man, as an elder, did not care for her. She gave her a joy in her heart.

"He really likes him!" He also felt it in nine nights, bowing his head and biting the ear canal of Mu Qian, he was jealous.

He faintly felt that the nephew was very different from that person.

He felt that he had to deal with these people who were bullying him. He felt that he was particularly fulfilled and very satisfied. It was like doing a very great thing.

No matter how shocking the world has been, there is no satisfaction at this moment, but when she thinks that her daughter is in a place he does not know, it may be bullied by this, and his eyes are more and more haunted. A weak, seemingly windy person who is going to scatter, but reveals a terrifying killing.

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