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The fierce voice came out, "From here you are destined to be this one! It’s useless to move out, start!"

Just when the dark guards were going to do it, suddenly someone secretly released a poison arrow to attack her!

Mu Qianyan’s face changed greatly and said: “Nine nights!”

The two of them rushed to the front of the man at the fastest speed to block the sharp arrows.

Those dark guards also quickly grabbed the sneak attackers and threw them down!


President Kim was pale and hurriedly squatted down. "Lord! I was negligent. I even broke into it and sneaked on the Lord."

He did not speak, just let the president of Kim stay there.

The second uncle Wang also stunned, this person can actually let the president of the gold squat?

To know the president of the Golden Club, but the president of the four-and-a-half-star strength morning chamber of commerce, who is he?

The surrounding area has been surrounded by the other person's people. His heart is cold, this time it is difficult to escape.

Looking at the girl's face in front of him to protect her appearance, his heart is excited to get the world, the cold body is wrapped in a warmth.

He sighed: "Let you make me protect you once!"

"You didn't defend me before?" Mu Qianhui replied.

She swept through some of these people and said: "It is no coincidence that some of these people come!"

When people who didn’t come late in the evening came to the city’s main government, the defenses here were very strong, because they had a problem.

Wang Erye hurriedly squatted and said: "This has nothing to do with me! There is absolutely no relationship! President Kim, you have to believe me!"

President Kim still hasn't forgiven him yet. How can I pay attention to that person?

"My older brother has always had a good relationship with you. You must save me. If I am abolished, I will abolish me. Please leave me a life."

The surrounding atmosphere made him afraid. At this time, a middle-aged man hurriedly came over and said: "You two, how can you both be more than one, and you are mad at me?"

After yelling at them, the city owner squatted down: "On the Lord, I taught no way, did not discipline them, and asked the Lord to redeem the sins."

Wang Erye was shocked. He finally knew that he had offended something terrible.

The reason why Big Brother is good with Kim’s president is not because of his identity as a big brother. But because they completely obey the orders of a master.

The master did not say anything, and the heart of the city was also up and down.

He took out the sword in his hand and killed all the guards brought by his daughter and his brother.

"Puff puff!"

After killing one by one, only his brother and daughter were left.

Miss Wang Da screamed: "Hey, do you want to kill the family? I am your daughter! I..."

"Big brother, I am wrong. I shouldn’t let my children behave. I am wrong. You have to save me and save me..."

"For the time being, don't kill, the matter of interrogation will be handed over to you. These people, and some of them, you must give me an answer!"

"Yes! Lord."

It is not difficult to interrogate the results of the Chu, and I will get the news soon.

Wang Ershu broke into here and was instructed. He said that as long as they help them to get in here, someone will help him get the position of the city owner.

The city is mainly mad, and his younger brother actually had such an idea. He lost his usual trust in him. He did not expect to raise a white-eyed wolf.

This time, he really killed his brother and killed him.

As for her daughter, she really can't get it.

The president of the Kim said: "Reading that you really love your daughter, the Lord said that you don't have to kill your daughter, but you and your daughter must go to the north of the ice and be detained for a hundred years."

"You know, this is already the most merciful punishment!"

The city owner said: "Thank you for the Lord!"

Detained for a hundred years turned out to be a kind punishment, and Miss Wang could not believe her ears.

She used to be a very charming city owner, Miss Da, why should I go to a place like a prisoner?

"Oh, I don't want to! I am still young. How can I be a hundred years old? I am still a refining pharmacist. I have learned to refine my medicine. If I am locked up, my future will be destroyed. I will marry later." People, I... I don't want to do this..."

"Let's run away! Hey, you are so powerful, we will be able to escape!"

The city owner said: "If you are with you, don't be afraid! I am not strict with discipline, and I have neglected to make mistakes. It is best to live with you."

He was busy with cultivation, but he was busy with his career but neglected his daughter’s education. It was his fault to let his daughter marry such a big disaster.

Miss Wang Da cried out directly!

On the other side, in the main courtyard, he said in a low voice: "My identity has been suspected. This Mingcheng can't stay any longer. Is there a place to change?"

"Lord, I will go to find a new place and let the Lord pick it up."


Mu Qianqian came to see him. Although he was shocked today, he was not injured, but...

The soul examiner his body, quiet for a while, the curse of the force once again has a feeling of recurrence.

Now that Qingying has not returned, his situation will be very dangerous if there is an emergency and there is no pressure to suppress life.

"You... your situation is very unstable, really want to transfer now?" Mu Qian asked.

"The girl is not willing to follow me!"

"Nature is very willing! I said that if I want to cure you, I can't say no words. I am still waiting to cure you and let you introduce me to see the prince."

"You like it so much?" he asked in a low voice.

"The most favorite!" Mu Qianxi nodded seriously.

Even if you are responsible for your father? She can also feel the love he once had for him, and his departure is desperate to return to the mysterious world, not only for the mother, but also for her.

"What about me? Hey!" Even if she knew that she was a father-in-law, she couldn't help but be jealous for nine nights.

"Shantou definitely prefers to be admired, you go!" He waved his hand and disgusted.

However, in this case, the face under his mask could not help but red, but his heart was full of joy.

Mu Qian’s face is smiling, it seems that this is very familiar with the old man, otherwise he will not raise the bar for the old man and the nine nights.

"I haven't found a solution yet, so I will follow you along. Please also believe me, we will not be enemies." Mu Qianxi cautiously said.

Mu Qianxi also knows that he is now being stared at, even if he is careful, it will make people catch a clue.

For them, she is still an outsider. In fact, the most suspicious person is her, but he trusts her very much and never doubts her.

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