Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2277: Successful trapping

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In the face of a strong life star, the strength of the people chose to give up, although the end of the time has not yet arrived, but their power is really let them despair.

The end of the person chooses to absorb the power of the collected stars in one place, and those who have confidence in their own strength begin to hunt and capture the stars of life.

Xuanwudao: "Now we have only got a total of twenty, which is a lot for other teams, but it is still too little."

"Too little, I don't think it's enough for you to improve your first-order strength. It's not enough!" Mu Qianshen said.

After that, she took out a star of life and must find ways to speed up.

Ms. Qian said: "First find a place where no one is quiet."

Xuanwu knew that Mu Qianxi wanted to do something, and did not object to it, followed her away.

"What? Mu Hao also gave up." For their departure, others are very surprised!

"Mo Xuan Gongzi, Suzaku son and the strength of the Wanshao less family are not weak, Mu Hao actually gave up so fast?"

"Did they have been satisfied with the number of stars in their lives. After all, they have also captured a lot."

In a still quiet place, Xuanwu saw Mu Qianxi directly hands and shattered the stars of life.

Rows of containers were placed in front of them, and Mu Qian took out a bottle of water and the soul of life poured out, and Xuanwu was distressed to die.

"Mu, what are you doing? You can't waste the soul of the water!"

Mu Qian said: "The sea emperor is more powerful, the water of the wood has a lot of soul, I have to take a bottle to do the experiment, once it succeeds, there will be surprises!"

Suzaku was surprised: "Is it going to formulate a potion that will make some of the stars of life?"

"It's a remedy to trap them!" Mu Qianxiao smiled.

Mu Qianji made several deployments, and the speed was very fast. They did not let Suzaku wait for a long time, and several bottles of pharmacy were refining. Seeing the means of Mu Qianxi, the life **** Mudao: "She is refining pharmaceutical agents, she is whimsical to use drugs to deal with life stars. Life stars are not human beings, they are not life bodies but power bodies, she Even if you use poison as a god, there is no way to poison your life.

They are caught by them. ”

This life star is created by it, they are absolutely not poisoned.

Qingying Shen Sheng: "Thousands of sure."

"I want to see, where did she come from?" The **** of life is cold.

Mu Qianxi dropped a drop of the drug into the sea and said: "Try the effect!"

Xuanwu said, "There is no life star around here. You drop here, there will be..."

Xuanwu’s words have not been finished yet, and he sees the bright sea shining brightly, and a life star is quietly approaching.

Mu Qianxi made a gesture: "Hey!"

"Hide your breath and the fish is hooked."

With a life star, there is a second one, and there are countless ones.

The strength of the medicinal agent is floating on the sponge, and the density is much smaller than the sea water.

These life stars were only used to staying at the bottom of the water, and now all the power to enjoy the potion floats on the surface of the sea.

All of them floated to the stars of life on the sea and laid a star-shaped carpet on the sea.

Xuanwu and Suzaku are all stunned, she really did.

Mu Qianxi waved: "Look at it now, grab them all."

These life stars show that they are drunk and stupid. They are fast and powerful, because they have forgotten their resistance.

They have caught more than 30 life stars in one go, which is exactly the sum of their long hours of work!

You don't need to go to the sea to withstand the pressure of the seabed, you don't need to desperately catch up with the speed of life stars, you don't need to fight with the powerful battle stars, they are so easy to get.

Life Shenmu asked: "How did she use the fragments of the stars of life and the spirit of the water to refine such a potion, which would allow the stars of life to absorb the power of the power of the arrogant person?"

Although it is the creator of the stars of life, but it does not understand the situation of life stars now.

However, for the curious life **** wood, Qingying only returned three words, "I don't know!"

"You have been following this human woman for two years! It is very short in two years, but you don't even know about it?"

"I just protect a thousand, I am just a beggar."

The **** of life is speechless. "Are you stupid with a piece of wood?"

"It looks like you think wood is silly, you really know it." Qingying replied.

The **** of life is caught by this word. It is a tree, a piece of wood, the most powerful wood in the world.

When they collected all the stars of life, the sky instantly flashed in an instant.

Countless stars hang on top of their heads, very dazzling!

There have been so many stars at once, so that everyone in the South China Sea is paying attention to it.

They were surprised: "That side! How come there are so many life stars at that moment, which strongman is doing it?"

"Hurry up and see! Even a strong team can't do this! There must be some skills, let's learn."


So many life stars have been collected together, causing the boiling of the whole life of the South China Sea, many people are rushing here.

"His Royal Highness!" At this time, Mu Qianxi also stared at the big string of life stars, his fists clenched, and his fingernails were buckled into the flesh.

When the battle of life stars did not escalate, she collected many people quickly, but when they had increased their fighting power, they were in trouble. She needed her best to clean up one or two stars of life, and she was mad at her. But now someone actually collected so much in front of her, Mu Lin said: "You a few, give me to inquire about what is the situation? If they have a special baby to capture a lot of life stars, be sure to put things Grab the princess!

The speed of the stars is destined to be the princess. ”

"Yes, Your Highness!" Several of her dog legs were killed and immediately swept past the place where countless stars appeared.

Mu Qian said: "This area is almost the same, we go to other areas where there are few people."

"it is good!"

Although there are many stars in the area where there are many people, but people have seen such a means, there are certainly many people who will want to grab the potion, which will be very troublesome.

It's better to find a few more places, no one else messed up, and then easily put it away.

Feeling a lot of breath approaching here, Mu Qianyi they quickly left, let those people fly empty!

"What about people?"

"Damn! It’s gone." "Look! I haven’t gone far!"

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