Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2278: Have you crying

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Their speed is not as fast as their speed, and soon they found another land.

"Give you! Separate action. This is faster, as long as we don't take too far to find each other." Mu Qianyi gave them a bottle of medicine.

"Good!" They nodded.

Mu Qian said: "I am here, you go somewhere else!"


The four of them were scattered. They just left, and Mu Qian once dropped a drop of potion again, and then the stars of life were all actively hooked.

Mu Qianxiao smiled and said: "You are so cute."

After collecting them, Mu Qian’s figure flashed to find the next place, and then did the same thing as before.

With the help of this pharmacy, the collection of life stars is a **** model, and now it has become the simplest mode.

Every time she collected a large number of life stars, the whole sky she was in would be illuminated, and everyone was shocked at the moment!

"There are so many more!"

"There is that side!"

"The other side is also, at least dozens of life stars!"


When Mu Qianxi successfully collected a large number of life stars, Suzaku Xuanwu Baize and their three also acted, causing a great sensation at one time.

Mu Qiang collected a lot, unless everyone else has the same good way, otherwise the person who gets the most life stars will definitely be her.

Because it attracted too many people's attention, even if Ms. Qian is very careful, she is still found by people, and the person who found her is still the East Emperor.

Mu Qian’s brows are slightly stunned, and coldly said: “You are too blind, rolling!”

"Mu Wei, it is you, is the medicine in your hand so that you can get so many stars of life?" These people are staring at Mu Qian.

Mu Qian said: "How is it? What do you want?"

"Take this medicine out, we let you go today." They whispered.

They are many people, and each individual's strength is inferior to that of His Highness, so he is still very jealous of defeating His Highness.

If Mu Yu is really desperate, they will be very troublesome.

Mu Qianqi said: "It seems that Mulin is not catching a lot of life stars, so I will let you come over. I don't want to waste time with you. I will give you this bottle!"

Mu Qianxi threw them with only one-third of the medicine that was used before. They asked: "How many bottles do you have for this medicine?" "A total of four bottles, the others are given to others, However, their strength is stronger, are you sure to go to them? If I am you, it is best to go back to life! Let your princesses capture some of the stars of life and make her happy." Mu Qian's mouth swelled a banter


There is not much time left, and they should go back to life.

If His Royal Highness is not the first, it will be very angry.

"I think this pharmacy is made by ghost doctors. There are already four bottles. You haven't lied! I can go back to life and don't fight with Mu Qian." They finally chose to leave.

Only after they turned away and thought about it, the ghost doctor did not have the ability to predict, why did he prepare for the early days of the drug to deal with this life star.

They can't figure out how ghost doctors do it? But why can't you guess that Mu is a ghost doctor?

Looking at their backs, Mu Qian’s mouth twitched a smile.

Only one bottle, it’s strange!

Mu Lin, if you dare to use my potion, you cry.

Then, Mu Qianshun went down to say hello to Suzaku.

Suzaku said with anger: "What? Mourinho dared to send someone to rob the pharmacy, why are you not injured?"

"I gave them the potion. Their purpose was only a potion. I didn't dare to do it with me. I didn't want to waste time with them, so I solved it peacefully."

"Peace settlement, this is not at all like your character?" Suzaku always felt that Mu Lin's situation on the other side was not good, and there was some gloating in her heart.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Of course, my things are not so easy to grab." Those who took the medicinal herbs quickly negotiated and said: "When you see the Highness, you will see Telling His Royal Highness, we are the pharmacy from the hands of a North Palace dynasty. Can't let His Royal Highness know that this is the smashing of the scorpion, or let His Royal Highness know

When we met Mu, I didn’t even deal with her, I would be very angry. ”

"It’s still thoughtful and thoughtful, don’t let the princess know.”


Mu Lin saw that they were back, saying: "You are back, find out what is going on?"

"His Highness, we have already asked. Someone has taken a potion that can attract a lot of life stars and keep them in a state of chaos. They won't escape or attack, so some people can easily Capture a large number of life stars."

"There is still such a useful thing, don't give it to me soon!" Mu Lin slammed out.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Handing over the pharmacy, Mu Lin said: "There is only a little bit left, don't you take the rest back?"

"We immediately came back to the Highness, and the other three bottles were on other people, so..."

"Several of you, give me the continuation to grab it! It will be handed over to the princess and others."


They did not dare to disobey the orders of His Highness, but they secretly complained.

Some of the people who are less than the family, Suzaku, are not the ones they can deal with. They must be hand-in-hand.

Today, Mulin is only trying to catch a lot of life stars. She directly smashes the potion of the real bottle. Anyway, her person will soon grab another three bottles of medicine.

She thought that the more attractive life stars were, but I didn't think that the owner before the medicine was used one by one.

The next step is to attract a lot of life stars. These life stars are no longer hidden in the water, but jump out of the water and rush to Mu Lin.

There is a strong power fluctuation in the space, dangerous!

Mu Lin’s face changed a lot and hurriedly swept out to avoid being surrounded by these stars, which was completely different from the ones she had robbed.

These life stars not only did not halo floating up to let her slaughter, but instead seemed to be angered by her, madly attacking her.

"Lin's Your Highness, be careful!"

"His Royal Highness!"

The situation is not right, and the faces of Mourin's men have become extremely dignified, which is completely different from what they imagined.


The star of life is very strong in the sea, and its attack power is still unabated, because it is more dangerous than before.


Mu Lin smashed a third of the bottle of pharmacy, which attracted many attacks of life stars. Because she has fallen too much, with a steady stream of life rushing over, it is going crazy!

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