Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2312: Deep in obsession

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Suzaku fists clenched, Shen Sheng said: "I can't stand it, I am sorry for the righteous father, I am not filial! Anyway, I am going to see you!"

The red figure flashed and the Suzaku swept out.

"Ghost doctor is on the other side? I will go too!" White Tiger also chased the past.

"Now we have nothing to do, even if the gas of death disappears, the righteous father can only rely on the leaves of life to save this life, bringing back Muxi is our only choice." Xuanwu also chased it.

Bai Ze took care of his righteous father alone. He said: "Millennium, you must come back."

After the death of the gas disappeared, Bai Ze found that the righteous father who was in a coma was talking about the proverb, "Hey..."


He knew that he didn't know the full name of the sister, but knew that there was a flaw in her name, the same as the name of the millennium.

In the past, the righteous father was in desperation, and those names supported him in the past. The weight of the righteous sister was exceptionally heavy.

I hope that this time, the righteous father can also overcome this catastrophe by relying on the thoughts and attachments of the righteous sister and the righteous mother.

At nine o'clock, the volley was standing at this moment, and the wind blew up his ink. The death of the demon tree was destroyed, and the powerful power of the death tree was swallowed up, leaving no trace of his face.

His nephew turned and was instantly set on the body of Mu Qian.

Want her!

Everywhere in the body, there are souls screaming, even if the curse is completely erupted nine nights, the obsession with his beloved woman is still so deep.

The death tree expects that he will destroy the world and everything is left behind. The only thing that only remembers this person, waits for it, and then turns everything into nothingness.

The look of nine nights, she had seen it before the curse broke out, but this time it is even more dangerous.

Mu Qianguang was sinking and said: "Nine nights, take me away! Go to a place where no one is."

At least not devour the death of the gas after the ruin of Xuan Tianjie, killing her and Ziyou all, just looking at her, even if that one can not wait to swallow her.

Mu Qianxi is not afraid, even if the original dark curse has completely affected the nine nights, but still standing in front of her is him.

"Are you crazy? I dare to be alone with her. Do you think you have enough to live?"

The **** of life rushed up, and the blue shadow rushed into the air. The blue shadow said: "Thousands, he is too dangerous to let him take you away!"

Qingying merged with the life god, and the power of rest for a moment reached the peak again.

But the enemy it faces is Phoenix nine nights, and all the nerves are tight.

Too dangerous, the death tree was destroyed by him, and it did not have a 50% grasp of him.

The result is the same whether you can't get it.

What's more, this fool is ready to throw everything out to deal with this person, it has no choice.

Anyway, it has long since disappeared. It will disappear more completely under the man’s hand. Doesn’t this just satisfy its wish? Nothing terrible.

Life Shenmu has everything to deal with nine nights, but they all understand that the disparity in this battle is obvious.

Purple secluded road: "Little beauty, let's go! Let the eternal guard take you away."

Ms. Qian said: "Go! Where can I go? I am sure that I will be destroyed by the world after nine nights and then find me, so it is useless to go where!"

"Let's go! Find a safe place, you are all nine-night trust, if he is not affected by the curse, absolutely do not want you to die." Mu Qianshen Shen Sheng. "How can we violate the command of the night! He doesn't mind at night, how about the destruction of countless worlds? It is the best result for him to hurt you at a later moment. So he told me earlier, he must take you away. I know a few hidden spaces, little beauty, let's go! Even if I ask you

It is. ”

The purple voice became hoarse, and the group of bastards, if they were not so vicious, count the night, deal with the night, how could he come to such a point?

People who love each other can't fall in love, can't be together, and face the bad luck that is more painful than life and death.

"I don't want to, I don't want to hide for nine nights, purple you give up! Can you take me away?" Mu Qianyi firmly said.

Ziyou knows that Xiaomei has her attachment. She is not afraid of anything now. She is not afraid of this violent night, not afraid of being hurt by the night or even killing.

But night is afraid! Night is afraid of hurting her, I am afraid! So he gave him such a difficult task.

"Sorry, little beauty, I have to complete the task."

Purple is fascinating, and Mu Qian will be the opponent of this guy.

Want to not be stunned by the purple faint, Mu Qian can only rely on the defense of the crystal Ying, even if it is purple, can not break the crystal clear defense.

However, when Mu Qianyu called Crystal Ying, Crystal Ying replied: "Hey, sorry! I can't do it."

Crystal Ying thought, it is a little time to fight for a little time.

Persevere to the four of them are forced to wake up, and then desperately with the nine nights, will not let the violent state of his injury half a minute.

Nine nights are the lover of the nephew, but she cares more about her, she is their contractor.

Mu Qian’s body is slightly stiff, purple is approaching, she can’t avoid using teleport!

Just when Ziyou had to encounter Mu Qianxi, a horrible force directly penetrated the purple body.

"Hey!" Purple secluded directly out.

He saw their house watching him in the night, coldly saying: "Don't touch her!"

Even if he has lost all his senses, he still likes jealousy at night.

He has been playing in the flowers, and he does not believe in love at all.

But every contact between the night and the little beauty, every time I get along, every deeper feeling, let him know that his previous thoughts were wrong.

They really love each other and love each other. He hopes that they can be better and always together, but why do they make people like this.

"Hey!" A spurt of blood in the purple mouth.

The night when the curse broke out did not hurt him, but this time the power of death became stronger after the night swallowed the power of death. He felt that this time he really died.

However, it is good, lest he be embarrassed, take away the little beauty, not take it away!

"Hey!" A pharmacy needle directly penetrated into his heart. Purple whispered: "Little beauty, if I die, I will not take you away, you will not save me."

"Do not talk nonsense!"

"The injury is too heavy. I will try my best to suppress the death. I can only let you die now. You can sleep well!" Mu Qianshen said.

I saved my life and died, but the suspended animation is time-sensitive. If she can't live, who can save the purple?

Mu Qiang's face is pale, but there is no way, even if there is a little hope. Purple smile on the face of the evil spirit, said: "Oh! I am a little sleepy, seriously injured by two terrible guys, really hurt me."

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