Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2313: Is eating you

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"Booming!" There was a loud horror in the air.

There are numerous cracks on the trunk of the **** of life. These cracks are impossible to repair with the force of life.

The battle between the phoenix and the night of the dead tree is not as much as the power consumed in its imagination, and on the contrary, he has even become stronger.

Life Shenmu shot, still not the opponent of the Phoenix nine nights.

"Boom!" Nine nights directly smashed the insulting life.

His lack of interest in combat, more interested in that person, that person...

The one who carved into the blood and carved into the depths of the soul, how can it be difficult to forget.

Mu Qiang, who had just let Ziyou fall into a false death, was dragged by a powerful force and soon fell into a dangerous embrace.

Even if the person around him is immersed in the atmosphere that can destroy everything, Mu Qian is still as ordinary as it is: "Nine nights..."


If she wants to say it, her voice is completely blocked by the nine nights, and the desire in her heart is screaming.

He can't wait, can't wait any longer.

Then the urgent heart kissed the millennium, until Mu Qianxi wanted to suffocate, and he let go.

Mu Qian's slender hand touched the face of the evil curse. She smiled bitterly: "Nine nights, I still haven't cured you! It seems that there is no way for you to be my person."

"You are the person of this king!" The dull voice was introduced into the ears of Mu Qian.

Nine nights hugged Mu Qianxi, ready to disappear from here, want to hide her in a place where no one, and then completely use it for himself.

When I left in nine nights, a light blue light suddenly appeared, it was a blue shadow!

Qingying cold channel: "Let's let go!"

"Blue Shadow, you leave, hurry!" Mu Qiandao said.

However, the shadow of the blue shadow does not allow, let this person take thousands, he can not imagine what will happen?

"I will protect thousands!"

"court death!"

Nine nights of sternness, instant shot, "Boom!" Qingying body was shot and flew out, his arm disappeared instantly.

This squatting body also instantly became pitted.

"I won't allow you to hurt thousands, even if you are a thousand loved ones!" The blue eyes of Qingying flashed the blue light, and all the power of life gathered in an instant, including the life of various worlds. force.

Wrapped with plants, animals, beasts, and humans...

Before the life of the gods did not disdain, the blue shadow did, otherwise the life of the gods did not deal with the death of the devil tree at a disadvantage.

Unlike the blue shadow, he can make everything for the guardian.

The entire Xuantian world even has four square steps, the Phoenix world, the dragon's world has the power of life to rush out and gather on him.

"What happened in the end? The **** of life is drawing vitality."

"It must be something big, we have to help the life of the gods and help him."


Plants and animals have a sincere faith in life, and humans have it.

Even if some people will be afraid of the loss of some of the power of life, there are many people who really help.

Especially the people in Xuantian are more active because they know what is going on here.

They are eager to live, eager to survive, even if they borrow half of the power of life to help the **** of life.

I got the power of these people's lives. The life **** Mu also felt the feelings of some people. Some humans competed with each other, and they were intrigued, selfish, and disgusted.

But there is another kind of lovely person, with goodwill in mind, faith, love of life, love of loved ones and friends.

Life God Mudao: "Blue Shadow, you have to do this! Then I will help you, stop him, protect the people you want to protect."

The powerful force of life broke out completely, and wrapped the blue shadow to make a ball. This ball instantly slammed into nine nights.

At nine o'clock at the same time, there was no power of darkness, but the power of life has changed from time to time.

It has a strong penetrating power and penetrates the barrier towards him.

"Hey!" Nine nights embraced Mu Qianxi tightly, and protected her in her own arms. The power of life encased them in a cocoon.

This power of life did not hurt the half-million, but a part of the power of life was absorbed into her body.

Qingying will not hurt her naturally, and his power will never be.

But nine nights are different, and this power is destroying his power.

Mu Qianqi came out of his arms and hugged his neck close to him.

"Nine nights, no matter what the outcome? I... I love you very much!"

Mu Qianyu covered his lips and kissed him.

The pharmacy that she had refined before, I don’t know if it’s not working, and under the power of such a strong life, the power of the pharmacy is also blessed.

She has to try it, even if she is holding a dead horse as a living horse doctor, try it!

"Hey!" Mu Qian took out the needle of the medicine into the arm of the nine nights, the neck, nine nights regardless of the danger of the power of life around him, and did not care about the small injuries that Qian Qian had put on him. It’s a more crazy pit biting a thousand stupid.

The power of life does not matter the pain he causes, just like a beast. The dark blue scorpion beat the flame, then fell to the end of the millennium!


"Hey!" The dress turned into nothingness, and Mu Qian was helpless: "In order to eat tofu, you are not afraid of death."

The power of life does not know whether it will destroy him. He can't resist it. He doesn't care, is he thinking about being happy in time?

Looking at Mu Qianxi for nine nights, the dark blue scorpion seems to carry a trace of evil. "Not eating tofu, eating you! Hey!"

"Hey!" The blue shadow fell from the sky.

The **** of life also landed on the ground, took him, and placed it under the tree to rest on the trunk.


Qingying looked at the cocoon wrapped in the life, she was inside... "We have tried our best, and then we will look at it! The soul of the destiny is the person being cared for, you must believe her, it will be fine. You have to hold on, I will hold on to it. It will disappear. How can I let you see her last look? Otherwise, you are really miserable, and I am very

Miserable, with a avatar like you. "Life God Wood Road.

"Yeah!" Qingying slightly closed his eyes, but did not completely close.

Because if it is completely closed, he will completely disappear.

He is already strong, but his heart has the last look of obscenity, no matter how fast it can disappear.

No, absolutely not!

Nine nights in the bite, slowly taste this delicious meal, no matter how you can't stop!

Even if there is a voice in his heart trying to stop him, he does not want to pay attention! His hoarse voice: "I really want to eat you, hehe!"

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