Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2357: Loyalty persistence

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Blood II is particularly excited: "This... This is not the remedy of the master refining. Is it because you found a powerful refining pharmacist? I don't have to hungry, I will not force myself to sleep all the time, it is boring. dead?"

Blood II is a special picky eater, and even his brother is also picky eaters.

If blood is said that they can still use human blood to fill their stomachs, Blood II and Blood III want to be an elegant plant, which is far from the blood of human beings.

They are really hungry, they choose to sleep, and it is very difficult to hungry and want to fall asleep.

It’s hard to fall asleep and the result is awakened by blood, so the blood is angry.

Now the blood wakes them up because they are delicious, and the blood also converges on their own temper.

As soon as the blood looked to the side, Mu Qian said: "The refining pharmacist I found is here."

"Wow! Very cute little sister!" Blood smiled.

Blood appeared in front of Mu Qianxi: "Premier guests, in fact, the **** thorns of our **** thorny city are very elegant, blood two, this is the sleepy confused, you... you are not scared!"

Blood II also revealed the most gentle smile to Mu Qiandao: "Beautiful little sister, in fact, my sister is very gentle, before it was everyone's illusion, illusion!"

The tyrannosaurus instantly became a gentle neighbor's sister. Everyone's mouth was slightly pumped. This **** thorny character is really changeable. Before that, the horrible murderousness, they are clearly aware of it. Where is the illusion?

Blood three seriously looked at Mu Qiandao: "My sister said it is true, with my supervision, my sister will become the most elegant."

Mu Qian said: "Since the two woke up, then we went to the city government to discuss and discuss."

The blood smiled and said: "Well, let's say that you look so beautiful, I can listen to what I say." They sat down in the hall of the city's main hall, and Mu Qian took out the **** thorny city. The ownership document was given to the blood one. She said: "This ownership right has been given to me by the blood lord. I will be the owner of this **** thorny city in the future? I don't know if you can accept it?

If we accept it, we will live together in peace. If we cannot accept it, we will propose a solution. ”

As soon as the blood took over the instrument, the instrument was naturally genuine.

They had a sorrow in their eyes, and the blood prison had a new monarch. They knew it.

It was a terrible powerhouse that emerged after thousands of years of disappearance on their Lord, the nine-night monarch.

Their masters are not missing. The man has very strong rumors, his strength is terrible, and they have not looked for him.

Some people have been holding such instruments to occupy the Scarlet City, and all of them have become their fertilizer.

But these people are different. Among them is a powerful refining pharmacist! They can control the refining pharmacists who are full of food.

As a last resort, they didn't want to eat them, and they offended the pharmacist, otherwise they would continue to be hungry.

Blood together: "I... blood two blood three, their opinions?" Blood II looked at Mu Qian said: "Beautiful little sister, our city, has been waiting for our master to come back. We have kept For thousands of years, you can do anything in this city! Fix them to us every day, we will not interfere with you and do something with humans.

Love, but... The right to belong to this **** thorny city, I can't admit that it is yours. ”

Mu Qianxi looked at these guys. Although they were different, they insisted on their beliefs and loyalty for thousands of years.

The last monarch of the blood prison should also be a very uncomfortable person.

Mu Qian said: "I respect your loyalty to the former city owner, but since I am here, I have to go to this city, then I have to be a city owner."

"So, a beautiful little sister, want to be a city owner, then defeat me first!" Blood patted the table.

The owner of this **** thorny city can only be the master, who dares to steal, who she destroys.

The gentle neighbor's sister became murderous, and everyone else was frightened and ready to fight.

Mu Qianxi took out a bottle of medicine from the space and threw it to the blood.

The blood two face changed greatly and hurriedly caught these potions.

This delicious food, how can this little sister be littered! If it is broken, how much waste!

Mu Qianyi took out a lot of breath, and the blood on the side of the side took a bottle and drank it. "Good! It's so delicious."

Blood II couldn't help but drink, like being trapped in the desert for a long time without drinking water. "Oh! It's so delicious."

"I want too!" Blood also grabbed a bottle to drink.

The atmosphere that was originally arrogant, after Mu Qian took out such a large amount of medicine, it disappeared.

"Is this still not playing? Don't worry about eating!" The crowd was stunned.

Blood two and blood three breaths killed more than ten bottles of drugs before they stopped, very satisfied, and then looked at Mu Qian, she was very embarrassed.

I have a short hand and a soft mouth. She is now fed by others, and I am completely embarrassed to do it!

She said helplessly: "Small sister, if you want the city, I will give you all the cities in the southern part of the restricted area. How do you like which city owner of the city? Which **** thorn city, we I have to wait for the owner to come."

Although, they do not know, is the owner still alive, will not return?

Mu Qiang said: "The other city of the ruined area in the southern part of the restricted area originally belonged to me, and this **** thorny city but the largest main city in the southern part of the restricted area, so I saw it."

"The nine-night monarch is so generous, and sent such a large place to the younger sister." Blood II was a little surprised.

Everyone is squatting in the ground, can you not be generous?

This is the wife of the nine-night monarch, who is not generous to the daughter-in-law and who is generous? Mu Qian said: "I know that the medicine in my hand is not enough to make you completely satisfied. I can refine a new medicine for you. If you are satisfied, then you will admit that I am a city owner! If you are not satisfied, I will give up the Scarlet City and leave.

Here, after all, I am not your opponent. ”

When I left, I thought that the shots were so generous, and the little sister who gave so many pharmacy would leave, they were so distressed! It seems to be feeding them forever.

Blood two: "Try it!"

Blood is attentive: "Do you need me to sort out a refining room for you? I remember that human beings must refine their medicines in the refining room."

Mu Qian said: "No need to refine the medicine here!" Mu Qian took out the eternal tripod, and then took out the elixir from the space. The flame of the king burned up, and Mu Qian began to refine the pharmaceutical agent. .

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