Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2358: Master of the city

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The pharmacy has not yet been fully refining, and they are super-spirited when they smell the scent.

In the refining of medicine, Mu Qiang has integrated the power of life to make the quality of this medicine higher.

The power of life of the source of life is absolutely a great complement to all plants, and Mu Qian is not afraid that they will not like it.

At the time of Mu Qian's refining of medicine, the **** thorns of the entire city could not help, and all climbed out from the bottom of the earth, encircling the 30% of the city's main government.

In the demon month, their faces sank, and if these **** thorns attacked them, they were all dangerous.

However, they found that there were only those potions in the eyes of these **** thorns. The **** thorns of human blood seemed to have no interest in them.

In the eyes of the **** thorns of the city, Mu Qianyi finally refining the pharmacy.

She gave the medicine to the blood: "Try it! I first came into contact with the **** thorns, so I don't know about you. After I understand you better, I should be able to refine the medicine that is more suitable for you."

The blood trembled as a result of the drug, carefully taking a sip, and he felt that his power had changed.

Since the master left, their **** thorns in the city have not been promoted, but now this human girl gave them the potion to do this.

"Blood one, give me a taste!" Blood II took the medicine away.

When she and the blood three drank the medicine, she obviously felt the unusualness of this medicine.

The blood two eyes glanced at Mu Qianxi: "Beautiful little sister, you tell me, you are not a human being but a relative of the **** of life! It is incredible to refine such a potion." ”

When the master was there, the master's refining technique could hang many of the refining pharmacists in the prison, but the things he refined were absolutely not as strong as the pharmacy.

"You are such a baby! Sister really does not want to let you go?" Blood two looked at the Millennium.

"Sister! You think that it is too bad to shut up this little girl and give us medicine. We are not barbarians!" Blood three whispered around the blood.

"You give me a shut up, who said that I have such an idea! How can I force a younger sister who is so beautiful and will refining medicine!" Blood II gave his brother a few slaps.

The blood is wronged, but they are twin sisters, and they have a heart, and the sister is thinking this way!

Mu Qianxi looked at the blood two: "You can find a way to leave me, but I can tell you, you have to leave me, not so easy!"

A few ghostly figures appeared, and several strong people let the blood smash.

Blood II hooked the hook in the blood and blood three: "Let's talk!"

The time they talked was very short, and they quickly brushed up: "I have seen the master of the city! The adults of the city, I will feed later!"

Everyone is stunned, and this change is too big!

Before these people still remembered kidnapping Wang Hao! What is the appearance of a small milk dog now?

Blood, they waited for too long, they are also facing the master, it is impossible to come back.

They are very aware of how important it is to be a million. Her pharmacy not only allows them to fill their stomachs, but also allows them to grow up with other children.

They haven't grown up for a long time, and they are all too embarrassed.

Anyway, this group of food, and ultimately unable to resist, yielded to the food.

They thought that if the master came back, they would agree with their wise decision.

This group of **** thorns is done.

Everyone was a little embarrassed, and Mu Qian looked at them: "From now on, I am the city owner of the Scarlet City, and you also call me the city!"

"Yes! Master of the city!"

"Long live the city owner!"


Everything is so incredible, without sacrificing anyone, the city owner took the **** thorny city.

She just took out a lot of potions and got the seven-star planting.

Mu Qian said: "Next, let's talk about the construction of the Scarlet City!"

The Scarlet City is a bit old, and the construction of this aspect has been handed over to professionals.

Blood: "There are some low-star blood-colored thorns that don't talk, and the brain doesn't work well, but it's okay to do some simple work! We have different exercises, we must not work, eat white food."

Mu Qian said: "Well, if they can help, it's better! After all, I don't have many people available here, and the repair speed will be very slow."

Repair the city pool and find a core piece of land in the Scarlet City to build the Ghost Medical Building.

This is not the same as the ordinary medicine building. There are shops selling medicinal herbs, auctions of high-grade medicinal herbs, and even colleges that train pharmacists, and so on...

This ghost medical building will transcend the city's capital and become the landmark of the Scarlet City.

Because it is her place, Mu Qianxi can make full use of her own ideas and do what she wants.

The second blood: "The city owner rushed to the **** thorny city so far, the city government has not been sorted out, blood is too much to do things, where to go where the human sister lives, I immediately let people go."

Since they recognized this city owner, all the **** thorns are particularly enthusiastic about Mu Qian, because Mu Qianxi is their food and clothing parents!

They no longer have to **** the blood of some super-healthy humans!

The cold city of the city was so angry that Mu Qian also let everyone rest first, and began to work tomorrow.

They know that the thorns here are very different from the **** thorns in other places. These guys don't like to drink blood and like to drink pharmacy, but the fighting power of this explosion table is there!

When they thought about the **** thorns underneath the entire city and even under their beds, they really couldn't sleep.

Not everyone's heart is as powerful as the adult of the city!

Blood two: "Beautiful city owner, this side is the city owner and your room."

When Mu Qianyi opened the door, he saw a super pink room.

If she was very sure that she was in blood, she would have suspected that she would cross again and cross the fairy tale world.

It is pink everywhere, with a variety of cute decorations, and the mouth of the millennium is slightly pumped.

The blood is innocent and looks at Mu Qianxi: "The master of the city, the little sister of the human being likes this, but it is so good! If it wasn't for the room where I lived so much, it would be too tender, I want to get one. Today. Seeing the Lord of the City, you are coming, I can’t help but itching, so..."

Mu Qian’s mouth is slightly pumped, saying: “Demon Moon, this is still handed to you! Concise and pleasing to the eye!”

She really does not agree with the preference of a girl who has a heart-breaking violent mother.

"Yes!" Demon Moon Road. "Hey! People haven't done this little thing, I don't want to live!" Blood II is heartbroken.

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