Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2359: Start feeding

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I have to say that the blood has a very beautiful face, so it is pitiful to cry.

"You have bothered, give!" Mu Qianzhen handed a bottle of pharmacy.

She took the medicine with her eyes and shook it. "Oh! The city owner is the best, I like the city master! Let the owner be the owner, it is definitely the most sensible thing we do." It is."

This group of guys is not as cute as the fierce rumors, of course, if they can make them full.

But you can use the medicine to feed them and satisfy them. It is not too easy for Mu Qianxi.

Everyone didn't sleep well all night, but the next day was a **** action.

They can live in the **** thorny city without being attacked by **** thorns.

If you can fix this city, it is really exciting to do things that others can't do.

The materials of Jiancheng’s material, the Purple Respected Lord, have already been purchased, and there are only a lot of them. They only need to start work.

One star, two stars, and Samsung, some of the lowest **** thorns, helped to work together, and they were shocked when they watched the **** thorns carrying the bricks in front of them.

However, I was used to it when I was scared. I began to feel that such a powerful helper was very good.

Their actions are very fast, and they are not afraid of being tired or tired, and they are all too busy to make up for their lack of manpower.

Four stars, five stars, and six stars were planted, and they were sent out by Mu Qianji to collect the surrounding elixir.

As for Mu Qianxi, in addition to cultivation is the refining of pharmaceutical agents and medicinal herbs.

The team on the other side of the human hand is handed over to the demon moon and the uncle, and they are dealt with, and the **** thorns are handed over to the blood and blood.

After getting along for many days, everyone is not afraid of **** thorns, and they are very harmonious with them.

Mu Qianxi quickly released a batch of new pharmacy, Mu Qian said: "In the future, some of the **** thorns live underground, and partition, according to their number and size, to separate the underground space."

"Good!" Blood soon managed to get things done.

They used to have partitions before, and each level of blood-colored thorns was not the same, but it is now more clear.

Centered on the Ghost Medical Building, the closest nature is that they can be transformed into adult-shaped houses, followed by six stars, five stars, and four stars.

Ms. Qian said: "Let the people who built the city choose seven entrances in each district to put the medicines, and they can eat in their own homes later."

"Every kind of grade I have refining the most suitable pharmacy for them, one star two-star Samsung... every day according to their demand, let them absorb it."

Blood one by one, "It turns out that the original owner of the city has been busy with this in the refining room for a few days! Even for every level of **** thorns is considered."

Before the admiration of the medicinal herbs, only to meet the needs of the higher **** thorns, after all, the number is limited, the lower blood color promotion is not eligible to be assigned.

But they can smell the fragrance of the goblin, which is also a big complement for them.

But did not think that the urban master is treated equally.

Ms. Qian said: "I am the city owner of the **** thorny city. Although you are different, but it is also an old resident who has lived in this city for a long time, I naturally will not let you hungry! And refining these potions, for I am not a very difficult thing."

The blood was excited: "The urban master is generous, I will immediately tell the children about this good news!"

Even when the owner was there, there was no way to take care of the weak children. He could only exude its power and let the children absorb it.

The medicinal herbs can only be enjoyed by **** thorns of more than five stars, so the higher the level of blood-colored thorns, the more serious the picky eaters.

Now the blood of this news tells all the **** thorns in the city, and all the tens of thousands of **** thorns are boiling up and excited.

In their own language, they went to sing the lord of the city and thank the city master.

Then, Mu Qianyi opened the door the next day and was buried by various bright flowers.

"Cough and cough..."

There are countless flowers in front of me, and the door is full, and the demon moon looks at it: "The Lord!"

The demon moon pulled Mu Qianqi out of the flower, and the blood looked like tears.

He said to Mu Qian: "The master of the city, the group of children is simple, don't know how to thank the greatness of the city's adults. So I collected a lot of flowers and wanted to give the city owners, but every one thinks so, so... ”

Think of the number of **** thorns in the Scarlet City, the flowers collected by all the guys, and they made a very terrible number, and the result was buried by the Lord.

Mu Qian said: "It's okay! It's just some accidents."

"The demon month, prepare some vases, put all these flowers in place, and put them all over the city's main government. The city's main government is big enough, and all should be put down."

The blood wanted to let the little guys take all these flowers out and destroy them, but did not expect the city owners to make such arrangements.

The city owner is really a good person who is gentle and kind!

Whether it is the people he brought or the indigenous people in the city, she has become a city owner, and she is treated equally.

These flowers were sent because they loved them. Although these passions were beyond her expectations, she did not want to live up to their minds.

The demon month nodded: "I will arrange it right away!"

The large city capital is decorated with various flowers, which is even more vibrant.

“The city owner, the passage to the underground space in every area has all been opened.” The blood three came to report.

They also want those kids to taste this super delicious, so they build the passage overnight.

Ms. Qian said: "Go and see!"

"Yes! The city owner! Which region do we go to first?"

"Go to a star area!"

There are seven entrances in each area. At this time, Muqian went to an entrance. She took out almost a hundred liters of medicine, and they opened their eyes!

so much!

City lord, you are using such precious pharmacy as water!

Mu Qiang poured this large barrel of medicine into the entrance and carried out the first watering (feeding) of a star-studded thorn.

Ms. Qian said: "Put someone down to check it out and see if it is normal."


The six-star stalks sent in to see these one-star little guys are all happy and crazy. When he smells the scent, he is heart-warming.

He wants to be reserved, he is a six-star. How can I grab it with some of these small families! The masters of the city will give them a six-star differently tailored pharmacy. He is looking forward to it. He really wants the owner of the city to go to the six-star area to send medicine!

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