Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2360: I want to go and leave

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Mu Qiang took out six other copies and handed them to them: "The other six entrances, you go to water!"

"Next, let's go to the second star!"

After two stars went to Samsung, and finally went to six stars.

All the **** thorns are ecstatic, and they have been hungry for so long. The first time they tasted the feeling of eating, it was so happy.

And they also feel a lot stronger, the lower the level of the guy feels more obvious.

Some ages are no less than blood. Their little **** thorns actually feel that they have a way to break through the seven stars. This is not an illusion, is it true?

The pharmacy of the master of the city is too strong!

Everyone was divided into delicious food, but the blood one of them three pitifully looked at Mu Qiandao: "The master of the city, you ... you will not forget us!"

Mu Qian said: "How could you forget you? Try this."

Mu Qianxi lost a few bottles to them three people, blood: "This is the human medicine."

He has tried before, super bad!

But this is what the city owner gave them, they decided to try it, swallow it!

"Ah! Sweet! Good food, too good."

They rubbed and rubbed the medicinal herbs, not only delicious, but also good for their cultivation.

They have always been very disdainful to human pharmacists, and now they must be regarded as the **** of refining medicine.

I can't wait to tell the whole world that their owners are the most powerful refining pharmacists in the entire prison, and all the other pharmacists are slag!

They will definitely help the urban masters to establish a good ghost medical building. They must make the name of the ghost doctor of the urban master, and name the whole blood prison, let them worship!

Blood, they are more full of fighting spirit.

After watering the plants they had cultivated in the city and feeding three humanoid plants, the ghost doctor once again plunged into her refining room.

Different plants need to grow, and other people in her city can't be treated badly, right?

"The Lord of the City, you mean that this medicine can broaden our meridians, improve our talents, and let us cultivate to a higher level?" They looked at Mu Qianxi with shock.

Their talents are limited and their age is not small. In this life, they have cultivated to the top, and it is estimated that they can only achieve such strength.

However, the urban master gave them such an opportunity, they did not have any doubt that their city owners could not do it.

The city's current refining techniques can make these ferocious **** thorns obedient, and refining the medicinal herbs that improve their qualifications is nothing.

"Thank you for the city!"

"Thank you for the city!"

The good intentions of the city owners, they did not refuse, because they need such an opportunity too much to change themselves.

After the repair of the city was completed, they began to focus on the construction of the ghost medical building.

The Scarlet City is good, but there are too few people.

The Daxing City Pool like this can accommodate millions of people, and as a result, some of them add all the ranks of **** thorns, only tens of thousands.

There are too few people, and it is necessary to recruit some new residents and some businessmen to join in order to be a complete city.

Mu Qianchuan passed the news to the nine nights and there is purple!

Wang Hao has gone to the **** thorny city for more than a month now. Everyone thought that Wang Hao, who had not reached the level of the lord, must have come back to the **** thorny city and was attacked by **** thorns, or let the nine-night monarch go. Heroes save the United States.

However, such a thing did not happen at all.

They also got the news that the Purple Respected Lord prepared a large amount of supplies and shipped them to the Scarlet City.

This...Wang Hao, did you take the **** thorny city?

The monarch did not start with the **** thorny city, and the **** thorny city of the rumored Lord’s nightmare was taken by Wang Hao.

Soon the **** thorny city side came the news, the **** thorny city called the city people, businessmen, refiners, especially the refining pharmacists.

Treatment and welfare are definitely the most humanized in blood, but still no one dares to go?

What kind of joke? Who dares to go to the city of nightmares, the **** thorns in the city pool are dedicated to drinking human blood, the ferocity of people as fertilizer, they do not want to die.

They simply did not believe that the newly appointed city owner had the ability to clean up all the dangers of the Scarlet City.

Therefore, after the announcement of the Scarlet City was released, no one dared to go to the Scarlet City. Blood and blood two, they are very annoyed, blood two pointed at the nose of the blood one: "The owner has said before, it is very unattractive to **** human blood, you don't care about them, let them **** blood. This is good. The reputation of our Scarlet City is so bad that no one dares to come and let the city owner

People are worried. ”

Blood is also very annoyed. I knew that today, he swears that he absolutely does not drink human blood. Anyway, it is so difficult to drink, who is rare!

"The city owner, I know it is wrong." Blood apologized.

Mu Qian said: "It has nothing to do with you, this is also good! Our **** thorny city does not need such timid people, they give up this opportunity this time. Even if they want to become a resident of the Scarlet City, It's impossible."

Blood together: "The city owner said that our **** thorny city will certainly become the most powerful city in the blood prison, coupled with the powerful refining technique of the city owner, and crying for a large piece of people to join, who rarely talks! ”

The announcement was released for three days, and Mu Qian’s people took it back.

Some of the lords whispered in a discussion: "A person does not dare to go to the **** thorny city. It seems that Wang Hao gave up."

"No one dares to go in such a place. I think Wang Hao must also leave the Scarlet City and re-select a city."


"Night! I immediately think of a way for Xiaomei! People only, we are not lacking in blood prison." Purple looked at the nine-night gloomy face, hurriedly.

"People who want to use it! Satisfied people!" stressed nine nights.

Purple quiet nodded: "I understand, I understand! But I am very curious, how can the little beauty get the **** thorny city so fast? Even if the night people are stronger, there is no such efficiency!"

Not just other people don't know, even purple is not known, very curious.

Nine nights, the light was dark, and a black light flashed in a flash, and the nine nights did not work directly.

He said to Ziyou: "Other things, give it to you!"

Purple is really trying to die, shouldn't he have a good mouth?

I am afraid that I don’t know how the little beauty used to fix the dangerous **** thorny city, so he went directly to the **** thorny city to understand the situation.

In fact, he is super cute little beauty! Although Xiaomei did not take long. He grievously said: "Poor me! Why did you run into a master who is not doing business and wants to leave? It is terrible!"

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