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The nine-night monarch wanted to go to see his fiancée, and went straight, and did not use the ability of Crystal Ying.

After all, Mu Qianxi is only in the prison, not in other places, he will soon be able to.

After nine nights at the Scarlet City, I found that the fierce alien plants here lived in peace with the people in the city, as long as they poured the potions on time.

That watering the planting of the different plants, nine nights naturally found a familiar atmosphere, this is the refining agent.

I thought that I used to water the life **** wood that was about to wither and die, and I was planted with the medicine. I was not surprised in nine nights.

The city was repaired very well, and the tallest building in the distance, the ghost medical building, was still under construction.

Nine nights are not hiding, but slowly walking in this city that belongs to the hustle and bustle.

There are no newcomers in the Scarlet City, and now there is a stranger in the city, and the **** thorns here are quickly discovered.

They instinctively feel that this person's breath is scary, so they quickly notified their boss!

"A human being broke into our **** thorny city, and we did not find it."

As soon as the blood rushed to him, he found the black slender figure, and the face was covered by a black mask. The pair of ice-blue scorpions were like the ice that could not be opened for years.

This is a dangerous man who dares not to provoke, even if he has the strength of the superior, but his instinct tells him that he can't make three moves under this man and will disappear.

The other party did not kill, and there was no trouble in entering the city.

Blood felt that they would report to their city owners soon, lest they be reckless and provoked people who should not be provoked.

Mu Qianxi just packed up some new refining pharmacies and heard someone knocking at the door.

“Who?” Mu Qiang opened the door and found a familiar figure that could not be familiar.

"Hey!" She was brought into a familiar embrace.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Nine nights, you are here, welcome to my city."

When the blood came, they found that their city owner was caught by this human being.

Before he was clear, he went in the direction of the ghost medical building. How did he suddenly arrive at the city government office?

"Let us go to the city!" The blood is nervous.

The masters of the city must not have anything to do. They don’t want to go through the days of hungry, even if they are out of life, they will protect the city.

As a result, he was completely ignored. He looked at the woman in front of him for nine nights: "The city of the city is very good!"

The blood stunned, and the man knew the city owner.

Mu Qianxi looked at the blood of tension: "This is your future city owner, 'Mrs.', don't be so nervous!"

Throughout the prison, dare to play the nine-night monarch, and only one person.

"Well! ‘Mrs.’!” The low-pitched, magnetic voice has a dangerous color.

These two words are not completely satisfactory for nine nights. If you change a word, it will be better.

The blood squinted and blinked, this... This is their city owner, her man came to see the **** thorny city.

Blood together: "The blood is one, it is a seven-star plant, I have seen adults! The city owner, I will retire first."

The two men are tight together, and the feelings are so good. As a single, the blood feels that it is a superfluous existence, or don't get in the way.

As for the lord 'Mrs.', he does not have the courage to shout!

When the unsightly person walks, the nine-night gaze is more eager to look at Mu Qianxi.

The pair of eyes seemed to say that she hadn’t seen it for so long, and she didn’t even say anything.

Ms. Qian said: "I will take you to visit my city."

"Do not!"

"Then I will prepare a banquet for you and introduce you to these special residents in the city."

"I want, not these!"

Nine nights, the people squatted tightly, bowed their heads and kissed them directly.

What he wants is not these. It seems that he can only act in a straightforward manner, so that he can understand his thoughts.

Kissing to drain all the air in her mouth, Mu Qiang was held by him, seemingly to be integrated into the blood bones for nine nights, there is no gap between the two.

It doesn't seem to be separated for a long time, but it seems to be separated for several years.

The men came, so the masters of their hard-working medicines went on strike.

As the owner of the **** thorny city, even if it is very annoying that a monarch is very arrogant to eat her tofu, I still cook a delicious meal for him.

Nine nights, I took Mu Qianxi into the middle of my arms: "Don't cook, then Benjun, feed you..."

Mu Qian’s face is red, “I can eat it myself!”

"But I want to do this!"

Anyway, since the nine-night monarch came, the two began to sprinkle dog food, flashing the eyes of a city man and a city plant, feeling that this city of darkness is now full of pink bubbles everywhere.

At this time, their **** thorny city once again came to strangers.

The strength of this stranger is naturally not as terrible as the man of their city, in order not to disturb his two love.

Blood did not intend to inform the urban master, handed in blood two and blood three will start.

Purple is to catch the master of his family, but when he is close to the **** thorny city, he is attacked by a large **** thorn.

These low-level blood-colored thorns, where can stop his footsteps?

Purple quiet went into the city pool very smoothly, and it felt dangerous.

"Hey!" Hard **** red branches like steel!

"Hey!" The sharp thorns fell from the sky like rain.

Purple is not a vegetarian. These fierce attacks are all avoided by him. He also discovered who the enemy is?

It’s three red-haired guys!

It should be said that they are human beings, they are different plants, and they can be transformed into adult-type seven-star plants. It is really strange.

Purple quiet channel: "You give away to the deity."

Blood together: "Impossible!"

"That's a fight! If you are a god-deserved deity, you will be afraid, seven steps! Can you really pay for it?"

"Booming!" So the four were hit.

Purple is also strange, isn’t the small beauty successful in building the city? There are still some dangerous things in this city that have not been cleaned up.

Such a big battle broke out in the city. Mu Qian, who is the owner of a city, naturally discovered it. Mu Qianqian was going to see it, but he was pulled into his arms by nine nights.

He said: "Don't worry."

"Someone is making trouble in my city, how can I not care?" Mu Qian said.

Then nine nights replied: "It is purple."

"Purple secluded!" It seems that purple is coming, and they are fighting with blood.

"Just let the purple singer refine the strength of a smelt, do not care."

So what should they do?

If it is purple, I know that nine nights know that he is coming, but I don’t care, it is estimated that I will die.

However, playing more and more fierce, Mu Qian can not continue to let them destroy in the city. She took the nine nights: "This is my city, you can be so calm, I can't fix it, I have to stop the destroyers."

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