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"Good!" Several times, the blood, their face sinks.

In the recent period, I have seen two such perverted strongmen, which have not been encountered for thousands of years.

"You have already delayed the deity for too much time, and the little beauty has not cleaned up, then I helped." Before the purple quiet did not play seriously.

At this point his breath suddenly became dangerous, apparently to kill.

A cold drink came, "Do you stop!"

A black and purple figure passed, and the blood said: "The Lord of the City!"

"Night, little beauty!" Purple secluded.

Both sides of the fight have stopped, and the purple and horrified road said: "The Lord of the City! They even called the little beauty of the city."

"The little beauty is too powerful, only a few days after it came out, the seven-star plant has been conquered by you."

This purple secluded finally can solve the confusion of happiness!

It is no wonder that Xiaomei can smoothly enter the Scarlet City, and repair the city with such a short time. She turned out to have three seven-star plants.

Look at their respectful look, Xiaomei said that going west, they will never go east, it is a sincere surrender, not a false one.

Mu Qian said: "This is blood one, blood two and blood three, it is my men."

"This is purple, the night of the shift!"

Blood together: "I didn't think that the big water rushed to the Dragon King Temple, hahaha! Adults, we offended."

Purple secluded road: "Little beauty, what to follow! I am the first strong decree of the night, and the word of the class is worthy of my noble and powerful purple."

Mu Qianqi asked: "You are here to get ready to catch the nine nights."

After nine nights, I didn’t intend to go. He wanted to stop working on the blood prison and wanted to stay with her to build a city.

Of course, this is the purpose of this, but when I saw the cold eyes of nine nights, where can I say my own heart!

Purple secluded: "Of course not! I know that Xiaomei has encountered some minor troubles on this side, so I will come over and help."

"Oh! Let's talk to the city government!" Mu Qianxi said to him.

This time, the purple secluded is to supplement the materials of Mu Qian, of course, this is by the way, the most important thing is to call them the monarch to go back.

However, only to please the little beauty, he can let Xiaomei people say good things, let the night willingly go back!

After all, even if he is ten, he has no ability to tie the night back.

When Ziyou took out some of the supplies, the blood felt like a big local tyrant came.

This shot is too big, but they also played with the local tyrants before, but fortunately did not run people. Purple secluded: "As for human affairs, ordinary people don't dare to come to the **** thorn city, and definitely will not come to such a dangerous place. So I gave two suggestions to Xiaomei, the first suggestion went to the chaotic market to buy a batch of slaves. The loyalty of the slaves in the chaotic market is very high. If the second suggestion then

It’s the little beauty who breaks a prison directly, beats the people in prison and gives them freedom, and most people will surrender to you. If you don't surrender, kill it. ”

This is the dark prison. There are slaves selling here. Every jail here is holding very dangerous people, but if someone has enough strength, it can destroy the prison and take prisoners in prison.

The former can be bought with money, and the loyalty is high, but the strength is not enough.

The latter is very dangerous, and loyalty depends on your fists.

The people in prison are very difficult bones from all over the place, and there are many people with high strength.

Mu Qiang nodded: "Your proposal is very good."

"This is a map of the chaotic market, and there are maps of the big prisons." Purple quiet took out two maps.

The chaotic market and the prisons of all sizes are spread throughout the prison. The map that Ziyou gave her is very detailed.

Most people can get a complete map of blood prison, and purple can get all of them. The visible means is very powerful.

If you buy slaves in the chaotic market of the entire prison, you will not be able to make a difference.

Purple secluded to Ms. Qian’s eyes and said: "Little beauty, can you be satisfied?"

"very satisfied!"

"So...then..." He looked forward to seeing Qian Qianxi.

The thoughts in my heart are not dare to say it. I can only win the eyebrows of Mu Qian.

Mu Qian’s mouth was slightly pumped, and she thought it was clear.

Nine nights, a cold eye swept over, and the purple secluded moment became expressionless, and then said: "I am very interested in this **** thorny city where the **** thorns can coexist peacefully with human beings, blood is right! Can bring the deity to go Visit?"

Blood together: "Good!"

The other party sent so many supplies, blood is still very good for him.

Ziyou knows that Muqian used the potion to conquer this group of blood-colored thorns. Some of them are strange, and the beauty of Xiaomei is really powerful.

To know that **** thorns are bloodless, she used pharmacy to change the recipe for **** thorns.

The **** thorny city is better than the imagination, and Mu Qianxi is short, so...

"Hurry to catch the king!" Nine nights hold Mu Qiang tightly.

Mu Qian said: "This **** thorny city is mine, it is also yours, you want to come at any time. But you also have a lot of things to do?"


After nine nights to go, all the strengths of the millennium before the farewell were drained.

Ms. Qian wants to stare at the purple sigh: "You will give me a good eye to your master, and next time I will not help you to persuade, it is terrible!"

Purple and helpless said: "Little beauty, I can only do my best! After all, I miss you when I miss you in the night, I can't help it!"

Nine nights and purple secluded back, and Mu Qianxi said yes, he also has a lot of things to deal with.

He saw that the management of the **** thorny city was very good, and there were seven stars and different plants, and there was nothing to worry about.

After they left, Mu Qiang summoned them several times and said: "Our people can go to the chaotic market to buy!"

Demon Moon said: "But the city owner, the slaves in the chaotic market are not cheap!"

Mu Qian said: "Is it cheap? If the money in the ghost medical building is not enough, we will go to other cities to get it! If I remember correctly, these cities are mine."

Mu Qiang took out a few of the city's ownership rights.

"The preparation is still manpower, let's go to other cities to see."

The other cities are not like the **** thorns, so they are taken by the **** thorns, but they are also in the chaos of the unfixed city owners. It is not so easy to let those cities belong to her.

But if you are not convinced, you will be convinced! Before she accepted the **** thorny city, she was not sure, but now she has three ferocious seven-stars, and is she afraid of not accepting them?

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