Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2368: Direct challenge

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Others don't know what is going on? He is still very clear about blood, because their urban master is a refining pharmacist!

And it is not an ordinary refining pharmacist. It is not too difficult for a **** to sneak into the poison of a superior lord.

"Hey!" Dai Yan is still vomiting blood.

Mu Qianxi said to Dai Yandao: "You are too big!"

"You...when did you poison me?" Dai Yan was not willing.

Mu Qianxi is a bad road: "Guess, I will not tell you, how can you do it?"

"Hey!" Dai Yan was once again spurted by Mu Qian.

"Hey!" Two unidentified objects fell again in the air.

One was burnt to burnt black, and one was smashed into a pig's head. Anyway, it was not a general miserable.

"Dai Yan, you have raised the dog food, it hurts our two brothers." They stared at Dai Yan with anger and anger.

Dai Yan’s face at this time is also very difficult to read. “You want to kill you, you just want it! I have planted it.”

Those who occupy the city without the Lord naturally face many people's challenges and are ready to be killed at any time.

However, he lost to a person who has not reached the rank of the lord. He really feels awkward!

Mu Qianxi looked at them and said: "Give you a choice. The first is to go to the Scarlet City and survive in the city. The second is to be killed immediately."

The **** thorny city is also dead. If you don't go, you will die immediately.

They naturally choose the latter, maybe they can try to escape halfway, maybe?


Numerous silvery lights flashed, and the needles scratched their skin, making them too late to escape.

"The city owner does not like to be a deserter, so you should do it according to my requirements! Otherwise, the poison will break out, you will die abnormally miserable, don't blame me for not reminding you." Mu Qianxi cold channel.

Dai Yan was shocked by the unusualness. He was also counted by such fine needles. He didn’t feel anything at all. Dai Yan looked at Mu Qianxi: "The master of the city, I went to the **** thorny city, I don't know if I can come back alive. I think the city owner will get the city of the lord of the far south and the city of the lord. Two. I know about other cities in the southern part of the restricted area. Maybe I can help.

The place. ”

Dai Yan is a very thoughtful person, otherwise he will not deploy everything before Mu Qiang comes.

Unfortunately, the enemy is too abnormal, and all his deployment has no use.

Mu Qian said: "All the cities in the far south have no ownership, all of mine."

Dai Yan took a sigh of relief, what is this identity?

It’s incredible to be able to win so many cities without power in the far south of the restricted area.

At this point he only knew how hard it was to kick a piece of iron.

Knowing this early, he must not dare to work on the aunt's grandmother, handing the city of Yuelu to her hands.

Dai Yan’s 151th introduces the strength of other people without the city, and the strength of their strength. He said: "The strength of the city's adults today, each break is completely no problem, you will be able to put their success in the bag! But if they hear what the wind, they join hands, even invited the strong masters of the Lord level to sit, the city owner I am afraid that adults will fall into danger, please also

People, you are careful. ”

Dai Yan feels that they are strong and strong, but it is still dangerous to deal with the power of the Sayādaw.

He did not know that among the five of them, Mu Qiang had the strength of the Sayādaw level besides her.

Mu Qian said: "Look at your sincerity, let you take a day to hurt and go!"

Dai Yan’s face was very pale. I thought that my ability to prove that my lord would open the net and not let him go to the **** thorny city to die. Now it seems that he is whimsical.

One step wrong, step by step wrong!

Mu Qianzhen let people release news that if people in Yuecheng City intend to compete for the position of the city owner, they can also go to the Scarlet City.

Can survive in the Scarlet City, she will eventually choose one of them as the deputy.

Even if you don't become a deputy city owner, you can take a good position.

Where is it going to be bad? But let them go to the **** thorny city, this is not a test of the deputy city owner, but let them go to die!

Not many people dare to die, but some people want to let go.

On the second day, Dai Yan, who had a better injury, took the man to the **** thorny city. His heart was extremely desolate, and it was estimated that there was no return.

After solving the Lunar New Year, Mu Qian said: "This city, the last city!"

The Lord City Lord is also prepared, but there is no use at all.

They invited more helpers than Dai Yan, but they were completely defeated.

I know that the city owner directly believes that "the city owner, the city owner is forgiving! Bypassing me this time is disrespectful!"

The way that Mu Qianxi disposed of these people was exactly the same, and he was stuffed into the **** thorny city.

This was planned before she left, let the blood go and let them go, let the **** thorns test these people.

Use very ferocious means to find out who is available.

The last city's lord of the end of the sorcerer did not send him to the **** thorny city, because this cargo is very close to the city owners of other cities, and the thigh effort is first-class.

Otherwise, they will not directly admit defeat if they know that they can't beat them, and they will be spared from their own skin. Dai Yan’s words gave her a new idea. When the landlords of the city without the master learned that a dangerous person would take the city from their hands, they knew that a city could not be dealt with, even if they had a ghost. In order to protect themselves, they will choose to unite and even find the Supreme

Level masters help.

If they unite, then she just happened to be in a hurry, so as not to conquer the city.

"The last witch!" Mu Qiandao said.

"The end of the witch, the master of the city, do not know what you have told?" The end of the witch is very dog's legs. Mu Qiang took out more than 20 papers and said: "All the cities without the Lord in the far south are all mine. You send people to inform the local snakes who occupy the city, let them catch up within three days. Go to your last city, choose to surrender to me, and their city is completely owned by me. Otherwise

The city, the moon city and the last city are their end. ”

This is a demonstration, it is a provocation! Such a move scared the last witch.

"The master of the city, I think this is not appropriate! This way the urban master will offend more than 20 cities at the same time! Once they join hands, it is a big problem. I think the master of the city you broke as before, it is very stable. "This is more than 20 cities!" The grandmother wanted to swallow in one breath, and she only brought four people, which is crazy.

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