Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2369: Approaching the army

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Mu Qian said: "Don't be so much nonsense, just do it according to my requirements."

The last witch replied reverently: "Yes! It is a small mouth."

Mu Qianzhang’s squadrons of the Great Walls in the South of the Forbidden District were all wanted, leaving the entire city of the Great South forbidden areas not calm.

The city owners who have the Lord's city are ready to watch the play. "I didn't think that there was such a bold figure in the far south restricted area. I wanted to swallow so much in one breath, and I was not afraid of drowning!"

"I heard that the city owner came from the city of Yushen. The people from the main city of blood prisons naturally do not know the height of the sky. I don't know the danger of people in this extremely restricted area!"

The faces of the incompetent city owners who had no name in the main city were more gloomy than one. "I heard that it is still a very young little girl. It is really a newborn calf and not afraid of tigers!"

"I really thought it would be too naive to pack up the three cities."

It’s not fake that Mu Qiang’s three cities have been settled, so they dare not act rashly and alone with Mu Qian’s. The more than 20 owners of the city without the Lord decided to unite and clean up the arrogance. Foreign households.

"We are right together! I heard that all the people who were defeated by her were thrown to the **** thorny city to die, but it was the **** thorny city, the most terrible place in the southern part of the restricted area, we can't afford to lose!"

"Yes! That's right. To be on the safe side, we need to find a master of the Sayādaw level, so they will lose."

Mu Qianxi gave three days to give them enough time to discuss the alliance and find the masters of the Lord's level to help.

Seeing that time is getting closer and closer, the last witch is very frightened in the end of the city. However, the newly appointed master of the last city, still drinking tea leisurely, teasing the cat, yo, and smoothing the hair of her phoenix .

There is no point in the current urgency of the enemy!

"City...the last adult, the last adult is not good!" At this time, someone rushed to the city government.

The army approached so quickly, and scared the last witch. He asked: "How fast is it coming? How is the strength of the other side?"

"Every city has sent 10,000 soldiers, and now they have already traveled to the city. This...we have been completely surrounded." The people who reported it were also very scared. At the end of the sorcerer's war, he went to report to Mu Qianxi. He said: "The adult of the city, the master of the city, you should not throw all the people of the last city into the **** thorny city to die! Now the whole city, no one is available! The other side has more than 200,000 soldiers, even if the master of the city is very powerful, I am afraid

It is also difficult to confront so many people! ”

He has to burn his eyebrows, but his new urban master is very calm.

Ms. Qian said: "Where is it necessary to deal with 200,000 soldiers? Have you ever heard of the thieves and the princes? If you seize their city owners, are you afraid that these more than 200,000 soldiers will be difficult to deal with?"

"Catch their generals among the 200,000 soldiers, how can this be done?"

Ms. Qian said: "Go to the city wall, get ready to fight!"

Mu Qianxi appeared on the wall of the last city, watching the soldiers of the more than 20 cities that came from the war.

She said: "Where the city owners come to this so many soldiers, is it to come to the city to vote for it?"

Countless pairs of eyes brushed and looked at the purple girl who stood on the wall, and she was still indifferent to the army.

The pair of scorpions, which are like the stars, are faintly swept toward them, making people feel that everything is in her grasp.

"You just took down the city, the moon city, the last city wants to **** the other city owner of our city." A rough voice came.

"What robbing! These cities have originally belonged to me? You are not legally occupied, but there is still reason!"

"Ha ha ha! Reason, in this blood prison, the fist is big! This is your extreme south restricted area, don't think that if you take a few pieces of broken paper, someone will become a city owner, that is impossible!"

Mu Qiang said coldly: "It seems that you are not coming to be honest today. If you do, you can only convinced you."

"Ha ha ha! Fighting, do you rely on a few of you?" Some of these city owners have thousands of horses behind them, and the situation on the side of Mu Qianxi is obviously contrary to them. Only the lonely people are surrounded by them. There are not a few guards to follow.

"I see other people are scared to run away! It is too bad to follow this one-of-a-kind city owner!"

The masters of the great cities and towns taunted.

The last witch tries to reduce his sense of existence. You are mistaken. Don't count me in.

This large number of coalition forces came to the forefront, and at this time they felt that they were too big.

It is a waste of effort to deal with such a few people and even dispatched so many troops.

When the blood could not hear them, he said: "The urban master, can we open the killing machine?"

"It is not necessary to kill the killing. I want to capture the city owners!" Mu Qian said.

Blood two: "Blood one, then how much do you and my brother than you catch? If you lose, give half of your ration to me."

"I am stupid compared to the two of you, impossible! You have died this heart!"

In the face of this battle, there is no pressure.

As for the next few hundred thousand people in the local area, grabbing their generals is half a negligible game.

At the end, the witch wiped the sweat on his forehead: "The Lord of the City, I... I have low strength, I am afraid I can’t help, so..."

So don't send him to perform such a brutal mission! He... he can't do it.

Mu Qian said: "You don't have to! Stay here, just give me a count of the number of people. Guarantee that some of the city owners, one does not leak."

They haven't done it yet, so they are sure they can win. Is this arrogant or confident? The last witch looked at them with a stunned look.

"Give me a broken city!" There was a roar in the army, and the war of war broke out.

Some people moved, ready to break through the city, and seized the one who had the empty paperwork but could not control the city of her city.

Just as they attacked the city, the air suddenly became dark, and a black phoenix appeared in the air, and Mu Qian plunged onto the back of the small ink ink.

"Hey!" The four figures are like ghosts that fall from the walls.

They rushed to the well-protected city owner, passing through the blockade of the army, just like entering the unmanned environment.

"Hey!" Because everyone who dares to hinder them is all killed by them in an instant. what? You have a number of advantages, which is totally unworthy for them!

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