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This power is even more terrifying than the self-exploding power they have seen. Mu Qian’s face has changed dramatically. “Hurry up and avoid, hurry away!”

"Ha ha ha! It's too late!"

Blood IV wants to be close to this individual, killing people on his own blast!


However, the violent force isolated him and flew him out.

Can't avoid it, after Mu Qiang is ready to let Crystal Ying defend this horrible self-destruction.

Suddenly blood seven and blood eight: "The fourth, the master will give you protection, let us block!"

"Get out of the way!" Mu Qianxi shouted.

"Boom!" A loud noise, blood seven and blood eight became the body, blocking this time blew.

"Hey!" The broken branches flew around, but they blocked most of their power with their bodies.

At this time, some of the soldiers in the Scarlet City were also stunned. They saw the blood seven and the blood eight who had fought side by side with them, and they became **** thorns in front of them.

That is a fierce **** thorn!

They were strange before, clearly that the Scarlet City was so terrible before, but they never encountered a **** thorn attack.

All the **** thorns of the **** thorny city were really conquered by the city, and the strong ones of the **** thorny city were actually **** thorns.

What about humans? What about the different plants?

Just two adults have been desperate to protect them, or where can their strengths stand out? It has long since disappeared.

Even though the rumored **** thorns are bloodthirsty and ferocious, after this war, they absolutely do not have any prejudice against them, they are all lovely partners with flesh and blood.

Mu Qiang swept the past and took out a few bottles of medicine to treat them, and took a few shots.

The body of the **** thorns is still relatively strong, and the self-destruction destroys most of their bodies, but it is not enough to kill them.

"Hey! Drink!" They are happy.

The injury is not a little conscious of injury, but instead likes to drink medicine.

Mu Qian took advantage of these two cargo lanes: "The next time you dare to be so rash, I don't mind letting you taste the most difficult drugs in the world."

Wouldn’t it be terrible to drink a good potion and let them drink the unpleasant medicine? Their bodies trembled and said: "The Lord is forgiving, and we will not dare any more."

"But the only way to save everyone! Our physical strength is not as fragile as human beings, and we can't die!"

The injury is heavier than they think. If it is not the timely treatment of the master, they are estimated to be downgraded to five or six stars. Now it is fine.

Demon Moon said: "The first time I saw the Supreme Boss has such a strong lethality, and can create a position to protect myself and make people run slowly, it is not normal." Mu Qianguang Shen Shen, "this time The hunting is not simple, let out so many prisoners of the sacred level, and let a sage learn this blasting technique. I think their purpose is not only as simple as trying to win the banned area. Their purpose is blood. Prison, maybe it’s not

the goal of. ”

"Some people are not very simple, but it is impossible to win the **** prison. The nine-night monarch is very powerful. These people are not worth mentioning for him, the master does not have to worry!"

The power of the nine-night monarch is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, knowing that the other six prisoners are not the opponents of the nine-night monarch.

If you can use all the power of nine nights, naturally not afraid of any opponents.

However, there is a terrible curse on the night of nine nights. The seal of the endless looks perfect, and there is no guarantee that it will never go out!

Strong enemies attacked, and the night was dispatched, and countless black men appeared, blocking those who dared to offend the nine-night monarch.

A strong atmosphere appeared, Ziyou said: "Some small prisons, even released a strong person like this, to say that there is no tricky, who believes!"

The adults in the sacred city also stunned. "It is the pressure of the monarchy, the blood prison... The blood prison has appeared other powerful monarchs. Is it the monarch of the prison ghost who came to us to challenge the Lord? ?"

The coming people are not those people. After all, the other monarchs of the prison are stupid to come to the territory of the nine-night monarch to die.

Purple secluded road: "Night, I will deal with him! You can not shoot if you can not shoot."

Nine nights brows slightly, obviously do not agree with the purple secluded words.

"You don't want the little beauty to worry about it?" Purple quiet took out the killer.

The dark green figure swept past, his opponent did not look old, wearing a very good armor.

Ziyou looked at the handsome face and said: "Oh! This is an old acquaintance! Chu, what have you done? It was locked up in a few small breaks, running on the hunt. Out."

"His Highness, my task is to take you back and save the boundless adults who are being held in the blood prison." For nine nights, he was quite rude, but when he said that there was no limit, he was respectful. !

"The dirty air, the disgusting spiritual power, I naturally don't want to stay in this ghost place, let the temple come down with me, you are not my opponent." His face showed a very disgusting color and purple Quiet impatient.

Let a debauchery waste deal with him, and he will not look down on him for nine nights!

Purple quiet channel: "I am not your opponent, you are too confident!"

"Boom!" A loud noise, purple secluded bursts of powerful power.

He turned into the body and appeared in the sky of the city of 弑.

The boundless seal is very good, but once you use too much power in the night, you will have an accident. This is also the real purpose of sending a group of people to do things every time you start hunting.

The strength of the night, this group of people whimsical really thought that they can take people away? It’s a joke!

"Boom!" The sacred city broke out in a terrible battle, and the **** battles in the major restricted areas never stopped.

They tried to rush to the next battlefield at the fastest speed. They also learned some news when they were hunting. Which cities have been completely destroyed?

Even the other major cities in the four main cities except the Scarlet City, the situation is very serious.

Along the way, she gathered the scattered hands of the Scarlet City. Even if there were seven stars in the same place, the loss was much better than other cities, but it was still heavy.

At this time, Mu Qianxi was preparing to go with the blood of the seventh prisoner and the blood of the fourteenths. They had a strong **** smell, and Mu Qian looked at the blood of a **** fourteen who was fighting the wounded. They don’t have many people left in this team, or they are seriously injured or dead, but they still bite their teeth and fight the enemy to the last breath.

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