Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2388: Not yet finished

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The strongest blood team will be the result of this, this is something that Muqian can't think of.

But I felt the residual fluctuations in the air, and Mu Qian knew that someone had blew himself up.

Seeing that Muqian came, the blood was excited: "Master, great, you are coming, hurry to save the little fourteen, his breath is getting weaker and weaker."

The self-destructive power of blood seven and blood eight people can be blocked by fourteen people, then his injury will be more serious than the double of them.

The situation in the fourteenth was terrible, and a silvery light flashed.

Mu Qian said: "He handed it to me, others retreated, blood one."

"The demon moon, blood four you solve the rest of the people."

The wounded were taken away from the battlefield. There is only one of her refining pharmacists, and she is responsible for treating everyone.

Fourteen serious injuries to blood have been turned into the body.

Its strength has been regressing, six stars, five stars, and even face the danger of becoming a star.

Mu Qiang took control of his injury with the potion, and let it stay at the level of five-star planting.

Different plants must cultivate and upgrade two stars, and do not know how many years to go through.

Still late!

"The blood prison is very smashed in the restricted area? I have been stunned by you. I didn't think that someone could let the surrogate surrender. It really was beyond my expectations." The opponent who had to face the blood suddenly spoke.

The fourteenths were created, and the blood was very angry.

The attack of blood one, recruited to see the blood, let him hang a lot of color on the enemy.

"But, this uncle, I will not admit defeat so easily, die together..."


One hand passed through his back and his heart was dug by hand.


Mu Qian said: "You have too many words, the same tricks, we will recruit so many times!"

Before she ordered the blood four to deal with some of the shrimps and crabs will be just a blind eye, but in fact, when the blood is stunned by this person, the person is directly killed, so that he has no chance to blew himself.

"Hey!" The heart was crushed and he fell into a pool of blood.

Others were quickly solved, and Mu Qian said: "We have already finished the seven prisons, and the next miscellaneous fish will not be used for the time being.

The loss has been heavy, and if you continue to fight again, even if you don’t get rid of it, you will sacrifice a lot of people.

"The city owner, there is a reward for the first hunting in the south. When the city owner can go to God to give the spring a boost, this opportunity cannot be missed." It is not the blood, but an ordinary soldier.

He knows that their city owners are very powerful, but the time for cultivation is too short.

If there is an opportunity to go to God to give springs and help her to improve her strength, she will be able to break through and become a lord.

Blood, they are so powerful, even if there are more enemies in a powerful enemy, there will be no problem.

She knew that the city owner was worried about the safety of some of their meager people and chose to return to the city.

Mu Qianqi cold channel: "Return to the city! This is the order of the city's master. This time **** hunting is not so simple, I do not want to continue to rush to participate in the battle, let the **** thorny city people sacrifice."


The words of the city owners can not be ignored, they can only choose to follow the city owner back to the city.

On the way back, they saw the corpse of this extremely restricted area.

On the road, there are people who don't have long eyes want to attack them and eventually they are solved.

When they arrived at the Scarlet City, they just wanted to break into the Scarlet City.

"This is the rumored to be the first big city in the far south restricted area, hahaha! He will be our brothers, kill! Some little aliens, don't want to stop our steps!"

The lineup of this **** thorny city is not small, and the one-star planting of the moat can't stop them for how long.

When Mu Qiang arrived, she said to the blood: "You two are disguised as a star, and they are close to the spirits. Then they take the opportunity to attack them, give them medicine, temporarily block their strength, and see how they blew themselves?"

Mu Qiang gave the goblin to their hands. For the low-star, these people are contemptuous.

Soon they smashed a road and reached the gate of the city.

They have not waited for them to open the gates of the Scarlet City, but they face more than a dozen powerful alien plants. They were scratched by the thorns and even taken medicine.

"Puff puff!"

They spewed black blood in their mouths, and they were not able to move a little bit of strength, and they were so weak and weak!

Everyone has a slap in the face, this... What happened in the end?

The high-star alien plants are so embarrassed, they will pretend to be low-star and sneak attacking them, but they are **** thorns! Isn't it just about bloodthirsty killing?

What is even more incredible is that these different plants will also be poisoned. It is necessary to know that the **** thorns have a great lethality, but they are not toxic!

"Boom!" The door in front of them was opened.

The four sages who were captured were dragged into the city by their disdainful stars.

At this time, some of the strangers who attacked the enemy in madness were all quiet, and they gave up a road to greet their lords before the gates.

Mu Qianxi walked into the **** thorny city, and then ordered: "Highly alert, blood and blood three you are holding people near the gate. If someone attacks the city, they can take the medicine and catch it. If not, kill it immediately. ”

"Yes!" Blood two blood three they led the death.

"All the wounded go to the ghost medical building to heal, must be restored as soon as possible." Mu Qianxi knows that even if it is safe to return to the Scarlet City, their **** thorny city is easy to defend, but have to be careful.

Because, this time **** hunting, not finished.

This chaos in the **** prison area is not over yet.

After the injury was arranged, Mu Qianxi and Xue Yi and Xue Si went to interrogate the captured prisoners. These people were also a bit surprised when they saw Mu Qian.

"You are a human being, and it is really interesting to be a bloodthirsty thorn with **** thorns." "Little girl, the strength is so weak, but it can become the city owner of the first major city in the southern part of the restricted area. I know that you are also a smart person. Tell us about the way to control the **** thorns and detoxify us, let me be the city owner, maybe I can leave you a little life! Because in the near future, this

The extreme south restricted area will be our world, don't think that these **** thorns can protect you. ”

Even if they become prisoners, these guys are still exceptionally proud.

"Hey!" The needles flashed.

Mu Qiang said coldly: "Your words are too much. I have to listen to your nonsense!"

"Ah!" They screamed in the cell.

"Damn, you poisoned us again!" they cursed. Mu Qian said: "Yes! It is to poison you, so that you are not as good as death, so you better give me a little more."

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