Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2392: Well-organized bureau

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Mu Qianhui replied: "He has stopped, his limit has arrived, and you can't stand it anymore."

"Go to my space!"

"I am not the ordinary elixir, you are sure I can stay in your space."

"Go in and see what it is."

"Good! You can't die." Silver Purple Road.

It promised itself that Mu Qian can put this sacred plant into the space of the nine-fold chaotic pavilion.

Silver-violet disappeared in front of Mu Qianxi, the endless lake in front of it, three elegant pavilions on the top.

A number of small islands have been opened throughout the lake, and the island is planted with various elixir.

There are some elixir levels that are low enough to be considered weeds, and some good medicines.

This is definitely a good place to plant elixir. If he can live in this space, even if he is not treated by a refining pharmacist, his injury will soon recover.

Very magical space, silver purple feels familiar.

The man really stopped, and the challenge that Mu Qiang had to face was not small.

The power of the violent thunderbolt here has exceeded the limit that she can bear, but she can never retreat!

"Booming!" A steady stream of lightning fell from the sky, and the limbs were hit by the violent violent volume. The painful Mu Qian was all infiltrated by cold sweat.

Mu Qiang’s biting teeth, not afraid of these thunder and lightning, running the refining exercises to make his body be baptized and strengthened by this powerful lightning.

The man stopped outside and didn't get close, and the lightning strikes made him suffer a lot.

He waited for a while and did not wait until Mu Qianzhi knew it.

His glory is sinking, or she is indeed capable, can be safely bombarded by the power of the violent thunder, or has been smashed into ash.

Did not commit suicide to her, determined her stockings. This task is not perfect, and his heart is somewhat dissatisfied.

He left and there was only one entrance to the Devil Valley. If she could survive, then he was there.

He thought that a woman should not die too fast, after all, but the woman who was seen by His Highness nine nights.

Mu Qian’s soul has been scattered to observe the guy’s every move. She found that the other’s breath completely disappeared. Obviously, she did not intend to give up her life and resist this thunder and then kill her.

Mu Qianxi was relieved, and it seems that he did not make a mistake in the decision to run into the chaos.

Thunder and lightning once swallowed Mu Qian’s figure. She was extremely tenacious and was not taken away by this horrible thunder. Instead, she used their power to make her body more embarrassed again and again.

The speed of the upgrade is very significant, and Mu Qian is walking towards the strongest place of violent thunder and lightning.

"Booming!" Numerous lightnings burst out from the air, wrapped in time and again.

Next, every step of Mu Qianyi is very difficult. It is already a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

She didn't know how long she had been here, how long it took, but every moment she felt the transformation of her body.

Close, is getting closer?

When Mu Qianqi was close to the core, he found a dark abyss in the core area.

After insisting on quenching the limits of his body in this core area, Mu Qianxi is ready to go to the abyss to see.

She wants to find a safe place to refine medicine and treat silvery purple.

The practice in the Chao Mo Valley is to improve her physical defense, but she is not arrogant to the point where this kind of promotion can stop the powerful man attack.

He will never give up on her, and she will be attacked once she goes out.

She must not stay in the chaos for a lifetime, so it is necessary to improve the fighting power of silver and purple to have a way to escape from that person's hands.

Mu Qianxi plucked into the abyss. She found that most of the core lightning was absorbed by the power of the abyss, so the power of lightning around it was very weak.

Observing the trajectory of the lightning power concentrated, Mu Qian also followed this trajectory.

She found a black lotus in the deepest part of the abyss.

Silver and purple family!

This guy is very greedy to absorb the power of lightning, resulting in no lightning power around it.

Mu Qianxi can also relax a little, she let the silver purple out.

A silver-purple figure appeared, and the silver-violet figure said: "You... you are still alive. I have been trying to talk to you for some time, have you not heard it?"

"All my energy is dealing with the power of lightning, where is the strength to talk to you?" Mu Qian said.

He asked: "Where is this?"

"This is the abyss of the core of the Valley of the Devil Valley. The power of thunder and lightning is absorbed by you and your family. You can rest temporarily!"

"Core...core...ha you actually come here alive?"

No one has ever been able to go to the core of the Chaos Valley, and it is estimated that all of them have been smashed.

As for this family, Yin Zidao: "The mutated black magic lotus, absorbed so much power of thunder and lightning, is not bad, I can use it to restore it."

Mu Qianyi said, "You can borrow the power of the same family to recover."

"That is of course, I am the Holy One of the Lotus. It is not difficult to mobilize the power of the tribe. It is only that there are very few people in the prison." This black magic lotus is estimated to be the highest level I have ever seen except me. ""

Silver and purple knees sit down and begin to absorb the power of this black magic lotus.

This black magic lotus is not a good temper. It was resisted at first, but under the pressure of nine turns of silver and purple lotus, it did not have to.

He was very hurt in that magical space, and now he can get the power of the same family. Even if he meets that person again, he should be able to fight together.

Seeing the silver purple in the power of absorbing the black magic lotus, Mu Qianyi while taking aside while taking aside the remedy, this time the assassination is not simple.

After she came to the prison, everything became a line. Suddenly, the curse broke out in nine nights. Some of the strong men in the blood prison were dissatisfied with her. Then they went to the city to collect the city and counter the other city owners. The prestige of a big city pool, then **** hunting...

Bloody hunting, the prisoners coming out of jail, are more difficult to deal with than before, making the entire southern restricted area in danger.

On the other side of the nine nights, there is a lack of skills, and those who assassinate her can have the power to surpass them, and they can be forced into such a desperate situation.

Everything seems to be a big net that has been laid out for a long time, step by step, and pushed her to such a desperate situation.

She also had some of the high-level blood prisoners. They definitely didn't have such a terrible plan. With such a plan, she could only think of one person. That one is called the first Prophet of the Protoss, and God is boundless!

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