Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2393: Know a lifetime

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After clearing all the ideas, Mu Qian’s mood became heavy.

If her opponent is the one who is terrible, even if she escapes this time, she still does not know how many dark arrows to guard against.

Mu Qian’s eyes sank, but she was not afraid of him and would not be afraid of his means.

From the beginning I wanted to let her leave the blood prison, and now I want her life.

That person can't hold her like this? Still do not want her to help the nine nights to lift the curse?

What kind of thinking is that person, Mu Qianxi is completely invisible.

Once the nine-night curse is lifted and you don't need help to deal with the emergency, this person can't stay.

Even if his prophet was blessed by God, she would look for opportunities to lose the threat of her and her nine nights.

In this quiet abyss, Mu Qiang let the invincible come out and lay asleep on its furry body.

Invincible: "The host is resting, there is me!"

That **** prophet, it’s too deceiving, and the invincible heart is angry.

It is a pity that his strength has risen too fast. This time, the masters are being chased and killed.


When Mu Qianyi opened his eyes, he saw a pair of silver-purple scorpions staring at her. He said: "I said that you are offending someone? The whole prison can ask for such a small number of people."

Mu Qian said: "I have a skeptical object. That person is called God is boundless. You should have heard of the name of that person!"

"Understanding adults, this ... this is impossible!! The endless adults have always had no desire, no reason will send people to chase you a small city owner, your lord-level strength has not arrived, the endless adults as far as Want to kill you?"

Silver Purple once heard the name of the infinite adult when he was in the realm of the gods. The first Protograph of the Protoss, with the most noble presence besides the Emperor, has a very powerful and special ability.

Hearing that he was in blood prison, he was also very surprised, but he would not believe that he could not go with a junior.

"Is there no desire?" Mu Qianzhen remembered the man who would be feathered at any time.

On the surface, it is estimated that no one will know what is in his mind?

He doesn't believe it doesn't matter. She knows that she will believe her in nine nights.

Silver Purple Road: "I have recovered a lot of strength now, I should be able to go out, I will give you a rescuer!"

Ms. Qian said: "First, don't forget that this position is the core of the Thunder Valley. Although you have absorbed the power of Black Leilian to restore some strength, but go out and be careful to be directly turned into black charcoal."

"Second, if anyone who can help me can save me, I will not be forced to such a point. The person who wants to kill me is already at this step, and my own person, blood four." They add up to a dozen or so, not necessarily the opponent of that person."

Silver Purple Road: "There is no way, don't stay here! Although it is dark and noisy, but you can stay alive. You won't be killed."

Mu Qianhui replied: "I don't want to stay here all the time. I must find a way to go out. I am afraid to stay here for too long. The **** thorny city will have an accident."

She remembered some of the crazy prisoners who ran out of jail, and the **** thorns had become the city they had to win.

Blood one of these seven stars is very strong, she is not clear about the strength of the enemy, very afraid of accidents in the city, she must go back to the town.

"Your injury is completely restored. Can you be the opponent of that person?" Mu Qian asked.

"Because of the restrictions of the prison, I am not so easy to break through the monarchy. That person is not the strongman of the monarchy. If I completely recover, I can still do it with him. You...you want Heal me?" he was surprised.

"I have long wanted to cure you. Now the environment is also good, the enemy will not come, just for refining. You wait..."

Silver and purple are a bit strange. He believes that Mu Qian can cure him, but he does not think it is so fast!

Mu Qiang took out the soul of the soul, in fact, it is not difficult to treat this guy, because she has enough wood soul in her hand.

If you don't have one, it takes a lot of work and a long time to adjust.

When Mu Qianxi took out the eternal soul, the silver-purple eyes looked at Mu Qianxi.

He stepped back a few steps, and his eyes burned with anger: "Who are you?"

Before I got along very well, I suddenly got angry and I was a little bit sullen.

"I am a million!"

Silver Purple Road: "It's no wonder that you can cure me with such confidence. It's no wonder that your age-old refining is so powerful and you can refine the potion with life power. It turned out that he helped you, let him come out. There are too many things in him that I am still desperately trying to save you."

Mu Qianyi, "He?"

"This is the soul of the eternal life, my eyes are not flawless, let him out."

Silver-violet can actually recognize the eternal soul, which is what Mu Qianxi did not expect.

However, in his capacity, it is not surprising to know the soul of the eternal life. After all, he is also a sacred person who has not lived for many years.

Mu Qian said: "He can't come out, he is currently sleeping. Silver Purple, you have nothing to do to save me this time. If it weren't for you, I would really be killed by that person, and he would dead!"

"What you mean is that I actually saved my enemies." Silver-yellow gnashed his teeth.

It seems that if he is in front of him for a lifetime, he is expected to tear his teeth away.

Mu Qianxi knows that Yin Zi is a disgusting refining pharmacist. He did not think that his life would be the refining pharmacist who made him most disgusted.

Mu Qian said: "...you have a hatred with your life? He won't have caught you before, but you took it to refinery?"

Shengzhi is a great temptation for the refining pharmacists, but it has been able to transform the shape of the plant, should not force people in life?

"He... he is a very shameless, hateful, disgusting refining pharmacist, and he hates to the extreme." The silver-purple scorpion carries the anger of the sky.

What are the grievances between them? Mu Qian’s mouth is slightly pumped.

However, Silver Purple refused to say, has it really been a matter of anger and anger in his life?

Mu Qian said: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, angry is not good for your injury. If he really does something that makes you an artifact, wait for him to wake up later, you want to think about revenge, I don't help. Helping the pro?"

Silver Purple swept over Muqian: "You are also his woman?"

A beautiful woman is divided into two types for the guy. The woman who is touched by him, the woman who has not been touched by him, is the former much more than the latter? Mu Qianxi’s face is black. “You misunderstood, I am his master, and he is also my master of refining! I already have a fiancé that I like, although he looks beautiful and enchanted and likes women. But it's not my dish! After all, it's a super radish!"

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