Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2394: Collecting lotus seeds

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Silver Purple Road: "I really feel very strange, you have not been subdued under his charm, he was tricked by him to see his essence."

Silver-purple word beads, it seems that his resentment for a lifetime is not shallow.

Mu Qian said: "We will talk about these things later, let me refine the medicine!"

Then she took out the soul of the wood.

Seeing the soul of the life of the wood, the silver-purple and strong control of the instigation of the heart, so that they did not rush to grab the soul of this wood.

"You...you have the soul of wood, no wonder... no wonder you are so sure to treat my wounds."

"It seems that you also know how to refine medicine." Mu Qianxi is a bit strange. "I was originally a refining pharmacist, but because I am the sacred plant's control over the elements of fire, it is completely better than the human fire element. The level of refining is not so high. Our sacred plant is born from the beginning of life. The gift of the power of life, naturally recognizes the **** of life

people. "Silver purple replies.

The news of the prison is not widely distributed, and the silver-violet has rarely left the lotus city. He has no knowledge of the life-threatening war in Xuantian.

For any plant, the power of life is what they love, and the **** of life has a very special status in their hearts.

Even the arrogant and sacred nine-turned silver-purple lotus is incomparable to worship the **** of life.

From the space, Mu Qianxi also took out hundreds of precious elixir and began to refine pharmaceutical preparations.

Mu Qiang was immersed in the refining of medicine, and as a half-selling pharmacist, the silver-violet was observing every movement of Mu Qian.

Being so young can control the weight of each kind of elixir so perfectly, and master such a subtle approach.

It is no wonder that he can be recognized by him and become the master of eternal life.

This is a peerless genius of refining!

This pharmacy, Mu Qianjing, has been refining for a whole day.

After she succeeded, she packed the pharmacy into two bottles and said, "Drink!"

The strong medicinal fragrance came out, and the silver-yellow nodded slightly, and left the drug to drink without saying anything.

He felt a lot of comfort all over the body. He said: "This medicine is too mild. Although I can be cured, it will take at least ten days and a half."

Mu Qian said: "Here, is there still a bottle?"

"Become an ontology! This pharmacy is absorbed by your body bath."


He has not known how many years have not revealed the body in the face of people, Mu Qian said: "What's wrong? Don't want to hurry up? Do you still be shy, don't dare to let people see your body."

Silver Purple Road: "Nothing dare not?"

With a wave of his hand, this space was put into a large pool of white jade.

In fact, he also stored a lot of spiritual water in his space, but since he had been in the space of Mu Qian, he was somewhat disgusted with the quality of the spiritual water in his space.

He said to Mu Qian: "Can you lend me some space for your spiritual water?"

Mu Qian said: "No problem!"

If Ah Ah wakes up, he will definitely protest. If he doesn't know how to move out some spiritual water, there should be no big problem.

Mu Qianxi quickly filled the entire white jade pool with a splendid water, and a silver-violet light flashed through it. In a moment, a silver-purple lotus flower filled the whole pool.

The lotus scent shrouded this dark abyss, and even the black lacquered black magic lotus began to sway under the scent.

Mu Qianxi looked at the lotus pond and stunned. "It’s not a holy plant. This is definitely the most beautiful lotus I have ever seen. I saw your body. I want to keep you in my backyard."

Silver Purple Road: "Come on me, don't think about something that I have, I won't be captive."

Mu Qianxi dropped the potion into the lotus pond, and the potion spread out throughout the lotus pond.

He enjoys the potency of the medicine and feels very comfortable. It has not been so comfortable for a long time.

Mu Qian said: "You are slowly soaking! When you have absorbed all the potions of the medicine, then the old wounds in your body can be completely restored."

Then Mu Qianzhen found a place to refine the poison. The one who chased him was very dangerous. The prisoners who ran out of the prison were also dangerous. She had to prepare some poisons.

When Mu Qianxi was practicing poisoning, he suddenly felt a strong spiritual fluctuation.

As she walked over, she saw the nine-turn silver-silver lotus growing out of the lotus seed.

The lotus seed is instantly mature, full of pure aura, just in front of her eyes, super want to pick!

This is the lotus seed of the nine-turn silver lotus.

A voice came, "I want to pick it up, don't stare at me like this."

"Do you allow me to pick?"

Before he wanted him nine lotus seeds, he was so stingy, there are more than nine, and ninety are there.

"Let you pick it up, your medicine is very useful to me, I want to give you some thanks, don't you want it?"

"I want it! Of course! How can I not!" Mu Qianqian excited.

The purple figure swept out and gently stepped on the blue lotus leaves. Mu Qiang bowed his head and carefully picked silver and purple lotus seeds.

The lotus seeds fall into the palm of the hand and exude a very pure spiritual power. This is definitely a good thing for medicine.

Mu Qianqi seems to be very cautious, and the speed of picking is very fast.

All of this batch of lotus seeds were all stepped on in one go, and none of them remained.

"You..." Silver purple is speechless.

Next, another batch of lotus seeds appeared again, and his body was in great condition.

The spiritual power is constantly flowing out, so the lotus seeds come out naturally.

Mu Qianqi asked: "Can I continue to pick it?"

"Take so much, are you ready to cook lotus seeds?" The amount she had received before was enough for her to use for a hundred years.

Ms. Qian said: "This is a good idea!"

Nine-turned silver-purple lotus seeds are lotus seeds, and she really wants to do so!

"Just kidding! I can try to plant in the space, even if I can't grow into a level like you, it doesn't have much use." Mu Qian said.

The growth environment of the nine-turn silver purple lotus is very harsh, it is difficult to survive between this world. It has been born for so many years, and has not seen the second nine-turn silver lotus, which grows high or low.

He knows that the environment of the Millennium Space is very suitable for growth, so there is no opinion, and the promise is very refreshing, "Good!"

So Mu Qiang also harvested a large number of lotus seeds. After the third batch of lotus seeds appeared, the potion in the pool had been completely absorbed by him.

A silvery light flashed through, and the pool of beautiful lotus blossoms disappeared, and a silver-purple robes appeared. The quiet, indifferent man stood on the water.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Are you thoroughly?"

"Yes! It's completely good. I have been hurt for so many years. I thought I couldn't find the guy. I can't recover it in my life. I didn't expect to meet you!" Silver Purple Road. The lotus pond disappeared. It looked at the black Lei Liandao: "The child wants to go with us. If you take it, it will send you a lotus seed. If you eat it, you will The law is very helpful."

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