Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2399: Get compensation

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"Because I don't believe you, so what is the use of you? It's better to kill you directly, so that you can get it." The dark scorpion flashed the cold chill, and Muqian did not hide her murderousness.

These prisoners also stumbled. This little girl is really not a soft-hearted master. She really wants to kill them.

"You are not afraid, we fight a fish to die." Tsing Yi man said.

"That is always better than keeping a disaster, isn't it?" Mu Qianqian's indifferent road.

The man in Tsing Yi showed a dignified color on his face. In the end, he said: "How can we let you trust us? If we lose, then we can lose it naturally. There will be no betrayal in the future." "I think you have the means to let The ferocious thorns of the **** thorns are surrendering to you, and you must have the means to let us surrender to you. It is undeniable that we are people who come out of the dark prison of the prison, everyone kills A lot of people, my heart is very dark

But it is just like the ferocious alien plant of the **** thorns. ”

The guys in the entire Scarlet City are eating goods. These people are not simply eating goods. How can they be fed easily?

However, she did not want her **** thorny city to be damaged again. Mu Qian said: "Poison! If you volunteer to be controlled by me, then I can trust you for the time being."

The poison that was specially refining in the black abyss can now come in handy.

The Tsing Yi man said: "What is your opinion?"

"It's hard to get freedom, we don't want this freedom to be so short, I want to live!"

"Yes! I still don't want to die."

"I was thrown into the prison by the people, I am absolutely not willing to die, and my enemy is still free."

Those who can survive the catastrophe of the prison are all a group of people who are not willing to give up their lives. Even if they are controlled by poison, they want to live.

The Tsing Yi man said: "Good! We promise you the conditions."

For his own poison, Mu Qianxi is very confident. If these people dare to betray in the future, they will not even have the chance to blew themselves. They will die without a place of burial.

Everyone did not hesitate to eat the medicinal herbs, and Mu Qian said: "Although you have surrendered to me, it is also a part of the **** thorny city, but how do you plan to accompany the damage caused by the **** thorny city?"

The **** thorny city is also a disaster-prone, how long it has been built, and now because of this hunting war, it is not damaged.

They also stunned, and their masters did not understand their strength but received compensation from them after they accepted them.

To know that after being thrown into jail, all of their things were shackled by prisoners.

The next step is **** hunting. They are all poor and white people. How to compensate?

Now they are all belong to the master, and even selling them will not work!

Mu Qianxi said: "Before the **** thorny city people, ready to repair the city, as for you! To hunt down the fugitives in other cities, each person gave me a hundred brands as compensation, if they can convince them to vote, then Just fifty, just fine."

"I heard no!"

The Tsing Yi man said: "This is what we are doing. We also ask the city owners to rest assured that we will act now!"

"Hurry up!"


It’s not just that they acted, and after Ms. Qian’s arrangements for some things in the city, they continued to act.

Mu Qianxi said to Yin Zidao: "You come to my **** thorny city to help, then I am also going to court, go to your lotus city to help! Look at what is the situation in Liancheng."

"Okay, it's time to go back and see."

They tried to rush to Lotus City at the fastest speed. At this time, they found that a group of people were trying their best to open the defensive array of Lotus City, and they had already opened a mouthful.

Leading some people to open the gap in the lotus city is a more familiar person, that is, the person who had been besieging him with silver and purple.

Before, because of the opportunity of the mysterious killer, it gave him a chance to escape.

The silver-colored scorpion flashed a cold light and instantly plunged into the sky above the lotus city. He said coldly: "I am not a place where you can scatter wildness."

"Ha ha ha! It is you, it is you, I finally found you again, give me to take him, I will definitely have a reward when I get there, you can want any medicine." He laughed.

This guy's medicinal herbs are very popular, so many people have been entangled. He ordered this, and many people rushed to the silver-purple.

"Hey!" But now the silver-violet injury is great, this group of guys is completely vulnerable to silver-purple.

The figure was shot by the silver purple, and the refining pharmacist was very surprised. "How is it possible? You were not so strong before the Ming Dynasty, how could it become so powerful?"

"Heaven has a road, you don't go, **** has no way to go. You ran to the silver-purple site, you are completely sent to the door to find death!" Mu Qianyi also shot.

"This guy is handed over to you, and the others will be handed over to us!"

After that, Mu Qianxi and the blood four plundered the others, leaving the refining pharmacist to tremble in the face of the powerful silver.

"Hey!" I haven't waited until the silver-purple hands, and this guy has no bones.

"Sheng Zhi adults, I am a singer, I know that I am wrong. I am a refining pharmacist. I am a refining pharmacist! No one will wait for the sages than the **** pharmacists. You must Do not kill me……"

Silver and purple looked at him indifferently: "On your own, you dare to claim to be a refining pharmacist!"

"Ah!" A scream came out. This guy originally wanted to let the silver-violet relax and be vigilant because of the mercy, and then use the soul to attack the silver-purple.

Where did I expect the silver and purple to use a powerful soul to counterattack, and then directly shred his soul, so that he could not live.

The horrible oppression directly shrouded him, crushing every inch of his bones, leaving him with no strength at all on the ground, his painful mourning.

"Why? Why? I am a **** pharmacist, why are you doing this to me?" He cried.

"You are no longer now."

The soul is completely crushed. How can it become a refining pharmacist without soul power?

His face became gray and he suffered such a big blow, and he was not as good as death.

This refining pharmacist is the leader of this group of people, and now their leaders have been completely abolished, and the people on their side have been swept by them like the autumn wind sweeping leaves.

They looked at each other's partners and died. They were dug into the heart, being pierced by a million arrows, being directly punctured by the heart, or burned...

They are afraid, and they dare not continue to fight because they know that their fate is only a dead end. "Adults are forgiving! We are attacking Lotus City. It is a waste refining pharmacist who confuses us. We give us a lot of medicinal herbs to benefit us. Otherwise, even if you give me one hundred courage, we dare not come!" Give up the resistance and kneel down.

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