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The other prisoners in the southern part of the restricted area also struggled. They thought that they would be released from the prison and could sit in the city. The beauty was in the arms and enjoyed the good days.

As a result, the city has not been occupied for a long time, but they have found traitors among them.

"Ye Qing, what do you mean by this? You want this city to give me, you are still killing me, it is too much to say!"

Ye Qingdao: "You have only two choices for these people, either the city and the city owners of our **** thorny city, or die!"

"Your ambition is not small, do you really think I will be afraid of you?"

"Boom!" The two sides played against each other, apparently this guy was crushed by Ye Qing.

The reason why they dared to attack the first major city in the southern part of the restricted area, that is all the city of the **** thorny city, naturally because they are the strongest team of all prisoners.

Therefore, no matter where Ye Qing kills people, it is all crushed, killing directly, or conquering people. They are very efficient in paying debts.

After the start of the **** hunting, the prisoners of all the big cities have rushed out, but now they are quickly cleaned up, and one does not stay.

The **** hunting in the extreme southern restricted area is the first to come to an end. Hunting in other major restricted areas is still in progress.

The Scarlet City has absorbed a lot of newcomers. These are the prisoners who have been released from prison. Now they have a new identity, even the city people of the Scarlet City.

With their participation, the fighting power of the Scarlet City is now skyrocketing, and the city of the Supreme level, which is not weaker than the core of the blood, is weak.

After the war, they were awaiting success. They also knew that they were wrong. They were not afraid of hard work. They joined the team of Jiancheng and established a home that they would live in after a little.

They found that the adults of the city did not have any special wrists to deal with these **** thorns. These **** thorns are very simple, and they will be obedient if they are fed.

In prison, they saw all kinds of insidious and sinister people, and they felt very cute in the face of pure **** thorns, even though they had a very ferocious bloodthirsty name.

However, when everything is back on track, there are a group of uninvited guests coming to the Scarlet City, and the **** thorns outside the city have stopped the powerful guys.

Mu Qianxi took the strongest part of their city in the past and looked at a group of black and black robes. Ye Qingyi said, "It is them!"

Mu Qian said: "Do you know them? Not all prisoners have either killed or compiled? How are they here?"

"They are the prisoners of the prisons. They are the high-ranking prisoners. In the past, our freedom and life were all in their hands. Life and death are only between their thoughts." Ye Qing returned.

"These people have been staying in prisons for a long time. They rarely come out. What are they doing this time?" Ye Qing had some doubts.

Mu Qianxi does not know what these people are doing, but one thing is certain, these guys are not good!

"You come to my **** thorny city, what are you doing?" Mu Qianyi swept this group of people.

"When we come here, it is natural to come to the office. You are a small city owner, give me away! I am not qualified to talk to us."

After that, they swept over and the target was Ye Qing.

Ms. Qian said: "Be careful!"

These prisons make each one very powerful, and the strength is not weaker than any top sage.

The goal of each of them is very clear, that is, those of the Sayādaw level who come out of their prisons.

Mu Qian said: "Blood four, we also do it!"

"You guys are really too unreasonable! Prisons and major cities have always been well-watered without water. The people who came to arrest me did not ask me if I would like it or not!" .

"Your people? This is obviously the prisoner of ours, because I waited for a moment to let them sneak out and fish out. Now we have to fulfill our duties and bring them back. You, a little city owner, don't want to hinder me, otherwise We took you back to the prison with you."

"Take this little girl back, forget it! The lord level has not arrived. If you take people back, I am afraid to lower the overall strength of your prison." Another person swept through the thousands of sly, contemptuous. Mu Qianxi taunted: "Now I found myself accidentally letting some people who should not let go. When they were in the extreme south of the restricted area, where did you go? Are you dead? Now they have volunteered to become A part of the blood prison, you are coming to release the dog and cannon.

. ”

For these guys, Mu Qianxi does not have a good impression.

"Damn little girl, a small city owner, dare to speak to me like this, find death!" Mu Qiang angered them, and their faces showed a sly color, and they attacked Mu Qian.

A black shadow flashed and blocked their attack.

Darkly admired Mu Qiandao: "The master, before I waited for protection, this time, please also give us a chance to make a sin."

"You...who are you?" These prisoners apparently found that the strength of this group of people is not much weaker than them.

"This blood prison is not a place where you can make a wilderness in your district. If you dare to be unreasonable to the master, you don't have to go back."


Outside the **** thorny city, another big battle began.

The battle on the side of the sacred city did not stop for a moment.

The first enemy, Chu Yu, has long since disappeared, and the nine-night opponent has changed countless. Purple secluded road: "Night, the prisoners on the side of the far south restricted area have long been settled, the prison gate has been closed, or the small beauty is powerful! But are the other restricted areas all waste? Do you still have to get it? It’s been annoying that there have been some flies flying around.

"Hey!" Fighting, killing, makes him feel uninteresting.

When I heard the purple scent, I mentioned Mu Qian, and nine nights naturally couldn’t help but fall in love.

The horrible power of darkness broke out in an instant, and the people around him became an inch of bone under the engulfment of this power.

They... They all regretted their intestines at this time. The nine-night palace was as strong as ever. Even if he stayed at the lowest plane like the prison, his power was not weakened by the prison, but it became more and more terrible.

"Night, where are you going?" Ziyou saw disappearing in the soul city.

"Let those annoying flies disappear completely, then go find it!"

Soon, some of the prisoners who ran out of the hunting grounds in the restricted area suffered a catastrophe.

They haven’t seen who they are, and they have turned into white bones.

"Just... just nine nights, I took the initiative, and the nine-night monarch came to help us?"

"God! Isn't it true that the nine-night monarch has never been interested in hunting? He will help us to block the area."


Because of the help of nine nights, the major restricted areas made them easily spend this hunting and were ecstatic.

Purple whispered a little bit, you think more, the night is not to help you.

He just wanted to solve all of this quickly and go to see his sweetheart.

Nine nights to clean hands, the one that sweeps clean!

The gates of the major restricted areas were all closed, and Liu Ying directly sent him to the past nine nights.

Because, this is the fastest, the thoughts have been unable to control. A blue light flashed through, and it was a thousand miles. It’s nine nights. It seems that his side is almost solved.

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