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A black figure appeared in a hurry, and Mu Qiang was tightly held in his arms.

The horrible powers of the eruption broke out, and the prisons almost scared their legs, and they became familiar with it.

And Ye Qing's movements are also slightly stagnation, this... this is the power of the monarch.

The blood-stricken monarch now has only one person, even if he is trapped in jail and he has heard his name, it is the nine-night monarch of the blood prison.

Those prisons felt the creeps. Who said that the nine-night monarch of the blood prison had never been concerned about hunting, and he was never close to the female color. He... What did they see?

No need to shoot, this pressure has made them breathless.

Hands-on, in front of the nine-night monarch, do they dare to do it?

Mu Qian said: "Ye Qing, you can come back."

"Yes, the city owner!"

Even if they had dark shots, it was still tricky to face so many prisons.

However, after nine nights, these prison guards have been scared to the atmosphere and dare not scream.

One of the prisoners said: "Nine-night monarch, we came to the blood prison because of office work. If there is offense, please ask the nine-night monarch to ignore the villain."

Mu Qian said: "You have offended and apologized and wanted to give this thing. I told you that there is no door! These people are my people. You have to grab people with me. I will never let it."

"But they were the ones we were in prison!"

"The person you accidentally let go, has been accepted by me, that is mine, but you have the final say."

"The nine-night monarch has not spoken yet, and it is not your turn..."

"Oh!" The man’s words have not been finished yet, and he is shrouded in a horrible suffocating force and kneels directly on the ground.

"Scratch!" The legs that turned into white bones shattered and scattered on the ground.

Nine nights cold channel: "All the words that you said are representative of the meaning of this king, how can you question this ants?"

The other prisons made cold sweats, and did not think of the nine-night monarch who had always been close to the female blood prisoner. He even maintained and cared about a woman.

This time, they are kicking the iron plate.

Ms. Qian said: "I am strange. I have never heard of your jail in this way. So many prisoners have misplaced so many masters above the strength of the lord! This time you are too tacit. Alright! Can you give me some trouble?"

"This time, your prisoner made mistakes when he said that he made mistakes. He did not plan for the consequences and losses caused by this mistake. He was able to grab people with such confidence."

They bowed their heads: "It’s because this time the prisoners are too embarrassed, we let them escape."

Ye Qingdao: "No, they deliberately let us out!"

I have swept these people in nine nights. I used to be a prisoner. Nowadays, this group of people is better than the prisoners who are out of the restricted area.

Although he rarely pays attention, it does not mean that he does not know that this is very abnormal.

I am afraid I have experienced a hard battle!

"It’s all nonsense, you are filthy!" These prisons filled the way of indignation.

Mu Qian said: "Let's explain it! If you don't explain it clearly, you can only enter the **** thorn city as a guest."

This group of people, Mu Qianxi does not intend to let go.

Their faces are green and white, and one of them said: "Let's go! Go!"

The nine-night monarch is strong, but if they go to jail, even the nine-night monarch can't help them.

If it really falls into the hands of the nine-night monarch, they are afraid that there is nothing to end.

However, they are too naive to escape from the nine-night monarch with their ability.

The powerful force blocked their only retreat, "Hey!" All of them were crushed on the ground by a horrible oppression.

Their power was instantly turned into nothingness, and everyone’s face was pale, and the flesh and blood of his legs disappeared and turned into white bones.

"Nine-night monarch, forgive me!"

"Nine-night monarchs are forgiving!"


They are heartbroken, and fear takes up all their emotions.

very scary!

The strength of the nine-night monarch is even more creepy than the rumors.

Even Ye Qing, they are also scared, this ... this is the strength of the blood prison monarch.

This man, who is powerful enough to be unmatched, gently embraces the Lord of the City while he is fiercely fighting against the enemy.

And the owner of the city is very familiar with him, the two figures are so close to each other, forming a beautiful scenery.

The master of the city has such a close relationship with the nine-night monarch. If he knows, he will never seek a dead end to attack the **** thorny city, but will choose to take the initiative to become a member of the **** thorny city.

The powerful strength of the nine-night monarch, let everyone look up!

Mu Qiandao said: "Do not worry! I did not intend to kill you at night, just want to invite you to the **** thorn city to be a guest, by the way, let you give me trouble."

"Ye Qing!"


"Throw these people into the cell of the Scarlet City!"

"Yes! Subordinates obey!" Ye Qing's mouth twitched a smirk and looked at these miserable prison guards.

It used to be that some of them were shut down by them, and they abused it. Now everything seems to have reversed.

These prisons were dark and white, and they did not expect that one day they would be held by his prisoners. This is absolutely a shame.

They are very angry in their hearts, but they dare not speak.

Because they know that if they are irritated by the nine-night monarch, they become white bones, not just their legs. I am afraid that they will all become white bones, and they will be destroyed!

They can only be reluctant to let these prisoners they look down on into the **** thorny city prison, and then in the blink of an eye, their city owners are gone.

The demon month they know the relationship between Mu Qian and their nine nights, but it is not strange, but the other people in the Scarlet City have not slowed down.

The Lord of the City and the nine-night monarch!

Among the city's main government, Mu Qianxi was pushed to the door by nine nights, and the ice-blue scorpion looked at Mu Qiandao: "Hey!"

Mu Qian said: "Your side is solved."

"It’s just an ant! But you..."

"You gave me the dark, no danger?"

"Come out!" Nine nights cold channel.

This is a secret statement, and the secret is in front of them: "Subordinate..."

Even if the master is constantly giving him a wink, the dark as a person who protects the master, can't say anything that is against the heart.

His dereliction of duty is a fact!

Mu Qian said: "You first step back, dark!"

"Yes, the master!"

The nine-night face is getting closer and closer, and Mu Qian said: "I tell you, you...hey..."

He didn't want to listen to other things, just wanted to... hegemonic with an aggressive atmosphere, swept all the breaths of Mu Qian, and plundered, because of her concealment and offered the gentlest punishment...

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