Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2412: Nine nights overbearing

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Mu Qianxi said: "Nine nights, we don't waste time with them, it's important to go to the smallest branch!"

"Good!" Then they ignored the anger of some of those in prison.

Everyone who was supposed to be ready to take out the prison was stunned. "What does it mean to his nine nights?"

"I ignore the same monarch, I only listen to a woman, he was filled with a fascinating soup by that woman!"

"You are the Lord, then we..."


When they rushed out to catch up with the **** prisoner, a group of white people appeared.

"I had some wonders why there was a dark fragrance floating in the yin and yang poles. The beautiful people who were in the prison also came, and it was a good fortune in the next." A gentle voice came.

Yu Ji looked at this gentleman, and said: "Hundred ghosts, don't come here with me. Some people don't know your nature. I don't know if you think of the same monarch, will you be confused?"

"Nine-night monarchs are afraid to know where the Tower of Eternity is? We must catch up with him. There must be unexpected gains, but the strength of the nine-night monarch is also obvious to everyone, so you are willing to cooperate with me?" asked the Bai Guijun.

"It seems that in addition to working with you as a hypocrite, there is no other way. After all, I was injured by the nine-night monarch just now. He is really strong!" Yuji looked cold and cold.

"Cooperate with you, but I have a request." Yu Ji looked to the main ghost of the hundred ghosts.

"any request?"

"The woman around the nine-night monarch, you have to hand it over to me. That woman clearly has the same strength as an ant, but she dares to mock me with the love of the nine-night monarch. I must let her not die." Gloomy road.

"A woman, no problem!"

At this time, Mu Qianxi was looking for a small sub-tower. Her sense of the small tower seemed to be isolated by a force of darkness.

"It's gone! But it's definitely nearby."

The nine-night gaze swept around, and coldly said: "Is it near here?"

"Hold me tight."

Mu Qianzhen felt that a strong force broke out in the nine nights. She said: "What are you going to do big damage in nine nights?"

"Well! Just right, don't worry!"

In an instant, nine nights erupted more horrible than the power of the Eternal Tower, and this power pervaded the area covered by the power of darkness.

The black snow became more magical and dangerous, and there were a lot of annoying flies, and the nine nights were ready for quick fixes.

How to speed up the battle, naturally it is to flatten everything around you.

In this case, it is easier to find the Tower of Darkness.

The ghosts and the ghosts who caught up with the nine-night footsteps stopped their steps. They were surprised: "The nine-night monarch is crazy! It takes so much power, does he want to flatten the surroundings?"

"Be careful, don't be affected. The mind of the nine-night monarch is unpredictable, but this is an opportunity for us." One hundred ghosts flashed a light in the eyes of the Lord.

"It is also said that the nine-night monarch will definitely consume a lot of power this time. His last big war has not fully recovered. At that time, the two of us took the opportunity to deal with him. The winning face is definitely not small." Yuji laughed.


The largest mountain range in this plane was smashed from the middle under the destruction of nine nights of power.

The ground swayed wildly, and everything underfoot disappeared, revealing a dark abyss.

At the end of the abyss that I could not see, Mu Qian can feel that there is a small branch in her abyss.

The power of the darkness of terror came out, and she can be sure that there is not another sub-tower, or the real Tower of Eternity.

When Mu Qianxi stared at the abyss, there were countless breaths approaching, and it was obvious that the prisoners and ghost prisoners came.

"The power of the powerful darkness, it seems that there is an eternal tower here!"

"The Tower of Eternity, just under the abyss."

"Roll!" The sound of the nine nights overbearing came out.

The dawn of the hundred ghost monarchs is a little glimpse. Road: "For the eternal artifact, we will not give up anyway."

"The nine-night monarch is still as arrogant as ever, but this time, I want to talk to the nine-night monarch." Yuji is eager to try.

They quickly started to work, and with the strength of the outbreak of the nine nights, they did not recover and seized the opportunity.

Nine nights pushed Mu Qianxi out, and one person greeted the attack of the two monarchs.

"Boom!" The power of terror slammed into the ground, and the ground around it suddenly became pitted.

"Booming!" The battle of the monarch, the power is vast.

The people in the prison of imprisonment and the ghosts greeted the people who were with the purple secluded, and the purple whispered coldly: "You do not know the murder of the two prisons, and the deity will fulfill you."

The lord of the prison is stalking the chaos and plundering the place where Mu Qianxi is. "The monk, now the nine-night monarch and the purple sorcerer are innocent to protect you. See you dare to be arrogant, waiting to die!" ”

Mu Qiang stood still there, and with a faint smile on her lips, she looked at the woman who rushed over. She said: "It’s you who came to die!"

"Invincible little red ink to accompany her to play!"

The lord of this prison thinks that Muqian will release a big move. The result is that only three contractual beasts have been summoned. This beast is not a threat to the Lord.

"Ha ha ha! Is this your card? Do you think they can protect you?" She just saw a big joke.

However, her laughter just fell, and suddenly a hand appeared on her neck, "scratch!"

She opened her eyes and her neck was twisted like this. She didn't see who killed her until she died.

The strength of Mu Qianxi is negligible among a group of esteemed people. Many people want her life, and they are finally destroyed within three feet of Mu Qian.

The strongest blade that has been trained in the end is incomparably sharp.

The master who dares to hurt him has already been determined will die.

"How is it possible?" Yu Ji found that her people not only did not catch that awful little girl but died and injured a lot, some strange.

It seems that the nine-night monarch is also arranging a woman to protect him when he is fighting against them, and that the strength of the person is not weak, not the average superiority of the Lord.

"Booming!" The three great monarchs broke out in amazement, and the surrounding ground cracked more and more.

The dark abyss is also swallowing up and expanding its space. For a time, it was difficult to separate the winners and losers. The eyes of the ghosts of the hundred ghosts turned and plucked out. "The prince, the nine-night monarch will give you the restraint. I will first take out the Aion. Otherwise, eternity. The power of the tower is getting stronger and stronger, and we are afraid we can't control it."

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