Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2413: Spread of fear

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The Hundred Ghost Monarch is a hypocrite, a real villain, even if it is determined to cooperate together, the Bai Guijun said that he left the partner and left it, without hesitation.

Yu Ji is so mad that he vomits blood. "Hundred ghosts are monarchs, hateful!"

At this time, more than one person besieged the Millennium, even if the greed means were different, then Mu Qianxi was in danger.

I know that Mu Qiang is in danger, and nine nights naturally do not fall in love.

He left Yuji, and the next moment appeared in front of Mu Qianxi, so that the monks who had been besieging the millennium became white bones, and they died.

You can't deal with a nine-night monarch in two-to-one, and you can't look for a dead person for nine nights.

Taking advantage of the nine-night monarch innocents to deal with her, Miao Ji said: "Let's go!"


The ghost prisoner and the prisoner entered the black abyss, and they wanted to catch up.

At this time, Mu Qian said: "Wait! Don't be so anxious, let them take the lead! They are too confident in their own strength, not to mention the Tower of Eternity, even if it is a sub-tower is not good."

After all, she has seen the danger of dividing the tower. If it is not Ah, she will do her best, and the fierce beast has already ran out to harm the entire Xuantian world.

If this is a sub-tower, there must be a stronger beast inside.

Just nine nights to find out here is a very strong force, but as long as the curse does not come out as a demon, his strength can be restored in an instant, it is not difficult to deal with the two monarchs.

She deliberately let the nine nights converge a little power, giving them the opportunity to sneak in and let them take a step forward!

Nine nights asked: "Hey, can you go now?"

"Let's go!" Mu Qianyi nodded.

Although she is planning to take advantage of the benefits of the fishermen, she does not want the ghosts and the priests to get the Aion or the Tower.

In the nine nights, I entered into the abyss and jumped into the abyss.

Along the way, Mu Qianzhen felt the temperature of the two extreme temperatures of ice cold and hot.

“Hey!” Eventually they reached a very mysterious palace, this palace is full of the power of dark elements.

The next moment, the horrible black magma rolled toward them with terrible temperatures.

Purple chills: "Danger, we must leave here soon."


They shuttled through the palace, which was attacked by all sides. At this time they had no hiding.

Can't hide, just stop!

They don't know how powerful this black magma is, but they are still very confident about their strength.


The power condensed into a barrier to protect them, being submerged by the black magma, and their defenses were of no use at all.

The purple face showed a horrible color. "This is impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Nine nights low road: "I am coming!"

The power of nine nights is overbearing, but some of these black magma can still be ignored.

Mu Qianxi took his hand: "Is it an illusion!"

Purple is a glimpse, "It's an illusion! It's impossible! It's so real, I don't feel it is an illusion."

"My family is so powerful for nine nights. If it is really dangerous, then it will stop. But they can ignore it, then it must not be true." Mu Qianxi looked at the nine nights with a smile on his face.

"That is the way to believe this!" Nine nights hold people tight.

"Well! My nine nights are very strong, that is undoubted." Mu Qianxiao smiled.

"I really want to come, do you both have such a hobby?" Purple can't stand anymore.

"Boom!" When the black magma rushed over, it suddenly disappeared.

Mu Qianzhen guessed that everything is an illusion.

When the tower was in the tower, what the beast wanted was that they killed each other.

At that time, many people died and it was able to break the seal. If there is a beast here, it must have other purposes.

There is a high probability that there will be a sub-tower, and the last experience has a bottom in the heart.

Then they encountered a lot of dangers. This kind of danger has a common characteristic. They can't defend, can't fight back, can only bear, can only wait to die.

The horror of death has swept over and over again, and Mu Qian took hold of the nine-night hand. With nine nights around, she seems to feel that there is no need to fear anything about death.

Other people are very calm, but some people can't stand this kind of suffering.

It’s fake again and again, but if it’s not an illusion, but it’s real? Then they will die completely.

Such thoughts raised fear in their hearts. This kind of fear spread in madness and took up all the emotions in their hearts. Some of them became out of control.

In the face of death, they are helpless, and such a mood is as strong as the Lord, and they are on the verge of collapse.

Numerous silvery rays flew out, "Hey!" Sharp fine needles scratched their skin.

A cold gas irritated their nerves and made them cry in silence.

What happened to them? Their spirit is awkward.

Seeing the cold-hearted scorpions of their monarchs, they squatted down, very embarrassed, "Lord, we..."

Even the weakest Wang Hao can maintain reason, but they want Wang Hao to save.

Mu Qian said: "I have already guessed what the beast is hiding in the dark. It wants your fear. Once the accumulated fear is enough, it can break the seal. It is swallowed up by it. What do you fear of being a food, I don’t know?"

"You must learn to control your fears!"

Every time they face death, they can't control, and they bow their heads one by one.

They said: "Lord, we don't want our fear to be the food of the beast, so please execute us."

Mu Qian said: "Execute you? Do you know what jokes are you making? You think about it, who is your Lord?"

Everyone is stunned. Their Lord is a nine-night monarch. Even if the six prisoners join forces with the nine-night monarchs who have been annihilated by the whole army, why do they need to be afraid?

"Strengthen your beliefs and go on! We don't have to worry, just come slowly."

They are not in a hurry, but there are many people in this palace who are in a hurry, ghosts and prisoners.

"illusion, it is an illusion!"

"Why there is!"

Unstoppable knives and mountains, unable to stop the Warcraft riots, one by one seems to be crushed.

These illusions disappeared when they were deeply afflicted by the horrors of desperation and fear of extinction.

They then reminded themselves that this is an illusion, but everything is too real, they still can't control their fears. Yu Ji cold voice: "Where is this?"

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