Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2414: Beasts come out

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The fear of death engulfs the mind of man.

Some people are crazy to self-destruction. These are the powerful masters from the prison and the ghost prison. They have the power to look up and still fear death.

Among them, only the two great monarchs can remain calm.

Being able to be the master of a prison, with the strength of the **** prison, even in the face of the nine-night monarch they will be eclipsed, but compared to others, they are already very strong.

Faith, loyalty, and worship of the monarch, let the blood prisoners stick to it.

Maybe other prisoners also have these things, but their monarch's power can't be compared with the blood prison monarch, so they are destined to be worse than the blood prisoners.

"Stop it!"

The dark illusion of the horrible death was repeated one after another, so that they almost could not breathe, and stopped at this time.

Mu Qian said: "If you stop, don't let go. It may be to enlarge the trick. You should be careful."

The power of the darkness around it became sticky, and it fell on the skin of the human body, making Mu Qianji feel very uncomfortable, and nine nights naturally felt it.

The more overbearing power of darkness shrouded Mu Qianxi, and nine nights did not allow these forces to touch the half a minute.

Suddenly, they felt the foot empty!

Their bodies became very heavy and fell down at a very horrible speed.

At this time, the wind element spirit suddenly appeared in the darkness, and Mu Qian said: "Attention, this is not an illusion!"

"What? Really?"

"Yes, it comes true. You are the masters of the Lord's level. Even if you fall from a height, you can't die. You have to control your own spiritual power."


But this fall is several times faster than normal, and they have some trouble even if they are strong.

They don't know how long they have to fall. This kind of unknown makes them panic.

The more fear in the heart, the faster they fall, and Mu Qian also found this.

"If you don't want to be beaten into a bolognese, it's best to control your emotions."

The voice of Mu Qiang keeps them calm, but the speed of falling is still very fast.

Mu Qianzhen mobilized all the spiritual powers and erupted the elements of the wind, hoping to dispel the dark elements around him.

Her wind element works well, and some people try to do it without any obvious effect, which is not normal! They are clearly stronger than Wang Hao’s strength.

This is the dark element of the Aion. The strength of other elements is hard to counter, but the power of the elements of the wind element of the Millennium is from the eternal.

Even if the level of Mu Qianjun is weaker, the effect is very good.

Mu Qianzhen mobilized all the elements of the wind, making everyone slow down a lot.

"Hey! Hey!" The feet could finally fall on the ground, and everyone was relieved.

The ghost prison and the prison are heavily wounded and wounded. This is the fear of the strong. The stronger the strength of the person, the more natural the fear.

"Ha ha ha! Enough, finally enough..."

"Booming!" A loud bang came out and the entire palace swayed violently.

The Lord of the Ghosts said: "The other side is at the end of that side."

Yu Ji also felt the source of that powerful force, rushing past the fastest speed, the Tower of Eternity, she must get her hand.

Compared with the eagerness of the two ghosts and the princes, they are not eager to go forward.

Afterwards, they did not encounter the things that made them fear. The Bai Guijun and Yu Ji arrived at the core of this palace at the same time. They saw a very grand tower in front of them.

The ghost of the hundred ghosts said with excitement: "Is this the legendary Aion?"

"How can we let the Aion recognize the Lord, the legendary Eternal Artifact has independent thoughts and character." You Ji twitched his hair, revealing the most confusing gesture.

The Tower of Eternity in front of us is surprisingly quiet, and their eyes flashed through a cold light, and it is only necessary to solve their competitors.

Yu Ji intends to start, and the Bai Guijun also guessed her plan.

He hurriedly said: "Yu Ji, you wait! You don't want us to lose both sides, then the **** prisoner's nine-night monarch is cheaper!"

Yuji said: "The nine-night monarch is so strong, and it is not like a cheap person. If you don't want to fight with me, you can quit now."

"The Tower of Eternity is in front of me, how can I quit now?" The eyes of the Lord of the Ghosts fell on the dark seven-high tower, and they were determined to win.

They did not dare to rush, but the fear was that the nine-night monarch came out, but after waiting for so long, they did not wait until the existence of the nine-night monarch.

"There is such a strong force on this side. It is reasonable to say that the nine-night monarch should arrive. Is it still not here?"

"Is it something wrong!"

"The accident is also inevitable. Even if the nine-night monarch has nothing to do, his one woman may not survive."

He brought so many people and lost four-fifths. This is the first time since he became the monarch of the ghost prison.

Yuji said: "It seems that the nine-night monarch is a master who loves beauty and does not love Jiangshan. How did I not know before?"

"Since the nine-night monarch can't come over, then don't waste time with both of us. Let's fight! If you win the winner, whoever wins the tower of the Eternal will be there." Her power of solitude broke out completely.

The lord of the hundred ghosts replied: "Very good, I have this intention, you need to fight, then I will be with you."

Just when the two had to fight, "Hey!" A loud noise came from the dark tower, and the beast of this beast shook their eardrums.

Yu Ji’s face changed a lot. “What is this? A scream can make me feel fearful at the monarch level.”


The ghost of the hundred ghosts said: "No, run! There is a very scary guy here."

The fierce beast inside, the seal was completely unraveled, a white light and a flaming red light stopped their way. They looked like a giant human being standing in front of the ghosts and the ghosts. The Bai Guijun himself is considered to be a versatile person. When he saw these two behemoths, his face changed greatly. "This...this turned out to be the ice konjac and the flame konjac, the two fierce ancient beasts. I heard that they It is the yin and yang bipolar world that was born, and finally they left the yin and yang

Killing everywhere, the countless faces of the dogs and dogs were restless, and they were eventually destroyed by the Aion. ”

The ghosts of the hundred ghosts were shocked and happy. The joy is that they really found the Tower of Eternity. Frightened is this ancient beast, even if he has the power of the monarch level, it is not necessarily the opponent of this legendary fierce beast.

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