Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2415: Attract attention

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"Roar!" These two ancient beasts roar outgoing, let them tumble blood.

Mu Qianxi and the nine nights they came, facing the two behemoths in front of them, Mu Qian’s mouth twitched slightly and gestured: “Look at the good show! Hide your breath and let them fight!”

Here is the place where the Tower of Eternity is located. The seal is not a fierce beast but two heads. The Bai Guijun and You Ji are in great trouble at this time.

Purple smiled and said: "It seems that the decision of Xiaomei is correct, let these two guys take the lead. Even if the fierce beast is difficult to deal with, it does not cost me and the night."

"Booming!" The two konjac who had just rushed out of the cage were very angry. The Hundred Ghosts and Yoshihide apparently slammed into the muzzle.

"Puff puff!"

Their faces became extremely ugly and they were all injured.

The strength of each of the two konjac is comparable to that of the monarchy. It doesn't take long for the prisoners and ghosts to die, except for their monarchs.

The blood prisoners were shocked. If Wang Hao had some understanding of the Aion, they rushed up like this, and the next estimate was as bad as the other two prisoners.

Yu Jidao: "Hundred Ghosts, you want this tower of darkness, I will give it to you, not to fight with you."

You Ji tried his best to retreat, and wanted to be behind the temple.

Hyakki monarch How could she do so, his mouth Qin Zhao hint of a smile and said: "You-Ji, since we came together, naturally with the joys and sorrows."

Both of them want to yell at each other and do not want to cooperate to escape this crisis.

These two magic ape although a large body, the action is very sensitive and difficult they want to run away.

"Hey!" The ghost of the hundred ghosts spit out a blood.

Now they want to live, they have to make every effort.

Yuji and Bai Guijun are wondering why the nine-night monarch has not yet arrived.

The strength of the nine-night monarch is undoubted, and if he can deal with these two beasts, their situation will be much better.

Yu Ji and Bai Guijun had a hard time and finally found a way to rush out, but the two konjac did not let them go.

For them, these two strong players are the big complement to their seals. After all, they have been hungry for so many years.

"Damn! They are still going on!"

Mu Qian said: "Yu Ji and Bai Guijun have done a good thing! They even led the two beasts away, leaving the tower of the Aion."

Nine nights, I took Mu Qianyu and stood on the tower. Muqian could feel the little branch that she had received before. It was here.

"Boom!" The dark power competed with the sub-tower, and the horrible dark power broke out here.

Feeling the familiar power of darkness, Yu Ji gnashed his teeth and said: "I didn't think that the nine-night monarch was so shameless, let us lead the two konjac, he took the profit of the fisherman to grab the tower of eternal, hateful!"

When I think of them being chased by this konjac, the scars are scarred, and the nine-night monarch can get the Aion of Eternity without any effort, and the eyes of the Lord of the Ghosts become haze.

The white figure flashed, and the ghost of the ghosts of the hundred ghosts had to turn back.

He is not willing to give the nine-night monarch a cheaper, so it’s going to be a disaster!

The movement on the side of the Aion Tower made the two beasts angry.

They escaped from the tower, and they have already treated that tower as their bag.

Some people dare to take the fish and take it away. It is not the real tower of eternal, they can never be forgiven.

They don't need to be able to guide them. They swept them at the fastest speed, and they screamed and tried to deter those who stole the tower.

The two beasts left, and Yuji and the ghosts of the hundred ghosts breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't want to escape, but turned back!

The nine-night monarch wants them to lose both to the fierce beast. He is good to take the benefit of the fisherman, and it is their turn.

The power of nine nights constantly weakened the dark power of the sub-tower, and the soul of Mu Qian’s soul spread around the observation and found that the two horrible breaths approached.

Mu Qian said: "Nine nights, they are coming."

Purple secluded road: "Night, this tower will be handed over to you, I stopped the two guys."

Before they approached, the purple singularity was suspended in the air for the huge body, and the **** prisoners were ready to fight.

Two white and red konjac appeared, they saw purple, and the eyes flashed the taboo color.

With the blood, the giant snake in front of them has far surpassed them, but they quickly feel that the power of this guy is not too strong.


"Hey!" The two fierce beasts rushed over.

"Booming!" Between the lights and the fire, they were entangled in purple, and a fierce battle made the palace destroyed.


Purple is obviously a disadvantage, and everyone's face has changed greatly. "Purple singer!"

"It's all gone, do you want to die?"

It is a beast that is sealed by the Aion but cannot be completely erased. They themselves are the kings in the ancient times. They are not good at dealing with it, but now it is not the peak state, **** it!

The ice konjac and the flame konjac looked at the purple secluded, but they were coveted, and they were not in the eyes of other ordinary humans.

Swallowing a powerful beast with a **** vein can be supplemented by more than a hundred human powers.

This one food, they have to be fixed.

Purple secluded: "Two greedy gadgets, even trying to devour the power of the deity, dreaming!"

"Booming!" Konjac, once again collided with Purple.

There are also a hundred ghosts and monarchs coming in. What makes them surprised is that they are now a two-headed konjac with a pair of purple giant snakes.

As for the nine-night monarch, he is suppressing the Tower of Eternity and wants to conquer the Aion.

The dark power of the nine-night monarch is even stronger than the dark power of the Aion. This is incredible. How is this possible?

The Eternal Tower, the legendary eternal artifact with the strongest power of darkness, will this dark power be lost to the nine-night monarch, what monster is the nine-night monarch?

They are still too small to see the strength of the nine-night monarch. Seeing that he is going to succeed, Yu Ji is anxious. "Let's go up together and stop the nine-night monarch from winning the Aion."

The ghost of the hundred ghosts smiled and said: "Okay! You are gorgeous and moving. I suggest that you first try to attract the attention of the nine-night monarch. I took the opportunity to attack him. How?"

Yu Ji’s face is black. “Hundred ghosts, you are really good. It’s time for you to know me.”

The nine-night monarch, except for the woman around him, couldn’t attract anyone’s attention, and she wouldn’t. The one hundred ghost monarchs let her start first. It is not to attract the attention of the nine-night monarch, but to send the head to the nine-night monarch to kill!

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