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Injury into such a way that it is not adult, and even speak in such a relaxed tone, this human brain is not sick!

It saw that Mu Qian took out a bottle of medicine, a medicine, and then healed himself.

"Follow me, let me not be taken away by it, let me sleep first! Don't worry! I am a ghost doctor. My acceptance of the fire element is higher than that of the lightning element. It is not a serious injury. Just sleep, just fine." Mu Qianxi smiled at the little blood.

So she really fell asleep, the dark layer peeled off, and its small follow-up class once again became beautiful, the little blood was not so angry.

On the second day, Mu Qiang stretched out and stretched, and his body was still falling black and lacquered, and felt uncomfortable.

She smiled: "Small blood, it seems that we have to find a place to wash."

It is not difficult to find a lake in this deep mountain, but it is difficult to find a lake without **** taste.

No way, Mu Qianxi can only refine the purification agent.

The environment of blood prison is like this, and it can't be too much.

"Hey!" Mu Qianji jumped into the lake, but the **** thorns flew out.

"You also made yourself dirty, really do not wash it?" Mu Qian said.

However, the little blood did not care about it, and it felt a bit hot.

Does this human small follower have a conscious consciousness of a woman! I even invited it to bathe together.

It is male! Powerful male.

After washing, Mu Qian looked at the little blood behind the tree: "You are shy."

Noisy! How can this adult be shy.

It rushed into the lake, where the environment was not bad, and then the millennium was then refined.

Exploring the flame hardening work in the flame burst, such a work method can be easily explored.

Whether it is her time in the world or the time of cultivation, her experience is limited.

How can they be like a lifetime of souls, and they are fascinated by the powerful methods.

Nowadays, they are all sleeping, wanting to become stronger in this **** purgatory and killing a **** way to leave here. She must try her best to become stronger and not let go of any chance.

The little blood came back and found that Mu Qiang was refining the pharmacy that almost killed him. The angry one almost knocked over the medicine of Mu Qian.

Mu Qian said: "Small blood, how is it angry again."

The little blood couldn't speak, but it was messed up here, and she was not allowed to refine her medicine.

If someone else is disturbing her refining, she will be surprised if she does not have a poison.

This little guy is simple, she probably guessed what it was thinking about?

"This medicine can make me stronger, so I have to give it a try! I will not give up." Mu Qianxi used a very firm tone.

Humph! You are just my little follow-up. I am not strong enough. What do I do? I don’t know if I kill myself. The little blood is secretly cold.

However, such a firm look, the small blood wants to ignore can not ignore.

Follow you with you!

This is the second time to refine this medicinal agent. Without the disorder of small blood, Mu Qianxi quickly refines it.

After the medicinal refining came out, she naturally did not drink directly as she did last time, but took out a bunch of refining exercises from her space.

From the Quartet to the Xuantian world, there have been many places where the secrets have been tried, and the number of exercises has been numerous.

But because of the strongest refining exercises, these are left in the space.

Now she wants a smelting body of a flame-hardened body. There is no ready-made one. The one-step lightning smelting method is too advanced. It is impossible for her to study the sculpt of the sculpt, so from the most basic.

Little blood does not understand what to do? It is recognized by some of these exercises, but garbage is all garbage.

How can his small follow-up class practice this refining practice!

After that, it was discovered that Mu Qianji was not trying to cultivate these exercises, but what was he studying in writing and painting?

Mu Qian's soul is extremely strong, and it is of great benefit to studying the exercises.

It's just that her experience is really limited, so it is extremely difficult.

Mu Qian said: "It seems that you can't be in a hurry."

Little blood finally knows what to do with Mu Qian? Flame quenching, this is definitely a self-immolation.

It definitely didn't want him to be burned to death in this small class, so the little blood directly entangled the bottle of medicine that Mu Qianji had refining before.

"Hey!" The medicine shattered, and the red-hot agent splashed onto the little blood.

"Little blood, you..."

Unable to wash with water elements, Mu Qianxi hurriedly took out some potions.

It is a pity that it is too slow. This medicinal product made from **** jade is absorbed by small blood.

Such a strong fire element was absorbed by a different plant, and even she did not know if it could stand it?

Mu Qianxi took out a lot of elixir preparations to refine the pharmaceutical agent, and she found that this guy actually absorbed the power of the drug very smoothly. It has also improved a lot.

I did not think that the power of blood jade can not only help humans to quench the flesh, but also help the growth of different plants.

After checking that the body of the little blood did not have any abnormalities, Mu Qianyi breathed a sigh of relief.

"You! It’s too messy, and stealing my things without a word, I’m not afraid of being burned to ash.”

Little blood is very proud, who is this adult? You can be burned to ash, and your fear of being small is superfluous.

I can absorb the strength of this pharmacy to quickly improve my strength. I will cover you later, even if you are not so desperate, no one will bully you! Hurry up and give me a refining agent.

Small blood entangled Mu Qianqian to ask for pharmacy. Mu Qian knows that researching such a level of sculpt is not a one-and-a-half-time study. Then I will try to help the small blood to improve its strength!

After all, it is just a different product, and the strength is indeed too weak.

No matter how much blood and blood is absorbed by the small blood, it can be digested, and there is no adverse reaction caused by the growth of the seedlings.

Mu Qianzhen thought, maybe the difference between the blood and the purgatory is not the same.

After all the blood jade jade obtained from the mine was exhausted, the small blood was promoted and became a two-star plant.

Although it became stronger, it still couldn't talk, and the little blood was super depressed. "There is no blood jade, it seems that only some more." Mu Qian took out the map, said: "Since the small blood you rely on the **** jade refining pharmacy to advance, we need a lot A lot of blood jade, slowly and surely wasting time, then looting all the mountains

Bloody jade is a good plan. ”

This idea is really good, it agrees. The little blood is also very excited. So all the veins on the second layer of the boundary mountain were attacked by the mysterious people, and all the **** jade they collected were all taken away.

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