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They didn't know that not only the ones they had collected were dug away, but some of the mines were collected.

Their faces are hard to read. "Damn! Without **** jade, the adults will kill me."

It’s not just the second layer of Jieshan that happened. The third layer, the fourth layer, the fifth layer... to the sixth floor all suffered the poisonous hand of this mysterious man. This guy went through the plucking, even one Do not stay.

The blood prison began to issue a wanted order. At this time, Mu Qianxi stood in the large city on the sixth floor of the Scarlet Purgatory. He looked at the abstract wanted orders: "Is this me? Where is this painter from? Come to the soul artist?"

Mu Qianyi smashed all the way, sweeping from the second floor to the sixth floor, and also familiar with the strength of the first six layers.

With her physical strength, almost no one in the first six floors can get her, let alone a little blood around her.

Her violent mopping action has received countless blood jade, refining out countless pharmacy, and letting the strength of the small blood soar, now it is already five-star.

After the five-star planting, the advancement speed of the small blood has slowed down a lot, but to make it happy, it can finally speak.

"It’s too ugly to draw a small class, and I haven’t painted it yet, I don’t think so!”

Mu Qianyi knocked on the fist, "How many times have you said this guy to you, to call my master, not to call me a small follower."

I know that this guy can speak and admire a thousand years to know that this guy of feelings regards her as a small follower.

This little guy is arrogant and very narcissistic, a bear child.

"Hey! It’s your pleasure to be my little follower. You don’t know how to behave. Although it’s pitiful to see you, it’s impossible for me to call you the master. How can this adult be so powerful that he can recognize a human being casually? Mainly." The little blood is proud of the road.

Mu Qianxi has a different plant, and it is still not hidden. Walking on the street with the same plant, and swaying through the city, has already been noticed by many people.

This plain-looking woman is here for the first time and is too careless.

To know that their city owners like to collect different plants, they want to cultivate a strong difference.

This woman not only has a different plant, but also a **** thorn, the city owner will not let go.

Mu Qianshen naturally knows that someone is eyeing her, but she doesn't care at all. Come and provoke her, you can give it a try!

When she was resting in the inn, someone rushed in and it was rude to come.

He screamed to Mu Qian: "You have a different plant, a **** thorn, is it a few stars?"

Mu Qianxi faintly said: "Five stars, do you believe it or not?"

"Ha ha ha! Five stars, just kidding! Do you know how rare it is to have more than five stars in the **** purgatory? You eat the cow but it is big." They laughed wildly.

The little blood is very angry. These stupid humans don't believe that it is a five-star, but they dare to laugh. It lets them see the thorns of the five-star blood-stained thorns.

Mu Qian said: "This is not enough for you to shoot. After all, the blood is so powerful, you can't use it too much?"

On the sixth floor of the Scarlet Purgatory, these people have a large number of blood jade, and they have cultivated various kinds of sculpt exercises, and the physical combat power is very strong.

According to the level of spiritual power, it is probably the level of the Lingzong level.

This level, the difference is not a star and a half.

When they wanted to start with Mu Qian, they found that this petite woman broke out with terrible power, and all of them were knocked down in the blink of an eye.

Mu Qian said: "I don't kill you? I want to see your city owner and lead the way!"


The words of the strong, can not be violated, can only obey, otherwise it is death.

They have lived in the **** purgatory for so long, and naturally they know this truth.

Mu Qianxi walked into the city's main government. A man swept her and said: "How many times have you told me that the city owner is not interested in women, let alone such an ugly woman, you are so embarrassed..."

"Hey!" His words have not been finished, a red shadow flashed, and the face of the city owner had a blood mark with deep visible bones.

This is a small blood pump!

Little blood can be angry, this stupid human can dare to say that its small follow-up ugly.

To know that its small follow-up is the second most beautiful in the world, the first beautiful is naturally it.

"It's a different plant, a **** thorn!" The disfigured city owner was not only angry, but looked at the blood-red thorns seriously.

"The ability to sneak into the city, the strength is very good, this **** thorns in the city is the main, how much **** jade you want to sell?" City Road.

Mu Qianxi faintly said: "Sorry, I don't sell! Even if you want to sell, you can't afford it!"

"Don't dare to reject this city owner, you are really a big courage. Come on! Kill this one who dared to hurt this city owner." His haze.

These people who came with Mu Qianxi did not dare to do it, but Mu Qiang took the initiative to this city. The city owner avoided the attack of Mu Qianxi and said: "It turns out that there is a little skill, no wonder the courage is so big. But Dare to be an enemy of this city, you will die very badly."

"Hey!" After playing three rounds with Mu Qian, he was no longer confident.

The woman who looks weak is so powerful, is this still not human?

"Come on! Come together! You all have something to eat."

The power of a person is limited, and the city owner wants to use the wheel to fight the power of the millennium.

When she is exhausted, it is naturally easy to clean up this woman.

He does not believe when this woman's physical strength can go to the city?

Many people in the city's main government, the wheel battles are also very easy to play.

It is not for him to consume such things as strength, because Mu Qian has a potion that restores strength.


The city government has poured a person, and every killing of every thousand hits is the key to the human body.

Even if the person in the middle of the trick can't die, it's hard to get up.

All of the city's masters fell down, leaving him alone as a light pole commander.

He looked at it with horror and spit out two words, "Monster!"

"Hey!" He had a punch in his abdomen and blood spouted.

"Rain!" Sitting in this big city for so many years, the first time I was beaten like a dog.

"Your **** jade, give it to me!"

"no problem!"

"I want to enter the seventh floor pass, do you have it in your hand?"

"Yes! Even if there is none, there is."

In the **** purgatory, as long as the fist is hard enough, everything is good to speak. "Well, you have to do it quickly!" Mu Qianxi was faint, and he was not afraid that he ran to rescue the soldiers.

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