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The 18th floor of the blood purgatory, the strength of the first six floors is not very good, but also very mixed, but the six layers or more are not the same, the people there are stronger, but also a little more attention.

The people in the first six floors are not free to enter, they must prove their strength, and they can get the pass for the sixth floor of the big city.

The city owner was ready to go out of his way, and personally sent a large battle to send the Millennium to the seventh floor. "Adults go slowly!"

"Adults are free to come again!"

They smiled and said goodbye to Mu Qian, but the smile smiled too much. They couldn't wait for the thousand miles to go, never to come back.

This woman is simply their nightmare.

"God Lord, have you swallowed this bad smell?" someone asked.

“How is it possible?” The urban master is not a good person. "After the sixth floor, it is no better than us. There are prisons in every city there. The prison is not like us. We can't use spiritual power. I just have a prisoner who knows. I have to write to him to let him give I take revenge, I must let that woman die without a burial place, then take her

The **** thorns give the hand. "The lord of the city is gnashing his teeth."

The seventh floor is completely different scenery, no longer chaotic, and the **** smell is no longer so strong.

It seems that there is no difference between the normal time and the outside.

But Mu Qianxi is very clear, this is just a representation, here is in the blood purgatory, can you be normal?

As a newcomer, Mu Qianxi went to collect intelligence. After the original sixth floor, the city is forbidden to fight. Once the fight is over, it will be arrested by the prison.

Regardless of the highest level of practice in their practice, they are still at a disadvantage and vulnerable to the difficulties of prisoners with spiritual power.

If someone really wants to fight and kill, they must go outside the city or try a special battlefield in the city.

In that case, no matter how miserable they are, the prison will not manage it.

The cultivation of people here is no longer a practice of holding blood and jade, but a **** jade refining system.

Scarlet purgatory is the first prison of blood prison, although the refiner is rare here, but it is not.

With the existence of blood stasis, their physical cultivation speed is naturally much faster than the first six layers.

Mu Qian said: "Blood jade has no way to make you go further. We have to find another way! Not to reach the **** level, at least to achieve seven stars."

"Do not worry! Seven stars are different, I will soon upgrade, after all, this adult is so powerful." Little blood confident full of words.

After Mu Qiang’s arrival on the seventh floor, he did not cover up the existence of small blood. They saw the **** thorns and felt that the luck of this girl was very good.

With alienation, if you don't get robbed, once you grow up, this will definitely become a guarantee for the safety of a person in prison.

The average person gets the cautiousness of the different plants, and it is not obvious that it can be seen with such blatantness.

Mu Qianzhen is not smug, if someone dares to deal with her, dare to take away the little blood, she will practice with others.

Sure enough, someone couldn't wait to find something. When the white robe appeared, everyone gave way to him.

This person is a prisoner!

This prisoner said: "Come with me!"

His tone is not tolerated, and no one here has killed the words of rejecting a prisoner.

Mu Qiang nodded and said: "Okay!"

He brought Mu Qianxi to the outside of the city. He said: "Give me the **** thorns, I will spare you a life! If you can live here in the future, look at your skills."

Mu Qianhui replied: "I refuse! I want to take away my little blood, then I have to see if you have the one that can withstand it?"

The prison was angry. "The tone is not small! I have seen a lot of prisoners who are daring, but I have not seen it so much for a long time."

In an instant, he broke out his own spiritual power.

In front of these prisoners who cannot use spiritual power, they are invincible with spiritual power.

Mu Qianguang is slightly dark, **** purgatory is so big, and the prison is not counted. Not every prison is very powerful, and this individual is not strong.

Supporting death is also the strength of the next lord. Of course, the other party has the power to use the spiritual skills to have a great advantage for her who can't use the spiritual power, but it is not so easy to deal with her.

Such a woman who does not know how to be awkward, the prisoner is ready to shoot her to death.


When this palm was shot, it made him unbelievable, the other party actually avoided, and his attack fell through.

This prisoner’s face showed amazement. “I didn’t think you have a bit of energy! The reaction is very fast, but it’s also your luck, then you are not so lucky.”

After that, he attacked again.

"Oh!" After repeated attacks by Muji, he was very annoyed and attacked more and more.

"Boom!" This trick finally hit this woman.

Even if she avoided the key, she would never be too good.

"Hey!" Mu Qian's figure flew out and suffered a slight injury.

The prison made it incredible: "How is this possible? Is this absolutely impossible?"

This woman does not need spiritual defense, but only with the flesh to block his attack, only suffered such a small injury, this is not normal.

"Let you be stubborn!" The small follow-up was injured, bleeding, and the small blood finally ran out.

The prison made a horrified saying: "Blood thorns, can talk, can speak at least five stars, even five stars."

This is a very rare and valuable thing! He looked at the little blood and let his eyes shine. The little blood rushed toward him.

"court death!"

"Hey!" The little blood and this prison made a fierce battle, and Mu Qian swallowed the potion to hide his body shape.

Although the prisoner was better than the other prisoners, she did not believe that he could stop her poison.

The little blood is difficult to distinguish with this one, and Mu Qian finds the most appropriate time. Countless medicine needles fly out!

"Hey!" He ducked too slowly, and the needle smashed his skin.

"What is this?" he was alarmed.

"Don't be so nervous, can't you kill your life!" Has already succeeded, and Mu Qian is no longer hidden in the dark.

"Hey!" The prisoner spurted a blood directly, and the whole person was bound by the thorns of the thorns.

"Ah!" The thorn stabbed into his body and deep into his bones. " can't kill me. In the **** purgatory, anyone who dares to kill the prisoner will be chased and killed by the prisoner of the entire **** purgatory, and he will not die." He hurriedly said.

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