Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2448: Floating accident

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Mu Qianxi rushed directly to Shura's fruit. When she succeeded in winning the Shura fruit, the whole person was swallowed up by the flames.

Even if he is not dead, he must be seriously injured. This way he will not be wasted his energy on her. Purple is dark.

The result was counterproductive, and was engulfed by the flames of Shura's banyan tree. Mu Qian thought that there was nothing at all, and Ziwei's pupils shrank fiercely. How could this be?

Mu Qiang now cultivates the practice of flame hardening, and it is also immune to the general flame.

Is this flame of Shura's banyan tree dangerous for her?

The first Shura fruit was taken to the hand by the millennium, and the purple gas was so gnashing that it was going to chase the millennium.

His speed is very fast, and with the flames of the Shura eucalyptus, she has easily taken all the nine Shura fruits.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "I have finished the fruit, Ziwei, we want to fight, let's go and fight! If you win, this Shuo Yan fruit is yours."

Mu Qiang’s figure flashed and he left instantly.

The Shura 焱 tree branches are now bare and there is no fruit.

It is also because the fruit is plucked away, and Ziwei naturally will not stay here again.

"Mu Qianxi!" Ziwei angered.

"kill him!"

All the prisoners rushed to Mu Qian, and the little blood rushed out to fight, and all that did not fall were blocked.

After all, once a prison is released, it will deal with Mu Qian, even if Mu Qian is now stronger, but it is not the opponent of the prisoner who has the superior level.

Ziwei’s face was heavy and said: “Mu Qianxi, I don’t need prisoners to deal with you, I’m going to die!”

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Under the defeat, I don't know where you are from."

"Hey!" The two men once again played, and Muqian could feel that Ziwei was much stronger than the last time. It seems that Blood Zun has given him a lot of help!

But what about getting stronger?

Mu Qian’s fingertips popped up a few needles, and Ziwei calmly avoided them.



The two men engaged in close combat, and the means of admiring thousands of miles were much more than that of Ziwei. At one time, the two sides could not win the game, only between the two.

The purple light is dark, he has become so strong that there is no way to kill Mu Qian! Damn it!

The strength of the prison is very strong. The difference between the different plants is above the number, but they can't completely stop them. Ziwei is waiting for them to rush out.

As long as one person rushes out of the encirclement, it is very easy to kill Mu Qianxi. He can only support Mu Qianxi now.

"Block them!"

"Come out a road and don't consume energy."

So many different plants make these prisoners feel a headache, but they are also trying their best to kill them.

"Puff puff!"

Finally, a gap was made, and they tried their best to send out a prison guard. It is not difficult to help Ziwei adults.

And Ziwei, waiting for this moment!

At this time, Ziwei saw a smile on his face. "You seem very proud! But I am sorry to tell you that you can't achieve your purpose."

"Hey!" A black shadow didn't know when he was behind him, and he didn't leave his heart and hit him.

Ziwei’s eyes widened, “breaking the army!”

He didn't have to look back, he knew who was attacking him behind him, and he broke the army!

"Hey!" Ziwei fell to the ground, blood was like a spring.

He was shocked: "You... you are betrayed the endless adult like the wolf, good... very good..."

Ziwei couldn’t think of it. A **** person would come out and attack him. He didn’t have any defense at all.

Mu Qianqi asked: "Break the army, do you want him to live or want him to die."

"Everything is listening to the master's command!"

"What did you do to the broken army? Why did he take orders from you!" Ziwei was shocked.

"Your life is quite big, so there is no death. If you can't die, then I will let you survive, if you are as loyal as the broken army and the wolf." Mu Qianxi told him.

"You dream! I will never be like them, I would rather die..."

Ziwei knew that he had no power to fight back. In order not to fall to the broken army and the wolf, he prepared his own life.

He put himself to death and hesitated without a single point.

Those who have not been trained in the world do not take their own life as one thing, and regard his orders as the most important thing.

The speed of his self-cutting is naturally not as fast as the start of his hands. Soon his body is stiff and unable to move.

Mu Qianxi gave him a stoppage, and Chu Li had a wound.

Ziwei is angry and stares at Muqian!

On the other side, Xiaoxue directed its younger brother to kill the Quartet.

"My little followers have fixed the man. What efficiency are you, don't give me a quick kill for them."

The pressure of the little blood made them have to go all out, and these prisons were miserable.

"Ah!" A burst of screams came out, and some of the prisons were wiped out, and none of them remained.

Ziwei knows that it is finished! This defeat has not had a chance to turn over.

The last time I let Mu Qianjun escape to the **** purgatory, it was definitely the biggest mistake of his life, step by step and wrong.


"Hey!" Mu Qianji gave him a few more shots.

Then, she threw out a few bottles of pharmacy: "Break the army, your task is to look at him, and then give him some potions, he will give it to you."

"Yes, the master!" Seeing that the broken army is obedient to Mu Qian, the purple gas is going to blow up.

I think that he will be so to this woman in the future, it is simply unbearable.

How does Ziwei’s mood catch the madness? I don’t know, she looked at the little cute who was turned into a human figure and looked at her with a look of praise: “All solved.”

Mu Qianxi nodded slightly: "Well! Little blood can be amazing."

At this time, the little blood felt a dizzy, almost fell directly in front of Mu Qianxi.

Fortunately, there are thousands of eye-catching eyes to catch people, or small blood may fall face to face.

"Small blood, what's wrong with you? Is it excessive use of power?" Mu Qianxi worried.

The little blood is low: "It’s not that I have an accident, it’s that he is going to have an accident."

Mu Qianxi knows that the one he said by Xiaoxue is alive!

The floating life was in the Scarlet Palace at this time, feeling weak and almost unstable.

Blood Zun once again started to deal with him. He had not been recruited before.

Here is his place, he has the opportunity to do it, so that he can't prevent it.

In the past, such a thing happened, he was incarnate in his body, and his blood was thorny. He dared to touch it and be careful to be killed. But this time, he seems to have no way to become an ontology, what is going on?

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