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Blood Zun came over and said: "Floating, where are you going? I have found a medicine refining by a refining pharmacist that can make the planting of an adult in three hours. It seems that this A medicine is effective."

The words of life and anger: "Blood, you dare to move me, I absolutely killed you!"

"Scratch!" A chain tied the floating hands, and the blood smiled: "Floating, don't be nervous, I am well prepared, and I will never treat you badly."

The floating life is taken away by the blood...

"Damn! Damn..." The little blood of the biting lips.

The little blood told the present of the life of the floating life to Mu Qian, and Mu Qian did not think that the killer of the life-saving killer actually failed.

Although she joked that she was innocent, she didn’t really want him to have an accident...

"It’s just too disgusting, I have to go to the blood to fight! I can’t let him succeed.” The little blood was angry.

Mu Qiang stopped the person and said: "You are definitely going to send food in the past, and the small blood will take the time to advance! I will refine the medicine immediately."

"it is good!"

Mu Qiang took out five Shura fruits, and quickly refined the medicine that helped the small blood to improve its strength.

"Little blood, for you!"

The little blood gave the potion the absorption, and it was wrapped in the blood red light.

Mu Qiang took a deep breath and whispered: "I have to try my best to make my strength stronger."

After quenching the medicinal herbs with a scorpion, the horrible flame emerged from Mu Qian’s body.

The flames swept over and over, seemingly to give Mu Qianquan a burn.

Mu Qiang’s biting teeth, in any case, must be sustained, how can you be defeated here?

Both of them became a red scorpion, and the broken army did not move to keep the purple faint that had been comatose.

Mu Qianxi finally came over, the quenching has been completely completed, and the effect of a Shura fruit is very strong.

At the same time, the blood-red silkworm cocoon of the small blood disappeared.

Mu Qianwei is a little stunned, is the small blood failing, or is it successful?

The little blood is annoyed: "It's still a little bit worse, it's a little bit worse. What went wrong?"

"Small follow-up, I am going to save people. You are looking for a place to hide. If I don't come back, then you will raise a different plant to help it become a gods and defeat the blood, then leave!" These words are ready to leave.

Mu Qianji stopped her and said: "Wait! I have allowed you to go?"

"You are my little follower, how can I talk to me like a small class." Little blood angered.

"It is a waste of time to cultivate another plant. There is no such thing as a stranger. You have to save someone. I will never stop you, but go together!"

At this time, Ziwei also woke up. He climbed up and said: "The master!"

Mu Qianxi looked at Ziwei and said: "Go to the Scarlet Palace, you lead the way! Take us in."


Little blood: "Don't you be afraid of death? I haven't advanced to God. If I can't beat blood, I will die, and you will die."

"I don't want you to fail, and I don't want to be trapped here for hundreds of thousands of years, so let's fight together! Little blood." Mu Qianxi said to him.


Mu Qianshao rushed to the Scarlet Palace at the fastest speed, and the people of the Scarlet Palace knew Ziwei.

"Ziwei adults, are you back?"

Why are there only Ziwei adults coming back, where are the other adults going? They were surprised and didn't ask much.

Purple slightly cold channel: "Where is blood honor? Take me to see him."


As a result, the people in the blood-colored palace could not find where their blood-stricken adults were. "I am afraid that the blood-stricken adults are going out. It’s definitely tiring for Ziwei adults to be so rushed. Do you need your subordinates to take you to rest?"

"No need to……"

At this time, all the floating bodies are whip marks, which is very clear to him.

Because he is not a good starter, this metamorphosis is flustered to deal with other beautiful people.

Although some people are not as good-looking as they are, but they are still okay, they are recruited by blood to be substitutes.

All the alternatives will not last long, and each one will be ill-treated.

This injury does not wrinkle the brow, the blood smiles, said: "I know that you are not afraid of pain, so ..."

He began to undress in front of him, and his face was extraordinarily gloomy.

The little blood has to be blown up. "I can't stand it. He must be in this **** palace. I will find him directly."

In an instant, blood is reduced to the body!

The strength of the small blood is only a little bit different from the gods, and its body can become very large, so large that it covers the entire blood palace!

"Hey!" The **** thorns of the madness smashed through the **** palaces, and the heavens and the earth went to the ground.

"The rumble!"

The ground was shaking wildly. At this time, the blood esteem just took off his shirt, and the good intentions were destroyed. The **** eyes flashed a cold light. Who dares to make trouble in his territory?

Blood respect looks to the floating life: "When I take the fly away, come over!"

The face of the floating face showed a dignified color, stupid!

He didn't break through. He knew it. If there was no breakthrough, he would come. Isn't this coming to death?

The little blood is too big, and Mu Qiang uses the soul to observe the surrounding situation. Sure enough, she feels a powerful force like never before.

A very powerful strongman, although far worse than the nine nights, she feels that he must be more than the two prisoners who she has seen,

Yu Ji Bai Guijun is mainly strong.

A white figure appeared in front of them, and the white hair fluttered.

His half face was covered by a mask, and the half of the face that was exposed was pretty good.

His eyes gloomy over the blood-red thorns and said: "The **** thorns, the **** purgatory, there is a **** thorn that grows and grows, and it can be so strong, it is rare!"

"However, you don't have to exist." There was a glimmer of killing in his eyes.

It is undoubtedly a threat to him to break through the **** thorns of the gods. Such a guy must be removed.

"You mistakenly overestimated your own strength, underestimated me, did not provoke me to provoke me before breaking through the ranks of God, bad for my good deeds, and find a way out."

Blood is unceremonious, and the thorns fly in the sky, and the little blood fights with him.

"Boom!" A loud bang came. The little blood attracts all the attention of the blood, and Qian Qian said: "First to save the floating life, Ziwei, you are familiar with this, lead the way! Where he just appeared, the floating life should be there too."

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