Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2453: Come to pick up

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The power of horror and power has brought a group of forces that are completely incapable of blood.

The face of a floating look becomes ugly, and the **** purgatory is one of the most dangerous prisons in the prison, but not the only one.

All the prisons are under the control of the prisoners, and these are the minions under the prisoners. These people are OK for the last one, and they have come so much in one breath.

Blood smiled and said: "Do you think you won? Life, you will die, now you are not regretful."

The floating fist is clenched. He knows that it is difficult to beat these people, but he has to try it anyway, isn’t it?

At the time of life, the entire blood prison space was attacked by a horrible force.

This vast prison must face the danger of breaking.


All of these messengers were stunned. "Someone forcibly broke into the **** purgatory."

Blood is also unbelievable. "Impossible, prisons are set up under the ban and seal, unless you reach that level, no one can break into."

The dark power of terror swept through this **** sky, and the surroundings were dark. These prisons are now shaking, it is him... absolutely he...

A slender black figure appeared in the sky, just like the devil came, and appeared in this **** purgatory.

Mu Qianxi looked at the familiar figure in the air, his face showed a surprise color, but also worried.

The power that broke out this nine nights was too strong. It would not be easy to open the **** purgatory.


Far from the end of the blood prison palace, a blood spurt, his face pale as paper!

"Seven nights, you actually do this for a woman!" I don't understand, I don't understand how he grew up, watching him grow up, watching him turn around in his life, he thought he knew nine nights. His Royal Highness, but he does not know why he is doing this?

Seeing the endlessness is so terrible, Ziyou is not happy, he said: "Nothing, what happened in the night lost?"

No way: "My seal was completely erased by His Royal Highness."

That seal was used to stabilize the curse, and it is now completely erased, which is very dangerous.

"What is this horrible! It can be forced into the blood purgatory, it should not be the helper of some people. Look at this battle, it is definitely an enemy, maybe we can escape." The face of the floating face showed a smile.

The one in the air disappeared directly, and then the floating discovery found that Mu Qian also disappeared. "Little cute..."

Mu Qianxi was hugged for nine nights, "I will pick you up!"

She took the initiative to admit: "Nine nights, I am worried."

This one, nine nights in the chilly heart are cold, he said: "I am late, this is a mistake, should not leave no end! This king should kill no end in any cost."

The ice blue scorpion flashed a cold light.


Fusheng looked at Mu Qiang, who was hugged into his arms for nine nights. The two are very close, very familiar...

Some of these messengers sighed with a deep breath: "His Nine Nights, I did not expect you to come late!"

Nine nights cold screaming to them: "You are not dead yet?"

For a time, they felt cold.

They once played against the nine nights, it was definitely their nightmare.

Those of them who have survived fortunes have a deep memory of this nine-night sire.

Nine nights cold channel: "Why did this monarch appear here, you are not qualified to know. Since this king has seen you, then you must die now..."

"Come on!" These prisons made the panic.

Here they still manage the blood and death of life, and quickly escape.

The surrounding space was blocked by the forces of darkness. They could not escape without escape. They could only deal with the scalp to deal with nine nights.

Released Mu Qianxi in nine nights and said: "Hey, just wait a moment!"

"Ah!" The black figure plucked out, and nine nights said that waiting for a while, naturally it only took a while.

The bodies of these people have completely collapsed, leaving only one head.

"His Nine Nights, you...you..."

"The prisoner will soon be out of the customs, very soon. His Highness nine nights, one day you will return there!"


Their bodies were instantly turned into nothingness, and once again, the nine thousand nights were carefully held by Mu Qian.

Strong! Is this guy abnormal?

The stunned and stunned look at nine nights, he is very strong, the strong has seen a lot, but ... this metamorphosis is the first time I saw.

Nine nights: "Hey, let's go back!"

"Well! Go back."

The situation of nine nights is very wrong, and Mu Qian is also very worried, so I will leave the blood purgatory soon.

Nine nights to open the space of the **** purgatory, he can come and go freely, but life is not good!

"Wait for me! Will you throw me here?"

However, that powerful man seems to be rooted when he does not exist. In his eyes, there are only people in his arms, and he does not say anything to take away.

"With a man, I will abandon me, hateful!"

Although Mu Qianxi did not take it away, he had a way to leave, and that was to kill the blood.

Blood said: "I... I will send you away, live, see me so good for you for so many years, you ... you don't kill me!"

"I want to leave, need your help?" The sneer sneered.

The **** soul was torn apart, and the management of his **** purgatory was born to plunder, and now he becomes the master of the entire blood purgatory.

As for the blood esteem, now his strength is abolished, the combat power is comparable to the weakest white face, and people are free to throw him away, let him be self-defeating in the blood.

He used to have the highest spiritual power. In the **** purgatory, he was scorned by those prisoners who could not be used. Now he has become a person he once despised, and even he is not as good.

Then the mess of the **** purgatory didn't want to deal with it, let it go with the flow, he just wants to leave the blood purgatory.

He became the master of this blood purgatory, and it is very simple to leave. Two people asked him to take away, that is, Ziwei and the broken army.

"Also ask the floating adults to let us leave the blood prison and go to the master!"

Nine nights took people away too quickly, and Mu Qiang not only lost her contractually born plants, but also lost her two hands and the purple micro from her endless hands.

No way, at the time of the nine nights, she could not care about other things.

Nine nights with Mu Qiang came to the fall of the **** prison, and Mu Qian explored his body: "The seal that used the curse that disappeared in the end disappeared? How could this be?"

"He moved his hand on that curse, I would rather not." He definitely wouldn't allow himself to do nothing at the time of danger, so he erased the seal.

Even if this is a very dangerous thing, nine nights hoarsely said: "Don't worry, you are, without someone else's help, I can certainly suppress it." The glamorous face is magnified in front of Mu Qianxi. The breath of the two blends together, and the constant vitality is in tune with the power of the dark curse.

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