Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2454: Return of the old master

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Leaving from the **** purgatory, he floated to the blood prison.

When he set foot on the land of blood prison, he was deeply breathed: "Blood prison, I am finally back! Hahaha!"

The broken army and Ziwei followed him. They knew that Fusheng had a contract with his master, and he could find their master with him.

Fusheng looked at them and said: "Don't go find a little cute, I didn't think she had a heart, and her family thief was so energetic, so powerful. If they have been separated for so long, we should not go to the eye, look good. Look at the long-lost blood prison."

He didn't want to go to the main city of blood prison, he has disappeared for so long, the **** prisoner has already changed a person, so he is ready to go to the **** thorn city.

The life is not in a hurry and appears in the **** thorny city. When he reaches the Scarlet City, he sees the familiar wall, just as he once left.

Very nostalgic!

I don't know how some little rabbits are doing?

The city gate is open, this is a very prosperous city, and there are many people coming and going.

To his strangeness, the **** thorns in the city did not attack any human beings.

Very polite and very elegant, this did not disappoint his expectations of them.

But he is very curious, how do they do it?

Bloodthirsty is the instinct of their **** thorns, high-level can be controlled, but even if they want to control, they can't control it!

The good mood of life is very bad when he learns that this **** thorn has changed hands, it is very violent!

He lost his position in the blood prison monarch. He didn't feel bad at all. Anyway, he didn't want to be a monarch. He had more troubles.

If the monarch is not the strongest symbol of a big prison, he is very domineering, and he would not think of it as a prisoner.

But the **** thorny city is different. The **** thorny city was created by him personally. The people living here are the little ones in his family.

He must be the main city of blood prison, and he has a stronger sense of belonging here.

Now even some people have robbed the **** thorny city, and some of the little guys who do not attack humans are estimated to be controlled.

The anger of anger is unstoppable, and the murderous murder has directly erupted.

He directly declared war, "Who is the current owner of the Scarlet City? Get out and see me."

Floating life thinks, if this city owner swears a little, obeys a little, and does not bully the **** thorns, then he kindly spared his life and robbed the **** thorny city.

But if the other party doesn't know each other, then he must kill him.

Very dangerous atmosphere, let the silver and purple of the town government sit a little.

Blood, blood, blood, three, they go out to work, and this person is not what they can deal with, only he personally shot.

A silver-purple figure swept out. He saw a man in a bright red dress in the sky above the Scarlet City.

The life is also looking at the person in front of me, quiet and elegant.

He spit out a word: "Nine turns silvery purple lotus!"

Silver Purple also replied: "The **** thorns of the gods."

"You are the city owner of this **** thorny city. When did we have a different city to turn to your sacred plant to be the city owner? Are some children stupid?" The life is a bit strange, I thought it was human beings who seized the position of the city. I did not expect it to be a holy plant.

Silver Purple Road: "I am not the owner of the Scarlet City, I am just a guest of the Scarlet City, and I will help you by the way."

"That made the city owner of the Scarlet City roll out, this adult has something to find him to talk about." The arrogant way.

"She went out to work, and will not come back in a moment."

"I don't think I can see you when I hide it! Take me to see her, otherwise don't blame me, you don't have to have a confidence to fight with me!"

"The difference between the gods is really tricky! But do you think you can win?"

The four eyes are opposite, and the surrounding air is full of gunpowder smell, which is about to start.

Silver Purple does not want to play here, he said: "Go outside the city!"

This is the city of Muqian, if it is smashed, the city will be ruined, and when she returns, she will blackmail him for a large repair cost.

It’s not the first day to know Mu Qian’s, and Yin Zi profoundly realized how blackhearted Mu Qichen was.

I don’t want to be ruined by myself. After all, now the Scarlet City looks like a pleasing eye. He said, "Okay! Go to the city!"

"Booming!" The sound of the earth shook from the outside of the city, the same level, the battle of **** thorns beat the nine-turn silver purple lotus.

"You are not my opponent, are you sure you want to stop me from seeing the city?" The way of life is overbearing.

"Our homeowner, you can see it if you want to see it." A red-haired boy swept out, and blood four came over.

"Little guy, who are you talking to?" The horrible powers swept through and let the blood say nothing.

"You..." This is his family, who has reached the same family of God.

He is like a little baby in front of him, completely unable to resist.

"Hey! The **** thorns of this blood prison, in addition to the three of them, there are still people who have become human figures!"

I have to know that when I turned those three into human figures, he took a lot of effort!

The blood has returned to the gods, and the cold voice: "Dare to commit crimes in the Scarlet City, no matter who, absolutely kill innocent!"

What about the different generations of the same family? There is a firmer belief in the heart of the blood, that is to become a strong person who makes the master proud and protects the master.

"You little guy is good! Under my pressure, I can still have a rebellious heart. Your performance has made me more curious about the identity of the new city owner. What means did she use to confuse you?" Interesting laughter.

One-on-one battles have become two-on-one battles, yet they have no advantage for their comrades, because this **** thorn is too strong.

The **** thorns were attacked by strong enemies, all of the seven stars were all dispatched, but they faced the **** thorns of the gods, and they did not know how to do it at one time.

Silver Purple has been injured, and the blood has bitten his teeth and fight again.

Bloody, they also received an emergency signal, the **** thorny city has a strong enemy.

Even the silver-grey adults are not the opponents of the man. They seem to have a gorgeous figure in the air.

He stood in the air, just like a beautiful landscape.

Even if he hasn't seen it for thousands of years, his appearance has been engraved into their bones and must not be forgotten.

The eyes of the blood two are a little moist, the master...the master is back...

Blood together: "Blood four, you stop!"

"Silver purple, stop!"

I heard this voice, and I didn’t have a living.

He looked at the three guys who sprinted at the fastest speed. He was familiar with it!

He personally helped them to shape and watched them become like this. Floating life: "I thought you three died! Even let the Scarlet City change a city owner."

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