Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2455: To kill the endless

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"Master!" Blood one, blood two, blood three all squatted in front of the floating life, their faces showed an excited color.

It is really exciting to see the owner returning safely.

Blood IV also stunned. "He is..."

When he was missing, he was still very weak and had not seen him, so he did not know this person.

The silver-purple face flashed a dignified color, and he already guessed the identity of this individual.

He was the former city owner of the Scarlet City, and the blood prisoner of the blood prison.

"Don't be stunned, explain! You are guarded, unless the new one of the blood prisoners takes the initiative, or how others may take the Scarlet City as their own. And you seem to like him too!"

It’s just a matter of being seriously injured and thrown into the **** purgatory. It’s better to come out, and the monarch’s position is lost. I didn’t think his city was lost.

The blood was careful: "Master, for this matter, blood is a detailed talk to you."

"it is good!"

Blood please float into the city, silver purple watching them leave, he can see this person's concern for the **** thorny city.

The **** thorny city of the Millennium has poured a lot of effort. If this person wants to **** it, what kind of decisions will these **** thorns make?

But in any case, he is standing on the side of Mu Qian.

He is not the opponent of this person, so Yin Zi ordered the news to go to the city of Shen.

The lazy way of life: "You said, I listen, in any case, this city is mine, I will never give it to anyone."

Blood together: "This will start from a few months ago..."

From the beginning of Mu Qian’s arrival, the blood began to say, “Since the master has left, we have not eaten the medicinal herbs that you have prepared, so I have been hungry...”

The floating sensation touched the chin: "There is a strong ability to refine the medicine, it can refine the magical pharmacy, and it can help the seven stars to grow into a human form..."

A person who can do these incredible things, only one person is born in a life, and that person is his contractor, and he is a thousand.

Fushengdao: "Show me the medicine that she has made."


The life of the bottle of pharmacy in front of the life, the floating life can be 100% sure who grabbed the **** thorny city of the new owner of the city, who is her!

It is no wonder that she also helped the **** thorns form a human form, no wonder she said that there is a friend of the sacred plant.

The two city owners of the Scarlet City, who happened to meet each other in the **** purgatory, are absolutely unimaginable.

If someone else robbed him of the **** thorny city, no matter who is more powerful, he will also grab it.

But that person is Mu Qian, what grabs? She is his contractor, and his is her.

Blood, they saw the silence of silence, did not speak, did not see the anger, let them be awkward.

Fusheng asked: "The blood prison should have a new monarch? Who is the current monarch? How is the strength?"

The blood is back: "The **** monarch of today is called the nine-night monarch, and his strength is very strong. If you let the truth tell the truth, the strength of the nine-night monarch is even more terrible than the master."

"Oh! Nine-night monarch." The mouth of the floating mouth twitched slightly.

The messengers of the prisoners, who called the one who took away the Millennium, were the nine-night sire, presumably the same person!

Ok! His master not only snatched his **** thorny city, but he was also intimate with the current **** monarch.

After knowing what he wanted to know, Fusheng waved his hand: "I am hungry, I am not going to give it to me! Before the city owner comes, I will serve this adult."

"Yes, the master!"

Life is alive in the city, eating and drinking a lot of things, huge expenses make the blood four very unhappy, want to find a luxury guy to go to account.

Blood hurriedly pulled the blood four. "Blood four, don't be impulsive! The character of the master has always been like this. He has been in a good mood recently. Don't anger him! Everything is waiting for the ghost doctor to come back."

The blood is slightly stunned, when will the master come back!

The **** thorny city clearly changed its new owner, but the guy was at ease in the city's main house, completely robbing himself back to the position of the city owner.

Blood is not satisfied!

Life is of course happy these days, leaving the **** purgatory, he breathed smoothly.

The **** thorny city is very prosperous, and the delicious and fun is inexhaustible. It is just like a fairy.

Mu Qianxi almost exhausted his life, and the two joined forces, and finally suppressed the power of life.

She was weak and helped her recover in nine nights.

After recovering for nine nights, I still don’t know what I want to continue. I’m a thousand years ago: “I’ve been wrong before, let me dispose of it. Now you’re in the same shape, it’s not at all safe.”

"I said stop, do you listen to it nine nights?"

Nine nights low: "Well, I listen."

Mu Qianxi and nine nights returned to the Blood Prison Palace, and the Yahya Tower was turned into nothingness. It was the nine-night monarch.

The boundless adult was detained. The reason for his sin was to assassinate the future wife of the nine-night monarch, and the **** prisoner.

The nine-night monarch can be described as the anger of the crown as a red face, even the generally distinguished person of the boundless adult, said to be held in custody.

Mu Qianxi and nine nights go to jail to see nowhere, purple secluded: "Night, little beauty, you are here!"

Nothing is sitting on the futon, closing his eyes and raising his breath.

She looked at him and said: "Nowhere, I am alive and back, are you disappointed?"

He opened his eyes and looked at Mu Qianxi, his eyes were extremely calm.

He said: "I have been wrong, so there is no disappointment. You are the soul of the destiny, I already knew that it is not so easy to kill you, but I will not give up. Everything I do is for Your Royal Highness."

"Do not give up!" The sound of nine nights was cold to the extreme.

"His Royal Highness wants to kill me?" In the face of the nine-night killing, the endless is still calm.

"Also! I moved the people who deserved my Highness. Your Highness wants to kill me. So, Your Highness, do it!"

Nine nights are really hands-on, although most of the power is used to control the curse, but this power is still very scary, to kill a person with no rebellious heart, it should be easy!

However, when the power of nine nights is to kill the endless, an invisible force is protecting the boundless.

"Hey!" The deadly attack only made the endless serious injury, and did not let the endless death immediately.

The nine-night ice-blue scorpion became dangerous, and Mu Qian said: "It’s not long before the curse is suppressed. You’re messing around this time. He’s a special existence, it’s really killing! But let me Try it?"

"Good!" Nodded nine nights.

When I heard the words of Mu Qianxi, I felt a slight change in my feelings. "I didn't think that there is a time when there is no shortage of adults." Mu Qianxi faint.

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