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The prison war is about to break out, and Mu Qian’s has not let the people of the ghost medical building still have a reincarnation.

Numerous elixirs were shipped to the Ghost Medical Building, and the Ghost Medical Building stopped selling the drug to the other six prisoners. Instead, it provided the drug to the blood prison party in batch refining.

In this battle, the Ghost Medical Building only supports the blood prison, and supports the nine-night monarch. It is no wonder that the nine-night monarch will give such a big support to the ghost medical building.

When both sides were fully prepared, the imprisoned monarch represented the other six prisoners and slammed the **** monarch.

The gauntlet says that this time the war was broader than the previous one.

After all, the last time only the six monarchs joined forces to deal with the nine-night monarch, and only involved in the fighting.

This time, all the masters of all the prisons have been dispatched, and the number of strong people involved is too much.

Once a party is destroyed, then the big prison will become an empty shell and be controlled by the winner.

This war broke out and blood was dyed throughout the prison. It would not be too much to say that it would become a Shura hell.

As the winner, although he wants to win the entire prison, he does not want a prison that needs to be restored for hundreds of years in the past, so the monarch of the dark prison proposed that they did not fight in the Seven Prisons.

The imprisoned monarch word is a bead, intended to convince nine nights.

After reading the challenge book for nine nights, I asked the woman around him: "How do you feel?"

Purple fainted and turned his eyes, this is a battle to determine the fate of a plane, his house night is so casual.

He is sure, what does Xiaomei say? The night will definitely be settled without saying anything.

Mu Qian said: "The words of this dark prison monarch are not wrong. It is too much trouble to rebuild the prison. And if I have just established a good ghost medical building, I am afraid I will return to zero. However, they Where is the location?"

In addition to the seven prisons, there are other places in the broken void.

Those places are simply not suitable for life and cultivation, and very few people smoke.

Purple secluded: "The masters and the army that can accommodate the seven prisons can withstand this level of fighting without destroying. I think they will only choose one place. That place should be the closest one to the infernal The mainland, a hundred battle cage."

Sure enough, the place written on the letter is also a battle cage. This is the most suitable place. No matter where fierce the fight is, it will not cause any harm to the seven prisons.

Admire a thousand cold, a hundred battle cage!

"That was the first prison in the prison, but after the rise of the seven prisons, the battle of the battle was destroyed, and it was completely abandoned. The legend is caused by a beast, because it is too long, no one Clear the specific situation." Purple secluded.

Even if he is a fierce beast, he lives very long, but it is still very short compared to the inevitable existence of the prison.

Nine nights: "That is a dangerous place, but that place is not bad for them."

The nine-night monarch of the blood prison is in battle, and it is impossible to avoid this war.

But what makes ordinary people happy is that the seven monarchs will not fight in the Seven Prisons, but in a battle that is far from the Seven Prisons.

In this case, it will not reach them.

They will not directly mourn Huang Quan because of the little storm of the strong war.

This is a good thing for them, but it is also destined that they have no chance of seeing a world war in prison.

The **** prisons all gathered in the city of Yushen, forming a square array.

The four major restricted areas dominated the Scarlet City and sent a lot of strong, which made many uninformed people scared.

The **** thorny city is so powerful!

They didn't know that it was superficial, and every strong person in the Scarlet City didn't know how much it was.

Mu Qianxi knows that her family is very strong for nine nights, and there are many strong men under his command, but this battle is, after all, a pair of six instead of one-on-one, so they will never retain their strength, but choose to do their best. First battle.

The entire prison is now full of warfare, and the murderous atmosphere pervades all corners of the prison.

As the time of departure is getting closer, Ziyou is shocked: "What? Little beauty, you have to accompany the night as a **** monarch, and you are not going to be a target for others?"

"No! I am not questioning the strength of Xiaomeiren, but I feel that if you want to participate in the war, it will be better to participate in the war as the owner of the **** thorny city."

"Night, you don't hurry to persuade a little beauty! This is not good, absolutely not!"

The nine-night gaze fell on Mu Qian’s body, and Mu Qianxi said to him: "Nine nights, you listen to my reasons, and then refuse to refuse."

Mu Qianxi said the reason, this time the prison war is not an accident.

Although the three prisoners were not loyal, they suddenly had problems with the anti-water.

"I even feel that there is no limit to all this. I was killed by a avatar. I am now trying my best to bite me! So I can't hide in the blood prison when you try your best to fight. This is completely for him. The opportunity to enter the battlefield, so I have to go to the battlefield."

"As for why not use the identity of the Scarlet City owner, because I want to fight alongside you as your fiancee. If they really think that I am your weakness, I don't know how they died, just hang them. "Mu Qianqi's mouth smirked a smirk.

"Don't worry, I don't only have Crystal Ying, they are there, life is also. The monarchs in the prison world, it is not so easy to move me." Mu Qianxi seized the nine-night hand.

She looked at the pair of ice-blue scorpions that twitched his heart: "Nine nights, what do you think?"

It is not enough for her alone to fight side by side with the power of her alone, but her contractors are not good at dealing with each other, which is part of her strength.

Nine nights stunned Mu Qiandao: "Well! Listen to you, this gentleman is also looking forward to fighting alongside the battle, to win the entire prison."

Purple You was shown a face of love, and it was too sour. He said: "The two of you are slowly communicating, I am going to be busy first."

It’s not unreasonable for Xiaomei’s words. Xiaomei is preparing to play pigs and eat tigers.

It’s time for the prisoners to know how embarrassing the **** prisoners are, and some of them are waiting for the miserable abuse, and they are brightened!

At the thought of this, although although she felt tired physically and mentally, she was full of fighting spirit. The war has already begun, everyone is ready to go, waiting for the nine-night monarch of their **** prison to appear, announce the war, and then set off!

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