Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2464: Dark prison monarch

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Daddy, there was a wave of terror power in the sky, and a black figure appeared in their sight.

The horrible pressure allowed the people present to kneel and kneel on the ground, "Nine-night monarch!"

"See the Lord!"

This is the elite of the entire prison, their voices are like the loudest bells, and they resound through this world.


Someone looked up slightly and found the other party who was not right.

Standing in the air is not just a nine-night monarch, but also a person?

It was a purple girl, and it looked petite in the arms of the nine-night monarch.

Even in the face of such a strong worship, she is still as calm as the nine-night monarch, and has not been scared by this scene.

This is the Princess of the nine-night monarch of their **** prison. It is really a beautiful woman who can't pick any flaws.

But the monarch is about to play, why is it still with Wang Hao? Is the monarch wanting to join the war with Wang Hao?

Hearing the **** prison of Wang Hao, but even the lord level has not arrived, such strength to go to the battlefield of the seven prisons is not enough cannon fodder.

It is said that their monarchs are very confident in their own strength, and they have the absolute grasp to protect Wang Hao.

Although they felt strange in their hearts, they also worried that Wang Hao would be caught by the enemy on the battlefield and become the soft underbelly of the nine-night monarch.

But in the face of a powerful man who looks up, no one dares to make any suggestions.

Nine nights waved: "Go!"

In an instant, a black ray shrouded the city of Yushen, which was opening a large transmission array.

It is not far from a hundred battle cages. It is impossible for such a group of people to rush to the past with great enthusiasm. The seven prisons all choose to use the transmission array to transfer all the elites of the battle to the outside of the cage.

Why is it outside the cage? Because there is a ban on the perimeter of the battle cage, the transmission array cannot be directly transmitted.

Nine nights did not need to transmit the array, he directly hugged Mu Qian, tearing open the void, disappeared into the blood prison.

In the void is endless darkness. When it reaches the destination, Mu Qianxi sees a large bird cage in front. It is a bird cage with a very similar shape.

But this bird cage doesn't know how many times larger than an ordinary bird cage, because it is filled with an endless continent.

Ms. Qian said: "This is the battle cage."

"Well! That's the battlefield."

"Then below, it is infernal!" The eyes of the nine nights looked down at the bottom of the battle cage. It was an endless abyss.

Even if Mu Qianxi uses all his soul power, but can't explore what is the end?

"Is it in prison?" If she can, she now wants to pull into the infernal for nine nights, go to the infernal unicorn and single-handedly defeat him.

For her, the prison is not as good as letting nine nights recover, and everything is fine.

However, she thought of the injury that came back last night, and the strongest dark curse almost broke out. She knew that she must not be impulsive now.

You must find the eternal artifacts that can restrain the infernal unicorns, and the eternal towers of the dark beast towers. Otherwise, they are likely to face the result that the unicorns cannot be reached, and the curse can not be controlled.

At this time, the army of blood prisons was also transmitted to the periphery of the cage.

When they arrived, Mu Qiang felt another strong space fluctuation in this battle cage.

In the blink of an eye, a large army of five times the number of blood prisoners appeared in their opposite places.

The distance is very far, but for the strong, a few breaths can be approached.

Mu Qianxi saw a group of people headed by this army, including the sorcerer of the sorcerer, the ghost lord, and the ghost monarch.

The other four people should be the black prison monarch, the Shura prison monarch, the Raksha Prison monarch, and the imprisoned prison.

The headed person should be the monarch of the imprisonment, and Mu Qian is staring at the imprisoned monarch, and Mu Qian is somewhat surprised.

The face of the dark prison monarch was similar to the three-night night, and the image was not obvious, but she was too familiar with the nine nights and saw it at a glance.

The nine-night monarch has always had a mask, and few people can see his true face. I am afraid no one knows this.

Nine nights, I am more and more tight, and the low way: "Don't look at him!"

The ice-blue scorpion slammed into the prisoner of the dark prison, and for a time the owner of the other party felt a horrible chill. "Hehehe! The nine-night monarch who had heard the blood prison before was not close to the female color, but did not expect that after the last World War, your temper was changed and interested in women. Interested in such an important battle are reluctant. Leave your woman." The prisoner’s mouth is licking a corner

Smile, play the way.

"Really a fragile little girl! Put her in such a danger. Do you really love her for the nine-night monarch? But also, people like you will have no feelings at all!"

"If you want to come to this side of the king, you will definitely take good care of you and will not let you see the cruel war."

This monarch of the Dark Prison is a blatantly digging corner of the nine-night monarch!

The murderous atmosphere broke out in the void, and it has not yet entered the prescribed battlefield. It has already started in nine nights.

Who made this prisoner of the imprisonment violate the nine-night scale.

At this time, Mu Qianxi said: "I refuse, you are old and ugly, and my family is not good at nine nights. Why should I go to your side? Even if it is dangerous, it is dangerous to you."

In the face of the six monarchs, Mu Qiang is still exceptionally arrogant, and also arrogant and particularly emboldened.

The secret prisoner said: "It seems that your little girl is so mad by the nine-night monarch's lawlessness! When you are in danger, don't cry!"

The imprisoned monarch blocked the nine-night attack and said: "Enter the battle cage!"

Nine nights cold channel: "Go in!"

"Hey!" The inexhaustible powers plundered the battle cage.

As they approached, a sharp birding sound suddenly came out.

When the sound of the birds came out, a cold breath came and everyone was stunned. It seemed that something was wrong.

The battle cages have been abandoned for so long, and few people come here, and they don’t know much about them.

However, the great monarchs are very confident in their own strengths, and they believe that no matter what the dangers in this prison, they will never be able to stop them.

When they broke through the banned battles of the hundred battles and really entered the space of the battle cage, they seemed to feel the infinite number of deaths in this space.

A huge array of methods was opened, and the space of the cages was divided and staggered, and everyone was at a loss. "What happened in the end?"

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