Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2465: Calculate again

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In the nine nights, I want to hug Mu Qian, and Ms. Qian said: "This space array is really a big deal! Nine nights, I doubt..."

The nine-night arms were instantly empty, and the power of a space took Mu Qianxi away. Muji said: "Nine nights, calm down, this battle, you have to win! I will go to meet you."

"Hey, if I shoot, the power of this space is not enough to take you away, but you! I won't let me shoot." Crystal Ying sounded.

"This method is very powerful. Just like the space means that nowhere is in the **** swamp, you can feel it in Crystal Ying? Isn't it the third time? Let me see and see!" Mu Qianxiao laughed. .

"You are confident in your child, you dare to take risks, I am afraid that one person will be counted. The first Prophet of the Protoss selected by Heaven, his mind is not terrible. I am afraid that you are in danger." Shen channel.

"Nothing wants to kill me. I use the pressure he has caused me to improve. I know this is a dangerous move, but once it is successful, it is good."

In the midst of desperation, a stronger potential can erupt.

In the **** purgatory, her body became stronger. This time she wants to use this danger to break through the first or even the second.

She followed the nine nights to participate in this prison battle, and she did not intend to stay in the nine-night protection circle. There was no challenge. What did she come here? Applause to cheer for nine nights?

Crystal Ying firmly said: "I will protect my nephew. He is just a chess piece of Heaven and Protoss. He even wants to kill his children. It is simply delusional."

Out of the broken void, Mu Qiang fell on the ground.

The endless use of such a space array method, the two large numbers of the whole into a single unit, scattered in the cage of this hundred battles.

Both sides can find companions, form teams and then destroy the enemy, or they can act alone to destroy the enemy.

This infinite array of tactics complicates a simple positive group, but it is not good for blood prisoners because there are fewer blood prisoners.

Even if the nine nights are strong enough as a monarch, the disadvantages in the number of people will make the blood prisoner suffer heavy casualties.

Nowadays, the number is too large, and the number of people does not necessarily have an advantage.

Endless, although deliberately want to put her to death, but the loyalty of the nine nights is not a fake.

It is a kind of loyalty that is willing to pay for life and is willing to give life.

This is a sinister six-prison, helping the blood prison.

Of course, his real purpose is to keep her away from the nine nights, so set up some plots against her!

Now the seal he set on the nine nights has been erased by nine nights. He can't control the curse to make it break out, forcing nine nights to fall asleep. I am afraid that I want to use other prisoners to contain nine nights. At the time, do it to her.

With the experience of being counted by the endless two, Mu Qianxi now also learns to analyze the ideas and plans of the endless, and will not be prepared as before.

Mu Qianxi looked at the pitted ground, and there were a lot of white bones in front, like large Warcraft, and human bones...

Not only that, she is still in the cage of this battle, feeling the death of gas.

I once saw the tree of death, and Mu Qian’s death is the same as that of the tree of death. This battle cage is not simple and dangerous.

But think about it too, the place where you chose to leave him in the dead, is naturally not a comfortable place.

I am afraid, only he is well aware of this one-hundred battle cage.

Mu Qian said: "First go to the blood prisoner, look for the **** thorny city people, by the way to investigate the situation of this hundred battle cage."

At this time, nine people fell to a place in the night. He wanted to determine the position of the cockroach directly through the crystal, but it caused space interference...

"Boundless!" Nine nights cold spit out these two words.

"Then kill the six people first!" The power of the nine nights began to pervade the entire battle cage, allowing the people around to feel the nine-night atmosphere.

"On the side of the Lord? Let's hurry."

"It’s a nine-night monarch, let’s hurry!”

This horrible atmosphere makes the reaction of the two parties completely different.

At this time, in a palace outside the cage of the battle, this palace is an artifact, a white figure of the moon is now blood.

"Hey!" He still vomited blood in a frenzy, didn't stop.

"To deal with a little girl, as for it! Hey, look at hurting you like this, you must be finished with this one! Unlimited adults." Behind him, there is a black figure.

He looked at the endless, there was no blood, and he couldn’t climb up, and his face showed a playful smile.

"You are so miserable. When I am going to catch your master, I don't think you have the strength to stop it! Why are you?"

There is no end to the cold road: "Just by you! Impossible, don't dream. The nine nights will definitely kill you."

"You are still confident in him as always! Don't you know that he was in my jail, but let me kill him completely, then it's a little bit, then powerless... It's so cute!"

"You are looking for death!" The endless face is hard to read, and no one is allowed to smash his noble nine-night.

"Then you are alive, wait and see!"

The battle cages are full of devastation, and the thousands of shackles can be felt. The gas of death can be felt more and more with the passage of time.

Ordinary people can't sense this change, but Mu Qian's soul is strong enough, so this subtle change can't escape his perception.

Even if there is no experience in dealing with the endless, Mu Qianxi does not know that he has set up a few traps. The calculation of the endless stick is definitely one after another.

The battle cages were large, they were scattered and opened, and Mu Qianyu passed through the remains of a city.

Fighting, the ruins of the years have destroyed it without a trace of the past.

And Mu Qianzhen also met a group of people here, and is still a group of very good-looking women, looking at the dress, Mu Qianji guessed that this is a prisoner.

"There is a little sister here! I don't know which party it belongs to?"

"Sister, your eyes are not good! You can't see it, this woman is a **** prisoner!" "Poor Wang Hao! Leave the **** prison for nine nights, the blessing of the monarch, alone in this ridiculous Above the battlefield, this delicate flower will wither!"

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