Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2478: Looking for opportunities

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"Hey!" They rushed into the ancient ruins at the fastest speed.

After entering the ruins, they felt that their breathing should be smooth, and they would have a chance to die.

Purple whispered: "The guys are running very fast. They like this ancient ruins so much, so let them die directly here?"

They walked in this ancient ruins, feeling that there was movement in front, but there was no breath of living people.

In front of them they saw a black armor army, and they slammed powerfully: "The ruins of the fierce thunder monarch, the intruder, killing innocent!"

A thousand miles, a fiery fire, a thunder, and a monarch, which is the monarch of the prison period?

Purple secluded road: "The monarch of 10,000 years ago, even got a relic in the battle cage, do not know what treasure is hidden?"

"Resolve this army first," said Mu Qian.

"Yes." Under the command of Mu Qian and Zi You, everyone rushed to this army.

"Booming!" The two sides fought fiercely, but the blood prison is better.

After all, the composition of their team is very embarrassing. If you change to another team to deal with this black armor, it will definitely be wiped out.

After defeating these black homes, they continued to move forward, and another team swept the guards of this ruins all the way.

The monarch was 10,000 years ago, but he has been dead for many years. The strength of the people he left behind cannot naturally be compared with the army of the seven prisons today, not to mention the two monarchs sitting here.

These black armor can no longer block the footsteps of these outsiders, only to let them enter the cemetery where the Flame Thunder monarch finally slept.

When the door was pushed open, a low voice came. "After 10,000 years, there are finally friends in prison who have arrived here."

"The Flame Thunder Monarch!" Mu Qianxi looked at the empty cemetery.

At this time, the team of Shuluo Prison and the Dark Prison also came, and they did not expect to be one step slower than the blood prisoners.

Seeing that some of these guys are coming, the blood prisoners are ready to fight.

At this time, the flame thunder monarch said: "You came to my cemetery, it is the fate, if there is any battle, go out and fight. My site, you are not allowed to destroy!"

"Booming!" Thunder came out.

This is the site of the Flame Thunder Monarch. If he does not follow his rules, his Thunder punishment will come.

Phoenix has no seaway: "You are right to say that since we are all here, what benefits can be obtained is not determined by force. This kind of thing is a chance." Thunder King said: "It seems that you kid." I really want to get my chance, I can give you a chance, the chance is in this door. But it is full of my thunder, as long as you can block the power of the Thunder, then You can get your chance.

A door appeared in front of them, but the flames of the thunder and the monarch were too good to speak. Mu Qian said: "Everyone, stay here and stand by! When there is danger, immediately retreat. Purple, you accompany me Go find the chance? Do you dare?"

Purple smiled and said: "What are you afraid of?"

It’s not stupid to come here, nor is it a bit of a singer who has never seen a baby, and they are not too impulsive to hear the words of his thunder and thunder.

The main road of Shura domain: "There is no sea hall, or you will stay outside and wait. I will take people to look at it, so that you will not let the sea hall be in danger."

Phoenix No Seaway: "The people I bring can protect my safety. Do you want to go alone?"

"Our my Highness is going in, then go in!"

"it is good!"

Even if they are allies, they are not completely trusting each other.

There are only two people, Mu Qianxi and Ziyou, but there are more than a dozen people on the other side. I must be sure to have a chance for it.

Silver Purple Road: "Would you like to bring some people in?"

"I and Ziyou are even dangerous, can safely retreat, rest assured!" She is not sure what the flames of the Thunder monarch is playing, so she and Ziyou advanced to test the situation.

"it is good!"

The Flame Thunder Monarch said: "You can go in!"


When their figure rushed in, the flashing door closed, and the former thunderous monarch who felt very amiable suddenly burst into laughter. "Ha ha ha! The monarch-level powerhouses have gone in, then you also Not a threat."

The silver-violet complexion changed greatly. "What do you mean?"

Next, they felt that there was a terrible warfare around them, there was war, but there were no enemies...


Silver Purple Road: "Be careful, it is a soul attack! Everyone concentrates on the soul and pays attention to the movements of the Quartet."

Flame Thunder Monarch: "Array, Strangle!"

"A group of daring future generations, since you dare to enter my cemetery, then your destiny is to become my sacrifice. This can not escape, can not escape."

The atmosphere of the cemetery has also become weird, and the two sides who had ceased to fight have continued to kill.

There are enemies on the bright side, and some of the souls in the dark are attacking them. This situation is very unfavorable for both sides, but the scene is out of control.

The flames of the thunder and the monarchs have a chance to completely open their leaders, and an army that has no supreme commander has become a mess.

Silver Purple Road: "Everyone calms down, the enemy is going to be destroyed! The souls in the dark are also prepared, we must hold them and wait for them to come out."

"Yes!" They replied powerfully.

"Rumble!" At this time, Mu Qian, who entered the door, was attacked by a horrible thunder.

"Purple secluded, flashing away!" Mu Qianxi pushed the purple secluded away, and a thunderbolt fell on her body.

Phoenix has no seaway: "It’s really a self-effacing person. When I got to this, I even had the heart to save the purple."

"You, you must protect me! This power of lightning, I still can't hurt me." Phoenix has no way to open the road.

What surprised him was that Mu Qiang came out safely from the thunder and did not suffer multiple injuries.

Purple and helpless said: "Little beauty, I am a thunder and lightning body, this lightning can not make much harm to me."

These lightnings make people feel that they are not hurting. Mu Qianqi himself cultivated the practice of refining the body. Some of the powers of lightning that he encountered before were much stronger than this. There is nothing else in this thunder and lightning area, and no treasure is seen. Phoenix has no sea anger: "What is the chance that the old thing that has died for 10,000 years is playing us?"

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