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"Rumble!" Just as the phoenix was without the sea, they were ready to leave, and there was another thunderous sound in the sky.

They did not put the power of this lightning in their eyes at all. The cultivation of the Thousand Miles itself was the practice of lightning and refining, and it has been dealing with many lightnings for countless times. It is natural to detect that the lightning that is about to be lowered is extraordinary.

Mu Qian’s face sank and shouted: “Purple!”

Purple secluded road: "Little beauty, what's wrong?"

"Beside me, be careful."

Before, she didn't know what the weak thunderbolt was meant to be. Now she may understand that it was just to paralyze them and let them take it lightly.

"Well! I know."

"Booming!" A burst of thunder, not only that, this giant thunder is accompanied by a burning flame.

Thunder in the fire, the fire in the thunder, this power is much stronger than before.


When Mu Qiang felt the danger, there was thunder and fire. She directly used the lightning refining method and the flame refining method!

"Boom!" Mu Qiang blocked the thunder and did not let them fall on the purple.

The flames of the Thunder monarch, who paralyzed their practices, played a role in the phoenix-free sea. When they realized that the power of lightning was unusual, it was already a little late!

"Ah!" A scream came out, and the strongman on their side was injured several times.

If such a horrible thunderbolt really squats on the body of Phoenix, there is no fear that the sea will be wiped out, but his old man is the prisoner of the prison, and he has many artifacts to save his life.

Abolished a high-level artifact, and finally saved his life, and the rest of his life, he has some feelings.

"I don't want to protect my highness soon." Huang Wuhai shouted.

Shura Jun said: "Without the sea, I don't have any chance to see it here. Here is the trap that the Thunder Monarch made, deliberately to deal with us. We must leave here soon."

It’s no big deal to resist the fire and thunder with the strength of the Shura monarch, but he dare not take risks here, knowing that the trap is still waiting.

Phoenix without the sea: "There is nothing wrong with the Shura monarch, we are leaving here immediately! Give this temple the way to find a way to leave, hurry up..."


Purple secluded road: "Little beauty, even let you block this lightning strike, you are all right! After all, this lightning has the power of fire." Mu Qianxi shook his head: "If there is something, I will not reluctantly, and Is it pulling you to block the thunder, do you think that I will be polite? I have cultivated the flame quenching method in addition to the practice of quenching the body of the thunder, and my practice of refining the body has reached a bottleneck. This Thunder monarch sent Good thing, right

For me, there is nothing wrong with it, it is too much. ”

After Mu Qian’s lightning strike, the effect is very satisfactory. The two refining exercises can be cultivated at the same time, and they will be able to upgrade to the next level at the fastest speed.

Phoenix has no sea, they have been pitted in a rush, and Mu Qiang feels that the flames of the thunder are good.

"Purple quiet, you want to go out! I am afraid that they are also dangerous outside, I will stay here to quench the body, can not miss this opportunity." Mu Qianxi on the purple channel.

"Little beauty, do you want to stay alone here?" Purple stunned.

"Do not worry! There is no problem! You should be worried about yourself, find a way to go out safely, don't be seriously injured by Lei Beng." Mu Qianhui replied.

"Then you are careful, if you have something wrong, the night will never let me go."

"Booming!" When the next wave of thunder and lightning fell, Ziyou rushed out to find the exit.

Phoenix has no sea. Their purpose is the same. He said: "I heard that the purple lord Lord is loyal to the nine-night monarch. Now that he has encountered danger, the woman who has left the nine-night monarch ran away. If the nine-night monarch knew it. I am afraid I won’t trust you so much in the future."

The purple icy cockroaches said to them: "A big fool."

"Purple quiet, what do you mean?" Phoenix has no sea anger.

They went out, and Mu Qiang went in. As they went inside, the power of the thunder and lightning that came across would be stronger, and her body could be hardened.

Seeing that Muqian has disappeared into their sights, and Ziyou did not put that woman in her heart, that woman must die.

"Booming!" Once and for all, the flames tempered their bodies, and Mu Qian felt that the flesh was slowly becoming stronger. As long as the flames here were powerful enough, it was not a problem for the body to reach the level of the Lord.

Purple and Phoenix without the sea, they rushed out of this area of ​​lightning, forcibly opened an exit, and when they rushed out, they found their men were killing.

"Monarch! Please order, destroy them!"

"Purple Respected Lord!"

The two sides have already lost their eyes and cannot stop. Only by destroying one party can they retreat.

Purple secluded channel: "Kill! Kill their pieces without leaving!"

"Ha ha ha! It’s so fast, your strength is beyond my expectations. The strength of the monarch in this prison seems to be quite good."

Although they came out, they were all seriously injured. They had to fight hard, otherwise there would be only one result, and both lose!

Once the two lose, it can only make this sinister and sinister flame Thunder monarch cheap.

"What about our urban masters?" Purple came out, but the **** thorny city people did not see Mu Qianxi.

Purple secluded road: "Little beauty is practicing."

Silver purple, cultivation! He thought of the horrible cultivation method that used to be in the thunder and lightning. This time it was...

"I will lie to you not to do it? You should give me a good fight, don't let the little beauty come out when you all hang up, it is really shameful." Purple secluded to them.

Blood four: "Then you better not lie to us."

"Booming!" There are countless thunder and lightning, and the envy of the Millennium is burning, and the flames are burning, and Mu Qianxi is here.

The power of these thunder and lightning, in the area created by the spirits of the tyrants before the death of the monarch, he wanted to make such a region to go to the pits of some powerful intruders, but it turned out to help The powerful auxiliary force of the millennium cultivation.

Mu Qiang felt that his body had undergone a powerful transformation and became more powerful. He did not need any defensive means, and the next lord might not be able to hurt her half.

At the end of the practice of refining the body, she was somewhat worried about the situation outside, and was ready to find the exit, but found a stone monument in front of it. What seems to be written on this stone tablet.

I have created such a large area of ​​danger, and I am sure that I am protecting something. This is the place where the power of lightning is strong. If there is something that is guardian, then it must be here. Stone monument, Mu Qianxi intends to look at the past.

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