Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2480: Raksha Monarch

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"Rumble!" When Mu Qianqi was close to the stone monument, he encountered a stronger lightning attack, but these flames and lightning have not hurt her.

Mu Qiang stood in front of the stone tablet. The above text is not complicated. It records a forbidden technique, a forbidden technique that can control the soul.

It is because of this ban, the Flame Thunder Monarch can save his army, and even his soul can remain for thousands of years.

This set of bans is not difficult to master. After seeing it, Mu Qianxi knows it well. She also knows that the strongest state of the black armor is not the state before, but the state of the soul, and the gloom. The dead bird of the dead bird.

This place is where the Flame Thunder monarch deliberately led them. His next step is probably to start with their army and must go out quickly.

Thunder's interference makes the export so difficult to find, and Mu Qian does not need to avoid this lightning, so it is not difficult to find an exit.

When Mu Qianxi found the exit and rushed out, it was very bad outside. This situation of losing both sides of the situation made the soldiers of the soul state extremely excited and took the opportunity to attack.

Countless medicine needles flew over and treated the injured person. The blood prisoner saw the color of surprise on Mu Qian’s face. The purple singer did not lie to him.

"This slag, I dare to count my people." Mu Qianshao cold channel.

They are also very embarrassed, and he said with anger: "Who are you talking about slag? When will you count them?"

Mu Qian said: "It’s not you who said it, you just have to be seated, and there is no way."

The soul power of Mu Qianxi broke out, and the army of the thunder and thunder monarch did not dare to approach the army of blood prisoners. The soul of Mu Qian’s soul could block thousands of people.

"You..." It was already amazing to be alive in the field of the thunder and thunder. I didn't think her soul was so strong.

"Do you start! What are you afraid of?" The thunder lord roared, and a powerful traction controlled the complete hands of these armed forces. She no longer feared the deterrent of the Millennium, and once again swung back toward them. .

Mu Qian said: "You are not very skilled in learning from the ban to death. Now it is just like this?"

"What do you mean? What do you mean by this, are you..." The Flame Thunder monarch was shocked, and soon Mu Qianji used his actual actions to verify his conjecture.

The horrible soul power swept through every corner of the cemetery of the Flame Thunder Monarch, directly cutting off the connection between the Flame Thunder Monarch and his army.

The Flame Thunder monarch completely became the commander of the light pole. The general of an army went to the front of Mu Qianxi. He was thankful to Mu Qian.

The Flame Thunder Monarch is his loyal monarch, but he killed them one by one when he was about to die. He also took out their souls and was completely manipulated by him.

Their loyalty does not mean that they are the Virgin. Being treated like this to the flames of the Thunder monarch, this selfish and self-interested person has already hated the extreme, but they are controlled by everything, and there is no way to resist.

"Also ask the adults to find him, we want to take revenge." He pleaded.

"Dare to count me, hit my men, even if you don't say I will smack him." Mu Qian's eyes flashed a fierce color.

The Flame Thunder monarch was found out by Mu Qiang, "Booming!" Numerous lightnings fell from the sky. He said with anger: "Okay, you are very good! I dare to betray me, and dare to betray me!"

The horrible thunder came out, this ruin was broken, and the Shura monarch’s face changed dramatically. He hurriedly said: “Retreat! Retreat immediately!”

Purple secluded channel: "I have wanted to fight with this deity for so many years, find death!"

This flame Thunder monarch is not a purple opponent. He and Mu Qiang joined forces to suppress the soul of this guy. "I am the strongest monarch in the prison, the most powerful..."

This is his obsession, and he never gives up after death.

"Hey! The strongest monarch, you can't live without it." Purple sneer smiled.

Mu Qian said: "If you want to take revenge, take revenge! He is not your opponent."

"Thank you!"

"Catch!" The Shura monarchs ran first, and Mu Qian did not want to let them go so easily.


Phoenix No Seaway: "What the **** is that woman?"

Shura Jun said: "I don't know, she is not killed by the Thunder, the soul is still so strong, the woman who can be seen by the nine-night monarch, it is not ordinary! We will first meet your father!"

When the Shura monarchs went out, they saw another team. They were not like the enemy, but the allies. The Shura monarch said: "It is the people of Luozhe prison."

The appearance of the Lord of the Rakshasa is very special. The position of the five senses is like being misplaced. It looks very strange.

He said: "Isn't this the Shura and the Sea of ​​the Sea? What is there in the ruins? How did you become so embarrassed?"

Where did the Shura monarch say that he was pitted, he said: "Prison is in the blood prison."

"Have you met the nine-night monarch?" The Raksha Prison chief was alarmed.

"No, if you meet a nine-night monarch, then you may not only suffer such a hurt now!" he said again.

At this time, they were chased by people.

Luochao Jun said: "It is just a purple lord, let you become so embarrassed, I said Shura your strength is not good!"

"Rahsor, are you a little detained?" Purple anger.

"You are more powerful, not the opponent of our two people. Raksha, we will work together to solve the nine-night monarch's right arm purple lord, and then go to the dark monarch to deal with the nine-night monarch." Road.

It’s hard to beat them hard before. Now they have an advantage in this team. The blood prisoners are destined to be completely annihilated. They are naturally not polite.

Purple chills: "Kill! I am afraid that you will not be?"

Even if it was damaged a lot, the army of blood prisoners is still strong in morale. Under the order of Ziyou, they rushed to the enemy's army without fear.

"Boom!" The two sides once again played against each other. Purple is facing two monarchs.

The two monarchs of Shurao Prison and Raksha Prison are not comparable to those of Yuji, and they are confronted with them. The situation on the side of the blood prison is very unfavorable.

Phoenix did not have a cold light in the sea, and finally he could take revenge. He said, "Where is that woman? Where did she hide? Give me to catch her." He found that Mu Qianxi disappeared and disappeared. Phoenix does not have a sea lane: "Looking, she must have been hiding. That is a woman who is a nine-night phoenix. She must catch her and then torture her."

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